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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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So much ridiculous pessimism in this thread. I'm not happy with the result of the election either, but I'm hoping for the best. Some of you guys need to grow up.

Did you watch this transition and who he's surrounded himself with? What he's said? Please tell me what is ridiculous about people being pessimistic about this situation.



Who is that wearing the Red Trump campaign hat ?

That shit should be over by now...
This sounds like a dictators speech.

Like this is really starting to scare me with this rhetoric.

I'm in shock how disgusting this all is.

Its all negative. Nothing hopeful, nothing to look forward to.

I might have to leave early from work today because I'm getting so depressed.

He's a proto-fascist, but in practice he'll be a flaccid dictator at best off the bat, even with Congress playing along.

Hopefully we'll last long enough to still have free elections in 2 years.
So much ridiculous pessimism in this thread. I'm not happy with the result of the election either, but I'm hoping for the best. Some of you guys need to grow up.

Have you actually fucking read and watched what this motherfucker been saying the last year?

Don't act shocked people concerned as shit because of it.

That being said this is just Friday in America for me. Nothing new.


One of the best speeches i have ever seen... i got the chills when he said we all bleed the same. Amazing way to start the best 4 years of US history

I feel like someone should quote you and post this in every single bad news Trump thread to follow this from here on out.


One of the best speeches i have ever seen... i got the chills when he said we all bleed the same. Amazing way to start the best 4 years of US history

You must not be exposed to speeches in any notable manner.

Even in his remarks about bleeding, he's inferring division by emphasizing tribalism.

You're also awfully deluded or incredibly ill-informed if you think the next four years are even good, let alone "the best 4 years of US history."

Are you in a bubble, or are you a gimmick?


America first, too many folks left behind, the people will rule the country, dream big, make America great again. Hopefully, Donald is not all talk and no action otherwise who knows where power will transfer next..

The government is people, more so than corporations, they certainly don't have the people's interest more in mind at any rate. But what do I know. Hopefully the power transfers to an Obama like figure and not Putin.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Just heard the president of the United States with ill-disguised contempt in a Bannon/Manafort penned script:

a) Throw shade on Black people
b) Tell the Middle Class their factory jobs are coming back
c) Throw shade on basically all foreigners
d) Did I mention the darkies?
e) Rewrite history to revise eight years of progress and economic success as hell.

It's a lew mlimnellium.
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