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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Sky view... lmao


Obama 09



For Obama's second inauguration I was all the way back on the lawn on the street that crosses in front of the Washington monument.. It was freezing and I got there 3 hours early.

This is not a large crowd.

Well sure, who's gonna beat Obama? Just a quick look on Twitter and some guy posted this. Looks like a large crowd to me.

As someone who did not vote for Trump I honestly wish this man all the best and I want him to succeed in doing what is right for my country. For our country. As Democrats we cannot flip the tables and become the party of no. We must accept that this man won, rules are rules and we must hold him accountable to his actions.


In a twisted way I am disappointed there is no chat for the youtube live stream.

On Obama handling of Trump: I am a little less critical of him after reading a bit of The President's Club.


I seriously wonder how some people can ally themselves with these protesters when they're clearly anarchists or people who believe stalin is a better person than trump..


The crowd is far more sparse than any inauguration that I can remember back to Bush Sr.

It's stark. Not just Washington Mall, but along the whole parade route.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Looks the same to me.

You're looking at it the wrong way... I did too initially.

The front, towards the capitol building is at the bottom - so yes, that's the same.

Look at the top of the screen - that ain't the same.


Turnout is gonna hurt Trump feelers.

But he just has to get Vince Mac and come up with something.

"A new attendance record! Let's here it! 5,436,687! Give yourselves a hand! Let's here it"
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