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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Hillary is here at the inauguration facing the biggest bully in history.... a man who flaunted her husbands mistresses in her face..... told her repeatedly that he was going to lock her up.....

There won't be a stronger woman in US history. My heart breaks for her.


I hope Obama's in there trolling Trump like "Wow, now see when I was inaugurated these streets were packed. Prolly just the bad weather tho."


yeah, they need to be sent back into their fucking hole(s)

not saying the destruction of property should be encouraged, but those doing it are still several orders of magnitude better than trump and the bulk of his supporters

It's trash cans and windows. On the other side, you have a president being inaugurated that campaigned on killing innocent people.


That's bullshit. If Americans choose to be willfully ignorant and can't recognize a fraud when they see one then they deserve what's coming to them. Us. It's not like Bernie was cheated of the nomination.

Trump proved we are easy marks.
She did a TERRIBLE campaign.
She could have done a much better job of connecting with the electorate.
Truth is, people voted for her because they did not want the other side to win, not because they backed her.

Political landscape for both Republicans and Democrats looks terrible for the next 4 years.
At my fiance's place right now. She lives in Cap Hill about two blocks away from the Capital. It's crazy seeing our beautiful liberal city, being inundated with all of these Trump people.
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