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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Hmmm, people on the internet told me that Hillary had this election locked :thinking:

the president says



I had no idea your inaugurations were so religion focused. They look like the christian version of my country (Saudi Arabia).

Yeah. I'm kinda flabbergasted. Thinking about how scared these very people get every time they hear someone say "Allahu Akbar" this sure is one neverending stream of "Allahu Akbar". What the fuck.


Well thats a new religious spin on it raining when he was sweared in. LOL

I think most people think God is weeping or taking a piss. Don't think he is blessing anything unfortunately....


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Loved it!

Took a dump all over the DC establishment while they were all sitting there.

I'm ready to #MAGA

Yeah, he's just replaced the establishment with the lobbyists that were paying them. So smart!
One of the best speeches i have ever seen... i got the chills when he said we all bleed the same. Amazing way to start the best 4 years of US history
He's just got this engaging way of speaking...even if he's only reading off the teleprompter. Of course he does tho.. pretty much any very successful businessman and entrepreneur are gonna be engaging when they speak due to having skills as salesmen, negotiators, and deal makers. This really helped him win the election. Compare to someone like Ben Carson, who is ofc an intelligent fellow (brain surgeon!) but his cadence and speaking style is just not conducive to an audience.

mr stroke

This sounds like a dictators speech.

Like this is really starting to scare me with this rhetoric.

I'm in shock how disgusting this all is.

Its all negative. Nothing hopeful, nothing to look forward to.

I might have to leave early from work today because I'm getting so depressed.

Come on guys, I hate Trump, but the Speech wasn't THAT bad. The worst out of any president ? Probably. But "Its all negative" isn't even close.
So much ridiculous pessimism in this thread. I'm not happy with the result of the election either, but I'm hoping for the best. Some of you guys need to grow up.


Strip away however you feel about this, pro or anti President Trump.

Can you even fathom how it feels to have the weight of this job lifted off of your shoulders once this ceremony is officially over, and someone new has taken over? Have it be Obama, Bush, or anyone before.
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