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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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I'm a Christian and I just had to chime in that this is a ridiculous statement. Obama and the media have done absolutely nothing to make my life any worse.

You have been forced to accept the fact that the State (not the Church, mind you!) has to recognize the legal marriage contact of a homosexual.

Now, don't you feel terribly oppressed by that?!?


Beat EviLore at pool.
I'm a Christian and I just had to chime in that this is a ridiculous statement. Obama and the media have done absolutely nothing to make my life any worse.

Exactly. Being butt hurt against Merry Christmas makes no fucking sense. There are 4 other holidays and not everyone celebrates Christmas. It is called not being a dick and caring for others.



Kinda sad to see that one guy trying to stop people making bonfires in the middle of the street because he lives there, and then people ignoring him and throwing more stuff in the fire.

sucks how it ends up with people infighting while gov officials are chilling having a meal and closed sessions.


So an illegitimate president installed by foreign intervention and voter suppression does not deserve to be removed from office?

You may be delusional. Did President Obama say he was illegitimate? Did the Intelligence Community say he was illegitimate? Did the voting systems get hacked?


If something is found to be worthy of removal, then there are ways and procedures to do handling removing a person from office. At this point, you are calling for violence against the person who you did not want to win. You are being undemocratic.


I guess the mods did too when they locked the threads about it. It's not a story - it's just irrational fearmongering.

The fact that it's removed may not be a story, but the fact that none of those things have a single mention as issues sure is (despite not being surprising).


Don't want to upset a left leaning website but quite a good speech. Hope for America's sake he delivers for all Americans.

It was nationalistic fascist drivel.
And we already know the poor, minorities of all types, women, artists, protestors, scientists, teachers, etc. etc. etc. are fucked.
Tim Pawlenty mentioning we may see that, due to Trump, France, Portugal and Spain have a rise in populism politics.
He clearly knows nothing about politics in Portugal at least. Populism is a staple of every election.

Populism is a staple of every election in Portugal, but not to the extent we've seen in the US - also, we have a political spectrum worthy of that name. There are actually diverging ideas, not just memes, slogans and damning quotes. And we have a Socialist Government, supported by the so-called "radical left". To compare the Portuguese situation to the American one is ridiculous. Fascism is not on the rise in our country, we still remember what that felt like.


, you're angry and i get it, but does destroying some random persons car or harming there small business make that anger go away? No all it did was fuck someone elses day up, and 95 percent of the time its not the person whose day you actually wanna fuck up. Keep protesting. Peacefully, that is how you make progress and stand on legitimate ground to your opponents. Violence is how you delegitimise your stance.

Don't expect any answer when you're just quoting again the message that I answered to.

I just want to disqualify the "anger" that you use as a tool to infantilize any political act that doesn't suit you.

Please think on that before answering with the same words "Urban riots must now be recognized as durable social phenomena. They may be deplored, but they are there and should be understood. "


Inspired by Animaniac's, it's time for another good idea, bad idea.

Good Idea: Peacefully protesting the 45th President of the United States and all he stands for.

Bad Idea: Braking windows and burning property.

The End.


Kinda sad to see that one guy trying to stop people making bonfires in the middle of the street because he lives there, and then people ignoring him and throwing more stuff in the fire.

Yep he was right when he said if they were gonna burn stuff they should go burn Trump's stuff and not theirs.
Germany's communists in the 30's were probably told their protests were low too
I really don't think this is the same thing. If Trump starts to initialize concentration camps for muslims I'll be right out there violent protesting with you. As of now trumps America and nazi Germany aren't comparable
All this shit will do is play into the "law and order" narrative that people seem to swallow hook, line and sinker. Look at the violent left amirite

And then you continue to push back. Fascism doesn't die by reasoned debate

I really don't think this is the same thing. If Trump starts to initialize concentration camps for muslims I'll be right out there violent protesting with you. As of now trumps America and nazi Germany aren't comparable

Uh do you realize that nazis and other political parties actually fought in the streets in the 30s? This has nothing to do with the concentration camps


Rodent Whores
"There is a peaceful protest going on a couple blocks away, and you are all here covering a garbage fire, you're wasting your time!"



I guess he didn't make them first and foremost, but rather equal, which is bad? I think?


He put Christianity on the same level as other religions. And that is fucking insulting to all the work Jesus put in I guess.

People really are morons. I mean there was just a lady saying that Trump was the first person to use the word "God" as president and how amazing that was. wtf?


It was nationalistic fascist drivel.
And we already know the poor, minorities of all types, women, artists, protestors, scientists, teachers, etc. etc. etc. are fucked.
We don't know that because he is only 2 hours in to a job but his speech was very promising for hoping ALL Americans unite and prosper. Let's wait until we declare an emergency.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Define small? THe majority of homes purchased by lower to middle income families is using an FHA loan.
In 2006 FHA made up less than 3% of all the loans originated in the United States. This had some in Congress questioning the government's role in the mortgage insurance business, with a vocal minority calling for the end of FHA. The subsequent deterioration in the credit markets, however, has somewhat muted criticism of the agency. Today, FHA now backs over 40 percent of all new mortgages.

So.. maybe 10%? I don't know. I would still say 'small'


I want to set something on fire.

I hate feeling this helpless

Too scared to protest and yelling at my representatives will do jack shit because I'm in a blue state

always call your reps. The GOP organizes people to call their reps constantly, especially in liberal states. If you don't counter call and say you support your candidates, they will start thinking their constituents don't have their backs and won't push as hard. A call of support will keep your rep in the fight. Call!



He put Christianity on the same level as other religions. And that is fucking insulting to all the work Jesus put in I guess.

People really are morons. I mean there was just a lady saying that Trump was the first person to use the word "God" as president and how amazing that was. wtf?

Jesus would be utterly ashamed at the "Christians" in the United States.


I'm a Christian and I just had to chime in that this is a ridiculous statement. Obama and the media have done absolutely nothing to make my life any worse. This ridiculous concept that Christians in this country are somehow persecuted needs to stop.
The Christians that feel persecuted are the ones that want to break laws put in place to force people to treat people equally. I mean there was a time when people in a certain area were left to their own devices and white people did whatever the hell they wanted. The "Christians" whose rights are being stepped on are the one's that want their own new version of Jim crowism on the basis of religion.
We don't know that because he is only 2 hours in to a job but his speech was very promising for hoping ALL Americans unite and prosper. Let's wait until we declare an emergency.

He's been appointing people and drafting legislation for weeks. We don't have to wait to know exactly what kind of president he'll be.

Also he campaigned for a year and a half. People are also basing their assumptions on that time on the campaign trail.



Far enough, and if Trump does go after people's freedom, I will be the condemning it right along with you. Have you ever considered what Obama and the media have done to other groups like Christians though? Do you think it's a good idea to censor free speech when it doesn't agree with your opinion? There's an argument to be made about that, so what I'm saying is people shouldn't be hypocritical about it. As far as cutting government programs, at what point do we address the issue of government spending? We better address it before what happened to the Soviet Union happens to the U.S. It's a reality, so it's time to get practical about it and accept the fact that some government programs are going to have to get cut.

Trump just got sworn in and hasn't even enacted any policies yet and people here are already tired of it. This makes no sense! This is exactly what I'm talking about. What has happened to Liberal GAF's rational thought. I'm utterly dumbfounded.

Again, how is an opinion disingenuous? I see the similarities and the connection between the two. This is why both Obama and Trump got elected. If you don't see the connection, that's fine, but I do.

oh boy. It's not surprising why you see that 'connection'

And not discriminating someone because of their sexual orientation isn't an 'opinion'.



Far enough, and if Trump does go after people's freedom, I will be the condemning it right along with you. Have you ever considered what Obama and the media have done to other groups like Christians though? Do you think it's a good idea to censor free speech when it doesn't agree with your opinion? There's an argument to be made about that, so what I'm saying is people shouldn't be hypocritical about it. As far as cutting government programs, at what point do we address the issue of government spending? We better address it before what happened to the Soviet Union happens to the U.S. It's a reality, so it's time to get practical about it and accept the fact that some government programs are going to have to get cut.

Trump just got sworn in and hasn't even enacted any policies yet and people here are already tired of it. This makes no sense! This is exactly what I'm talking about. What has happened to Liberal GAF's rational thought. I'm utterly dumbfounded.

Again, how is an opinion disingenuous? I see the similarities and the connection between the two. This is why both Obama and Trump got elected. If you don't see the connection, that's fine, but I do.

Are you seriously implying Christians are persecuted in America? Are you expecting genuine discussions here?


In other words, "Don't show us burning and breaking shit. Stop recording us."

They guy came from behind and wasn't there before. It's also literally just people standing silently around a circle, waiting for a single trashcan burning out because residents keep anyone from fueling the fire, not that anyone really seems to want to fuel it anyway.
The Christians that feel persecuted are the ones that want to break laws put in place to force people to treat people equally. I mean there was a time when people in a certain area were left to their own devices and white people did whatever the hell they wanted. The "Christians" whose rights are being stepped on are the one's that want their own new version of Jim crowism on the basis of religion.

Lots of truth here.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The Christians that feel persecuted are the ones that want to break laws put in place to force people to treat people equally. I mean there was a time when people in a certain area were left to their own devices and white people did whatever the hell they wanted. The "Christians" whose rights are being stepped on are the one's that want their own new version of Jim crowism on the basis of religion.

Right. I just find it disturbing. Never do I feel like someone else's rights should be restricted due to my own religious beliefs. I have to believe it all stems back to people using the Christian guise to exhibit their racism and sexism.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
We don't know that because he is only 2 hours in to a job but his speech was very promising for hoping ALL Americans unite and prosper. Let's wait until we declare an emergency.
So you have just turned a blind eye to his appointees and shit he has actually said.
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