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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Lol exactly.


It pains me to see Obama's go along so willy nilly with this

That is what you do... that is how you behave. I may not have agreed with Obama on every policy but I certainly consider him to be a stand up guy that respects tradition. If he acted anything but presidential he would come across much worse.


I see the Donald is still getting other people to open doors for him.

That is what you do... that is how you behave. I may not have agreed with Obama on every policy but I certainly consider him to be a stand up guy that respects tradition. If he acted anything but presidential he would come across much worse.
Obama has to act presidential. That's part of the job. Part of the job that Trump will flagrantly ignore but... whatever. That's on him.
Do you think South Park was right all along? Do you think he never wanted to be President in the 1st place?

He's a businessman working a brand. His exit strategy was Hillary losing and him riding "the system's rigged" through retirement. This whole thing has thrown his entire world upside down and it's shown at every moment since November.

At this point I'm just curious if he's gonna fuck up the swearing in, and how long it takes him to snort coke off of Oval Office desk


I see the Donald is still getting other people to open doors for him.

Obama has to act presidential. That's part of the job. Part of the job that Trump will flagrantly ignore but... whatever. That's on him.

Yep very true although I hold out hope the job will humble him but there is little chance of that.
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