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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.



Lol damn what a stare down..
I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

I mean, we've had over a year of racist backwards rhetoric to go on. It's not like we're going into this blind.


Holy hell, the Republicans at this... whatever this address is. They're all acting as if Trump is some sort of saviour that can save them. They ALL know he's not fit. They ALL know he doesn't want to do the job. Beleiving in them and they're fellow Republicans is one thing, but the amount of faith they are putting into Trump to change things is astounding


Christians aren't expected to bake cakes, the Colorado laws stated that you couldn't use religion to discriminate against customers. That Baker fucked up by using his beliefs to not service the gay couple.

And there are so many tax benefits and deferments in the marriage institution that it shouldn't be seen as a strictly religious ceremony.

don't like it then start separating church and state powers

You may have missed my sarcasm, but I agree with you.
I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

For those of us who have followed this man's campaign for 18 months, learned about his sordid past, and seen his inability to change even after winning, it's going to be bad until he proves otherwise. This is not a blank slate individual, we know what he is.


I wonder if he'll do anything to stop automation. I mean his whole "bring back factories" speech kinda ignores the fact that factories will need less and less workers by the year.

This might give him some early good results but it seems like a bad medium to long term strategy.

I feel like he was saying that to flaunt the things important to him, like his status, rather than it being a message about how he's for helping people.

I didn't think of that but it also makes sense.


I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

We're not blind to reality/try to downplay it like Trump supporters do. That's why.


I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

Do me a favor. Give me one good reason, just one, that I should believe otherwise.
I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

Shame on people for looking at Trump and Republicans past words and actions and judging them by it. Shame on them indeed


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.
What the fuck? We are going off of what has already been presented to us over and over this election.
Holy hell, the Republicans at this... whatever this address is. They're all acting as if Trump is some sort of saviour that can save them. They ALL know he's not fit. They ALL know he doesn't want to do the job. Beleiving in them and they're fellow Republicans is one thing, but the amount of faith they are putting into Trump to change things is astounding

Uhh i dont think faith is the right word. Trump is here for fame and rallies and TV apperances. Pence and the republicans are going to be the ones actually running the country, and there isnt much the democrats can do about it for at least 2 years.


I wonder if he'll do anything to stop automation. I mean his whole "bring back factories" speech kinda ignores the fact that factories will need less and less workers by the year.

This might give him some early good results but it seems like a bad medium to long term strategy.

I didn't think of that but it also makes sense.

What can you do?

Hey companies of the world! Be less profitable!

"You got it chief! Bring back the workers we don't want to pay!!"



I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

Dude, you have an Adventure Time avatar. Do you think Finn or Jake would be even remotely okay with anything Trump has said or stands for?


I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

Why should we expect anything else. Trump isn't the leader for the people, it's for himself, his family and business partners who will help him. This government is for the few people who happen to be in cahoots with big corporations or leading them. Mix that with their beliefs, yeah no thanks. There is no wait and see. Writing is on the wall.


In 1996: http://www.politico.com/blogs/ben-smith/2009/01/obama-backed-same-sex-marriage-in-1996-015306

Again, he played the politics game, while making sure to put people in place that would make progress(a foregone conclusion you aren't gonna stop) 100% a reality. He knew what he was doing.
Oh okay so Obama can have a liquid opinion but Trump must be taken 100% literally.

That's a fair standard.

Like I say, just wait and see. If the actual policies are shit, I will protest louder than any of you.

However you are saying Trump's rhetoric is evil but anyone else's rhetoric is OK and political.


Unconfirmed Member
I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

He campaigned for a year and a half and we heard his views!

What the god damn hell. Why do people like YOU always ignore this shit? WHY?


I'm seeing people say that Liberals are just as bad right now as the Right when Obama was elected.


Donald J Trump, caught on tape saying he grabs women by the pussy and has 12 allegations of misconduct against him, calls illegals rapist, but some he assumes are good people, says a judge shouldn't be on his case because he is Mexican and therefore not bias to him, talking about finding a 12 year old so beautiful he stopped and ha to ask who she was, telling younger girls that some day he could date them, talk of deporting all undocumented people, talk of building a Muslim registry, calling msm fake news and already taking steps to silence them, legal cases involving fraud, bankruptcy that destroyed thousands of lives, possible ties to Russia and certainly hired people involved with Russia, hiring the most corrupt and wealthy people for his cabinet, led the birther movement against the sitting president, calling people losers and it's not their fault they are fucked up, mocking a disabled reporter, telling Black people their lives are so bad they have nothing to lose...

Is not the same as people saying it's supposed to be The WHITE House, he'll probably get assassinated, he's a Muslim BARACK HUSEEIN, he's not even an American.


Just saying.

I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

Quoting myself from earlier, but yeah, shame on me for making my mind up. SHAME.


He campaigned for a year and a half and we heard his views!

What the god damn hell. Why do people like YOU always ignore this shit? WHY?
but what if he does the opposite of what he's been saying for the past year??!?!?!!?!!/

cant we just all come together #unity


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Oh okay so Obama can have a liquid opinion but Trump must be taken 100% literally.

That's a fair standard.

Like I say, just wait and see. If the actual policies are shit, I will protest louder than any of you.

However you are saying Trump's rhetoric is evil but anyone else's rhetoric is OK and political.

Bowing out now.
Come on.
I'm so embarrassed today to be an American. Being an immigrant and having many friends and family overseas and having them ask me in bewilderment for the last couple months what the fuck is wrong with America has been pretty tough. I don't really have a great answer.

Having family worried about me and my family about being in danger due to racial violence also sucks.


I can see everyone's already made their minds up though. I hope for the best for America. Shame the people of Neogaf have already made their minds up that everything is going to be awful.

Man, I appreciate your optimism, I do. I really do.

I just...man...through the dude's rhetoric, speeches, and how he has essentially conducted himself in public through the last few years....I just can't see it working out.

But hey....man...hope springs eternal.


never left the stone age

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Trump inauguration speech "Hitlerian"

MSNBC's Chris Matthews said Friday that President Trump's inaugural address was both "Hitlerian" and meant to mimic Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"What is Theresa May thinking this morning, when she picks up the papers and goes ‘My God, what did he just say? He said 'America first.' What happened to the special relationship?'"

Matthews, a former speechwriter for President Jimmy Carter, then evoked Russian president Vladimir Putin.

"What if you’re Putin? You’re probably pounding the table saying, 'That’s what I’ve been saying, Russia first! Russia first!’"

Images outside Trump Tower in NYC.

Someone needs to replace "Touch" with "Shower" on that van.


He campaigned for a year and a half and we heard his views!

What the god damn hell. Why do people like YOU always ignore this shit? WHY?
People like me?

I'm saying if any legislation or anything I'd passed to strip away anyone's rights, believe me I will have a problem like you won't believe.

He's been sworn in. We can't do anything.

Protest when something actually happens though.

Politicians say things. History proves they don't always follow through. Fingers crossed every American is represented.


Have the Trump supporters come out? Strange, didn't know that was a group on GAF.

This "bu bu bu give him a chance" stuff is nonsense, we have every reason to doubt this man's presidency. The fact that anyone could not speaks on their own either willful ignorance or tenacity towards the irrational.


Oh really?


Define marriage.

I believe marriage is the union between a man and a woman.

Define your point.

If you're saying that being anti-gay marriage used to be a mainstream political position relatively recently, you're correct.

But Obama also repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell before he officially came out in favor of it. He was friendly with LGBT groups, and generally enacted pro-LGBT policies (repealing HIV related restrictions on immigration, making civil unions more equitable in a number of ways, etc.) before officially coming out in favor of it.

And relatively recently, attitudes toward gay marriage were dramatically different. Being against it today places you fairly close to the extreme side of the political spectrum.

So if your point is that there's anything equivalent about Obama 2009 and the people filling out the current administration in terms of LGBT issues, you're wildly, wildly mistaken.


What can you do?

Hey companies of the world! Be less profitable!

"You got it chief! Bring back the workers we don't want to pay!!"


"hey Apple, I'll give you tax benefits if you hire more human workers". Stuff like that can be done.

If he makes hiring humans more profitable than replacing them with machines the companies have no reason to refuse.

I have no idea if the numbers make sense, I'm just spitballing because his idea of a working class America isn't compatible with the reality at all.
Oh okay so Obama can have a liquid opinion but Trump must be taken 100% literally.

That's a fair standard.

Like I say, just wait and see. If the actual policies are shit, I will protest louder than any of you.

However you are saying Trump's rhetoric is evil but anyone else's rhetoric is OK and political.

Are we really about to compare Trump and Obama rhetoric? Really? Compare promises, interviews, off the cuff remarks, compare who's being appointed, their history and their qualifications.

Trump started a fake university, has been sued 3500 times, been accused dozens of times of sexual assault, and has said heinous shit throughout his entire life, and you're trying to compare that man with Obama? You think there's any kind of even footing here?

(and you ain't gonna protest a damn thing)
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