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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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It was standard Trump fare. Nationalistic and protectionist. Still hard to see how he'll get his plans to spending heavy plans through a repub congress.

Probably for the best if they fight it out though. If a fascist leaning leader starts strong arming his own party then historically that leader is only removed from power when brave fighters end their life.
this performance ohgod




The cynicism here :

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

You guys act like we don't know the intentions of the people he has surrounded himself with. They've explicitly told us and we know their histories.
Just heard the president of the United States with ill-disguised contempt in a Bannon/Manafort penned script:

a) Throw shade on Black people
b) Tell the Middle Class their factory jobs are coming back
c) Throw shade on basically all foreigners
d) Did I mention the darkies?
e) Rewrite history to revise eight years of progress and economic success as hell.

It's a lew mlimnellium.
Yeah, the Bannon influence is real if it wasn't already obvious which is pretty chilling.


As a born again Christian myself what bothers me is that this is all talk. This man does not carry himself like a Christian would.

Like I said earlier in the thread, for some Christians, all that matters now is if he's got that R beside his name and that he hates abortion. Maybe not all, but enough to help him win the Evangelical vote. Because stated morals are clearly better than actual morals.


I guess he is not the classy guy we all thought he was. He is behaving like a little kid.

Intelligent, educated people who hear Trump speak are immediately aware of what a stupid, lazy, incurious, unprepared, borderline-illiterate fraud he is.

When people say "That was a good speech" about a Trump address they instantaneously out themselves as dumb.

Democrats couldn't say that during the campaign, because of how defensive and angry dumb people get about their dumbness. Trump used that to his advantage.
why was there a priest talking about how it started raining when Trump took the podium and how it was a sign from GOD that HE favors Trump?

fucking ridiculous in 2017. has America regressed to the 1700s or something? God controlling the weather at a presidential inauguration... lol.

I grew up in the south and let me tell you right now it's what people like to hear.



The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

You have to be ignorant of everything he's already done to not be cynical. Give me a fucking break with some of these posts.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
why was there a priest talking about how it started raining when Trump took the podium and how it was a sign from GOD that HE favors Trump?

fucking ridiculous in 2017. has America regressed to the 1700s or something? God controlling the weather at a presidential inauguration... lol.

Reverends and religious figures spoke at Obama's inaugurations also. So what is your point?


One of the best speeches i have ever seen... i got the chills when he said we all bleed the same. Amazing way to start the best 4 years of US history

Sure he ran a whole campaign on racism and filled his administration with racists, but he said the things no about the bleeding! C'mon guys, give him a chance.

Fuck that. There's not a speech he could give that would justify himself.


Frankly I'm happy to be able to finally take part in a resistance.

It's all your favorite Young Adult bullshit novels come to life.
Hahaha people still think he is against "the establishment" despite the fact that all of his policies, appointments, everything he has already laid out, are right out of the establishment republican wet dream playbook

The capacity for people to allow themselves to be fooled is fucking astounding.

the establishment is the left.

these good men are just trying to put the brakes on from all this forward progressive momentum and maybe turn the car around to go back home.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
why was there a priest talking about how it started raining when Trump took the podium and how it was a sign from GOD that HE favors Trump?

fucking ridiculous in 2017. has America regressed to the 1700s or something? God controlling the weather at a presidential inauguration... lol.

Also when god has sent rain in prior art, it has NOT been a good thing unless you built an ark.
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