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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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2,860,000 more people voted for Hillary than Trump.

That's not how the world sees it.

The narrative is set- Americans are dumb enough to vote an incompetent buffoon into the highest office.

She should have campaigned elsewhere and pushed for 3 million, that way she might have been president.

Alas, she ignored the places that mattered and handed the white house to Trump. GG.

Maybe 3 million more people should have voted in their own interests instead of needing to be told to do the right thing,
She may not have done as good a job as she could have, but it was ultimately the responsibilty of the 43% of eligible voters who stayed home.

America needs to take responsibility for itself. This whole nation is apathetic and self-absorbed.

In a way, we're getting what we had coming to us.

I like to think of it as a combination of non-voters and third-party voters that fucked us over. In the states that Hillary needed to win, Jill Stein received a total of around 132,000 votes.





Having never watched any inauguration is there a point during the ceremony where the previous president hands over the reigns and says something or is that not part of the transition from one president to another?
Having never watched any inauguration is there a point during the ceremony where the previous president hands over the reigns and says something or is that not part of the transition from one president to another?

I do think Obama will be giving a speech , ill update the main post with the youtube link
Yo Fuck Donald J.

Having never watched any inauguration is there a point during the ceremony where the previous president hands over the reigns and says something or is that not part of the transition from one president to another?


I'll catch the replay of that part on Youtube.


I'm up to the Sandy Hook section of Frontline's Divided States of America at the moment in the leadup to this, and my disgust is just off the charts.
I am keeping the vomit from pouring out my mouth as I watch Nigel Farrage speaking triumphantly about the mess that has been contrived beginning later today.


Psst - people saying it's the end of times are contributing nothing apart from adding to the already insufferable miasma of despair people have to inhale day in, day out these days. I'm allowed to see posts like that and call them out, just as much as people have the right to act like morose teenagers. It's so very tiresome.
Then log off. What does one contribute to a forum besides words? People are worried, what is your "moderate" attitude looking down on everyone doing? It's so very tiresome
If the results were reversed and Trump won the popular vote and Hillary won the election you'd all love the EC.

The EC has only ever benefited a Republican, with Bush(a disaster), and now Trump(a nightmare). (and that's with Voter Suppression). Rigged, indeed.


I like Donald Duck as much as the next rational person (AKA, I think he's an bigot idiot), but I hope nothing bad happens during this inauguration ceremony.


LOL Ryan once told a Democratic senator as a "catholic" he "couldn't live in an America where an ethnic underclass existed".




Really Really Exciting Member!
I like Donald Duck as much as the next rational person (AKA, I think he's an bigot idiot), but I hope nothing bad happens during this inauguration ceremony.

You know security is going to be at an all time high. If I was Trump(thank god I'm not), i'd be very anxious. Like so anxious I wouldn't do my speech unless surrounded by a bubble of unbreakable glass. He's probably more in danger than Bush & Obama ever were.


I'm gonna have to explain what Twitter was to my hypothetical future children when the see Trump's tweets in their highschool US history textbook.

Think about it. Twitter has been imortalized into history by Donald fucking Trump.


For you.
If the results were reversed and Trump won the popular vote and Hillary won the election you'd all love the EC.
You might as well make up something about unicorns existing, because that would be as likely as that happening.
The EC is a broken fucking system that has only ever favoured republicans. See everytime in history this situation happened : it always benefited a republican, every fucking time.

It's fucking broken and it's designed to favor reps over Dems.
It's time to do away with the EC if you ever want the Us to be a actual fucking democracy.


You might as well make up something about unicorns existing, because that would be as likely as that happening.
The EC is a broken fucking system that has only ever favoured republicans. See everytime in history this situation happened : it always benefited a republican, every fucking time.

It's fucking broken and it's designed to favor reps over Dems.
It's time to do away with the EC if you ever want the Us to be a actual fucking democracy.

I remember seeing a video by CGP Grey showing that a the EC has a 8% chance of electing the losing candidate.


Some embarrassing and humiliating moments (for Trump) would be nice though :)

That's not what I mean. I just hope nothing bad, in the sense of angry mob violence breaking out & a violent rampage will erupt, will get honest people caught in the crossfire.

I don't care what happens to Donald Trump, especially if he gets harmed. But I'm more concerned about the people and small businesses getting thrashed from left-wing activists.


Are we still doing lyrics? Because this song has been on my mind since the primaries were over.

NOFX - Idiots Are Taking Over

It's not the right time to be sober
Now the idiots have taken over
Spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding
Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson, it's really elementary
The industrial revolution
Has flipped the bitch on evolution
The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer
The world keeps getting dumber
Insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

Darwin's rolling over in his coffin
The fittest are surviving much less often
Now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
Someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool
Now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule
And I'm starting to feel a lot like Charlton Heston
Stranded on a primate planet
Apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground
With generals and the armies that obeyed them
Followers following fables
Philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred
Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions
Sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

What are we left with?
A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists
Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland
Pass on traditions
How to get ahead religions
And prosperity via simpleton culture

The idiots are taking over [x8]
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