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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Just to remind some of you who may be too young, Obama was anti gay marriage before he took office.

If you have an issue with appointees that's fine but maybe wait until they do something before you take issue. And if they do something I office that is offensive I will be the loudest opposition.

But politicians change like the wind. No point trying to preempt.


Trump is not an atheist. He follows a sect of Christianity that believes that being wealthy is a sign God Ioves you. One of the woman who led a prayer during the inauguration is a televangelist of this sect. She is very close to Trump. These people have deluded themselves into believing they are wealthy because they were chosen by God.

I was going to answer that that can't be true but given how things are I believe it. Crazy.

Anyway, the idea that because he said he is a president of all people eliminates everything he and his cabinet has done in the past is ridiculous.


Did this dude just say 48th president of the USA during his toast?

Edit: My mistake, he was speaking to VP Pence and I was distracted from all the tab browsing I was doing.


Seeing Trump up there at the table made me think of the correspondents' dinner. Omg this year is going to be tragic. I don't think Trump could tell a funny joke to save his life and he takes them with even less grace.
Just to remind some of you who may be too young, Obama was anti gay marriage before he took office.

If you have an issue with appointees that's fine but maybe wait until they do something before you take issue. And if they do something I office that is offensive I will be the loudest opposition.

But politicians change like the wind. No point trying to preempt.

Have you not seen Mike Pence's legislative history?
Just to remind some of you who may be too young, Obama was anti gay marriage before he took office.

If you have an issue with appointees that's fine but maybe wait until they do something before you take issue. And if they do something I office that is offensive I will be the loudest opposition.

But politicians change like the wind. No point trying to preempt.

He was never actually anti-gay marriage(playing the politics game), and would never, ever stand in the way of progress, and that showed 100% in the type of people he appointed, the type of folks he nominated to supreme court.


Just to remind some of you who may be too young, Obama was anti gay marriage before he took office.

If you have an issue with appointees that's fine but maybe wait until they do something before you take issue. And if they do something I office that is offensive I will be the loudest opposition.

But politicians change like the wind. No point trying to preempt.

Not even in the same damn league. Obama might have been anti-gay marriage but he didn't go out stomping for the likes of the damn Family Council or whatever the fuck that organization is called.

Actions speak louder than words and each Trump appointee has their terribleness written in their pasts.
Ah, well it isn't as bad as I thought then, but still, low wages and inflated house prices doesn't really help either.

Oh ya, no, it's definitely not good, haha. I didn't mean to suggest it was, just that I have seen a lot of people panicking when they don't need to... *yet*

I'm still looking for my first home as well, so it's not like I am not affected either :(


Just to remind some of you who may be too young, Obama was anti gay marriage before he took office.

If you have an issue with appointees that's fine but maybe wait until they do something before you take issue. And if they do something I office that is offensive I will be the loudest opposition.

But politicians change like the wind. No point trying to preempt.

You are defending the most blatantly fascist political party America has ever seen. If you already are doing that, I don't buy your opposition claim.


I was going to answer that that can't be true but given how things are I believe it. Crazy.

Anyway, the idea that because he said he is a president of all people eliminates everything he and his cabinet has done in the past is ridiculous.

I feel like he was saying that to flaunt the things important to him, like his status, rather than it being a message about how he's for helping people.


Beat EviLore at pool.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Trump inauguration speech "Hitlerian"

MSNBC's Chris Matthews said Friday that President Trump's inaugural address was both "Hitlerian" and meant to mimic Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"What is Theresa May thinking this morning, when she picks up the papers and goes ‘My God, what did he just say? He said 'America first.' What happened to the special relationship?'"

Matthews, a former speechwriter for President Jimmy Carter, then evoked Russian president Vladimir Putin.

"What if you're Putin? You're probably pounding the table saying, 'That's what I've been saying, Russia first! Russia first!'"

Images outside Trump Tower in NYC.



Got around to watching the inauguration speech. It was filled with all the pie-in-sky hopes, dreams, and God-fearing rhetoric I expected.

Best of luck out there, Don.
Well to be fair, Christians are now expected to bake cakes and sign marriage certificates. I do kind of see their point. Somebody needs to do something.
Christians aren't expected to bake cakes, the Colorado laws stated that you couldn't use religion to discriminate against customers. That Baker fucked up by using his beliefs to not service the gay couple.

And there are so many tax benefits and deferments in the marriage institution that it shouldn't be seen as a strictly religious ceremony.

don't like it then start separating church and state powers
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