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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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I wonder if he will be on a leash with that POTUS Twitter account.

Diplomatic incedent week 1.

Trump is dangerous but the people around him are even more of a threat. If those departments can't curtail them from extremes we are in for a rough ride. Fascists are in control, we may end up with just money stealing heads but they have very dangerous views.


Dollars and Cents

There are many things to talk about
Be constructive
There are weapons we can use
Be constructive with your blues

Even when it's only warnings
Even when you talk the war games

Oh why don't you quiet down? (maybe I want peace and honesty)
Why don't you quiet down? (maybe I want to live in the children's land and you know maybe, maybe I)
Why don't you quiet down? (maybe I'll wander the promised land I want peace and honesty)
Why don't you quiet down? (I want to live in the promised land and maybe wander the children's land)
Quiet down (yeah, and there, there we can free)

You don't live in a business world and
You never go out and you never stay
We won our goals in a liberal world
Living in times when I could stand it, babe

All over, baby's crying
It'll all be, baby, I can see out of here
All over the planet's dead
All over the planet, so let me out of here
All over the, all over the, all over the, all over the

We are the dollars and cents and the pounds and pence (quiet down)
And the mark and the yen, and yeah
We're gonna crack your little souls (why don't you quiet down?)
We're gonna crack your little souls (why don't you quiet down?)
We are the dollars and cents and the pounds and pence (why don't you quiet down?)
And the pounds and pence, and yeah
We're gonna crack your little souls
Crack your little souls
We are the dollars and cents

So when is the secret 30-day plan to defeat ISIS going to get executed? /s

Last I checked, the guy didn't even have all his national security positions sorted out.

It's not the end of the world naturally... but sincerely: stay safe, USAGAF. You're going to get tested from within and without.


I've been debating on going to an Inauguration party tonight (and by that, I mean I get together with a bunch of other expats here in Korea, we get drunk and wallow in the realization that there's absolutely nothing we can do to prevent this at this point).

Decided to go to my girlfriends instead, order chicken, and hopefully not watch any of the inauguration. I just feel so helpless and defeated. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Trump. I'm sick and tired of hearing about his god awful choices for cabinet positions. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how we're stronger together and how we'll overcome this. All the progress we've made as a country over the past 8 years and we're rewarded with republicans having the most power since the late 1920s. I'm an insanely optimistic person by nature, I don't think I've ever not been able to find a positive viewpoint for a situation, this might be the first. I just desperately want to feel the same hope I felt 8 years ago.

I'm just so sick and tired of it all. At this point, I wish I could find a Trump filter, completely cut out any information about him/the US government and check back in 6 months to see if he's as bad as we're expecting him to be.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I can already see the media interviewing Trump voters after one year of him being president and asking them :

-Ma'am, are you still happy with your choice for president?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Then rural whites wouldnt have anything to say and democrats would win every time

EC shouldnt be scrapped

I don't see a problem with that when republicans have shown multiple times to be a worst choice than democrats except if you're a) Rich b) White.


Welp, good luck to us all on this planet.

Then rural whites wouldnt have anything to say and democrats would win every time

EC shouldnt be scrapped
Says more about the Republicans as a party than anything. Yeah, if you're the fascist party in disguise in the country, you do not deserve to win.


I really hope he fails.

On the bizarre off chance he does create a more prosperous, tolerant, progressive, better and greater American though I will reluctantly eat crow.

But I still really hope he fails.


I really hope he fails.

On the bizarre off chance he does create a more prosperous, tolerant, progressive, better and greater American though I will reluctantly eat crow.

But I still really hope he fails.

His failure is guaranteed.

The question is one of how big the wake of destruction he leaves behind will be.

Welcome, President Trump :)

Let's make America great and safe again!

That avatar...


Unconfirmed Member
Then rural whites wouldnt have anything to say and democrats would win every time

EC shouldnt be scrapped
And so the republican party will continue to grow more and more extreme without being punished because the Electoral College gives more weight to the rural white voters who support that.

If every vote being equal leads to the democrats winning, then that simply means there are more people in the country that support democrats. But no, democrats being more popular and having more support is 'unfair' to republicans, so we have to artificially pump up the importance of their voter base so that they have a chance too.

I mean, the republican party shouldn't be punished by the electorate for becoming more and more extreme, that would just be unfair!

The EC is bullshit and every vote should be equal.


Try as I might, I just can't picture Trump in Obama's position 4 (or fuck me, 8) years from now. Like when the time comes to pass the baton, I'm not so sure he will. "That election was rigged so I'm not accepting the results" or "Things are too critical right now, so I've got to stay on board" or a litany of other excuses. And I'm worried no one will be able to do anything about it.


Try as I might, I just can't picture Trump in Obama's position 4 (or fuck me, 8) years from now. Like when the time comes to pass the baton, I'm not so sure he will. "That election was rigged so I'm not accepting the results" or "Things are too critical right now, so I've got to stay on board" or a litany of other excuses. And I'm worried no one will be able to do anything about it.

Dude, Mike Pence will be the president by the next election. Don't worry about that.

As awful as Trump is, he really is just a puppet. A dumb, corrupt one. Everyone around him is actually worse.
I seem to recall (might not have been here), people rallying behind the EC process prior to Trump winning.

In the realm of - screw polls, he has such a narrow path to victory that it doesn't matter what the general feeling might be.


2,860,000 more people voted for Hillary than Trump.
She should have campaigned elsewhere and pushed for 3 million, that way she might have been president.

Alas, she ignored the places that mattered and handed the white house to Trump. GG.
The people of the USA should all be watching. You deserve to be watching. Because if this indeed becomes an infamous day the world will look back to with nothing but a feeling of repulse I want you all to remember it and feel the shame. I know I'm most likely overreacting but I can't help but feel that you're committing something analogous to collective suicide and you're taking a good chunk of the world with you.
I just really, really, REALLY wish I'm wrong.


She should have campaigned elsewhere and pushed for 3 million, that way she might have been president.

Alas, she ignored the places that mattered and handed the white house to Trump. GG.

She may not have done as good a job as she could have, but it was ultimately the responsibilty of the 43% of eligible voters who stayed home.

America needs to take responsibility for itself. This whole nation is apathetic and self-absorbed.

In a way, we're getting what we had coming to us.
Yeah, but you can't exactly have one single state decide for entire country and California is where majority all her lead in popular vote came from.

I can't see a logical reason why the Presidency should be decided on the whims of individual states. That's what state and local elections are for.
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