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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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This is so funny


Bill looks genuinely happy to see W again. I bet they go out to dinner together and reminisce on the sane days of our government.


It's trash cans and windows. On the other side, you have a president being inaugurated that campaigned on killing innocent people.

i would like to add that his campaign platform also encompassed sexually assaulting women and setting back race relations like 150 years


She did a TERRIBLE campaign.
She could have done a much better job of connecting with the electorate.
Truth is, people voted for her because they did not want the other side to win, not because they backed her.

Political landscape for both Republicans and Democrats looks terrible for the next 4 years.
Plenty of people voted for her because they wanted her to win. Look at the primary.


It didn't occur to me that the Clintons would be there. How heartbreaking. She has more reason than anyone to be out breaking windows but instead continues to be a class act.


Man, it's weird to think I'd be fine with W coming back more than the orange buffoon we have coming into the replace Obama.
The relationship between the Clintons and the Bushes is a really a neat one. From being rivals in the political field to being great friends who work together on a large number of humanitarian projects.

It's the best example of how two sides of the spectrum can work together so closely.


She did a TERRIBLE campaign.
She could have done a much better job of connecting with the electorate.
Truth is, people voted for her because they did not want the other side to win, not because they backed her.

Political landscape for both Republicans and Democrats looks terrible for the next 4 years.

I'm sorry this is bs, just because there are a lot of apathetic voters and a small sliver of white democrats that didn't show up in the midwest doesn't mean people weren't enthusiastic about her. There were lots of people, particularly in the northeast and west coasts but also more people than ever in the sun belt and even states like Texas that were enthusiastic about her platform, one of the farthest left platforms in the history of the country, even if she wasn't the most charismatic.

Screw this revisionist history bull shit. Trump just bought out more racists and bigots then ever and Hillary failed to bring out a small sliver of the democratic electorate.
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