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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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We don't know that because he is only 2 hours in to a job but his speech was very promising for hoping ALL Americans unite and prosper. Let's wait until we declare an emergency.

We already know what they plan to gut funding wise. And we know their platform. And we know the laws they want to enact. And we know etc. etc. etc.
Please, don't be so disingenuous. That speech was horrifying and the future looks bleak for everyone that will be targeted.
You may be delusional. Did President Obama say he was illegitimate? Did the Intelligence Community say he was illegitimate? Did the voting systems get hacked?


If something is found to be worthy of removal, then there are ways and procedures to do handling removing a person from office. At this point, you are calling for violence against the person who you did not want to win. You are being undemocratic.

Pretty sure the way your boy won is undemocratic but fuck it yolo and what not its fine for your team and shit for anyone else right? Not to mention that little provision in the declaration saying we can remove the government and replace it with a new one if it isn't working anymore. Seems the will of a majority of the people being ignored in the last 16 years would be a good definition of broken don't you think?


Populism is a staple of every election in Portugal, but not to the extent we've seen in the US - also, we have a political spectrum worthy of that name. There are actually diverging ideas, not just memes, slogans and damning quotes. And we have a Socialist Government, supported by the so-called "radical left". To compare the Portuguese situation to the American one is ridiculous. Fascism is not on the rise in our country, we still remember what that felt like.

But Populism doesn't mean Fascism.

What I mean is Populism is very much a big part of our country, and much more so than in the USA unlike what you're saying.

Just look at how every single time we near a election there are big infrastructure works and investments to appease voters and show that they get things done. Also, if you notice, the far left (which is as far as you can go from Fascism) is usually the biggest proponent of Populism - all those billboards by BE or PCP are mostly populist propaganda.

I do agree that we have a broader political spectrum, but not that we resort to less Populism than the USA :p


Undoubtedly. Trump is pretty much their new Jesus, though.

The nutty ones, yeah... Like my whole family sans my sister, who is VERY Christian and basically broke down bawling when Trump won, then was depressed for the next entire week.

I don't understand their Lord and Savior Donald Jesus Trump. I just... don't. What they're seeing, how he will "save" Christianity...


I'm a Christian and I just had to chime in that this is a ridiculous statement. Obama and the media have done absolutely nothing to make my life any worse. This ridiculous concept that Christians in this country are somehow persecuted needs to stop.

Some people have a really narrow idea of what qualifies as Christian. They assume everyone who would proclaim themselves Christian must be a conservative and likely Evangelist but honestly some of the most liberal people I know are a group of Christian religious studies majors who consider progressive activism an act of faith.


Right. I just find it disturbing. Never do I feel like someone else's rights should be restricted due to my own religious beliefs. I have to believe it all stems back to people using the Christian guise to exhibit their racism and sexism.
That's exactly what it is. They feel theeir rights are being stepped on because they can't refuse gays something just because they are gay. They are using their religion as a scapegoat and acting butthurt because we've been down this road before in a different way and won't allow it to fly again.
So you have just turned a blind eye to his appointees and shit he has actually said.

I don't think it's possible for these people to argue in good faith. We have a lifetime of information to back up what a disgusting con-man Trump is, combined with many terrible cabinet picks, coming off the most infuriating election season ever. The fact he actually wants to elect extremely conservative Supreme Court justices will be reason enough to fucking riot.
The nutty ones, yeah... Like my whole family sans my sister, who is VERY Christian and basically broke down bawling when Trump won, then was depressed for the next entire week.

I don't understand their Lord and Savior Donald Jesus Trump. I just... don't. What they're seeing, how he will "save" Christianity...

Some people have a really narrow idea of what qualifies as Christian. They assume everyone who would proclaim themselves Christian must be a conservative and likely Evangelist but honestly some of the most liberal people I know are a group of Christian religious studies majors who consider progressive activism an act of faith.

Funny how this worked out, since Trump is most likely an atheist.

Wasn't there a study done a while back saying that an atheist presidential candidate was the least likely to win? Like, it had a lower chance than being a Muslim or LGBT.


So does the suspension of reduction of the FHA mortgage insurance premium rates mean that my 3.25% that I qualified for could go up to 10% now?
Some people have a really narrow idea of what qualifies as Christian. They assume everyone who would proclaim themselves Christian must be a conservative and likely Evangelist but honestly some of the most liberal people I know are a group of Christian religious studies majors who consider progressive activism an act of faith.

I think it also depends upon your denomination honestly.
Some people have a really narrow idea of what qualifies as Christian. They assume everyone who would proclaim themselves Christian must be a conservative and likely Evangelist but honestly some of the most liberal people I know are a group of Christian religious studies majors who consider progressive activism an act of faith.

I personally hate religion, but that is something I can appreciate, want to be closer to Jesus, act like he did!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So does the suspension of reduction of the FHA mortgage insurance premium rates mean that my 3.25% that I qualified for could go up to 10% now?

I don't believe the new rates were going into effect until after the turn of the month, were they?
So you have just turned a blind eye to his appointees and shit he has actually said.

I don't think it's possible for these people to argue in good faith. We have a lifetime of information to back up what a disgusting con-man Trump is, combined with many terrible cabinet picks, coming off the most infuriating election season ever. The fact he actually wants to elect extremely conservative Supreme Court justices will be reason enough to fucking riot.

Some of these folks are real desperate to salute this fake university creating, pussy grabber huh?


I'm a Christian and I just had to chime in that this is a ridiculous statement. Obama and the media have done absolutely nothing to make my life any worse. This ridiculous concept that Christians in this country are somehow persecuted needs to stop.

Well to be fair, Christians are now expected to bake cakes and sign marriage certificates. I do kind of see their point. Somebody needs to do something.

But seriously thanks for chiming in with your viewpoint as a Christian. Christians are not persecuted or seeing their rights stripped away in any form.


watching the protest stream side by side with inaugural ball stream with pelosi kissing ass is wow. i understand its a dog and pony show but damn.
Trump is not an atheist. He follows a sect of Christianity that believes that being wealthy is a sign God Ioves you. One of the woman who led a prayer during the inauguration is a televangelist of this sect. She is very close to Trump. These people have deluded themselves into believing they are wealthy because they were chosen by God.


Pretty sure the way your boy won is undemocratic but fuck it yolo and what not its fine for your team and shit for anyone else right? Not to mention that little provision in the declaration saying we can remove the government and replace it with a new one if it isn't working anymore. Seems the will of a majority of the people being ignored in the last 16 years would be a good definition of broken don't you think?

Okay, take SG-17's advice, and start an armed insurrection.

I would suggest before you do, you take a few U.S. civics classes first.
Rule: Made in america, Buy in America -- Says the guys that's been doing the exact opposite his entire business life, while stiffing those actually doing the work.

...and you got losers on here celebrating this con man? Have some fucking dignity and stop with the "concern trolling" nonsense.


Drumpf is not an atheist. He follows a sect of Christianity that believes that being wealthy is a sign God Ioves you. One of the woman who led a prayer during the inauguration is a televangelist of this sect. She is very close to Drumpf. These people have deluded themselves into believing they are wealthy because they were chosen by God.

I have seen nothing in any of his actions or words that marks him as a Christian. He strikes me as a narcissist whose god is himself, regardless of his public professions.
I can barely buy a decent house at 3.25, if it goes to 10 I don't know how I ever will be.

This has nothing to do with mortgage rates, just rates on insurance for FHA

"FHA reduced its annual mortgage insurance fee by 0.25%, but the action was repealed just hours after the Inauguration.
According to housing policy sources, the fee cut was one of the changes made by the previous administration to be put on the chopping block.
The change is an effective quarter-point hike on FHA loans, costing home buyers that use the program an average of $500 their first year of homeownership.
The question remains whether the cut is delayed or repealed completely. The HUD Secretary nominee, Ben Carson, is to review the fee reduction and its potential effect on FHA's balance sheet.
This situation is "wait and see" for now. After Inauguration Day, FHA policy could have a big impact on borrowers."
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