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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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meanwhile bams be like...

fuck it

we out

You tried.


Come on guys, I hate Trump, but the Speech wasn't THAT bad. The worst out of any president ? Probably. But "Its all negative" isn't even close.

It was another one of his ugly campaign speeches. Sorry, but this devils advocacy bent isn't really becoming. It is what it is.



The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

the only ignorance i see is from the folks declaring that things will be fine.

people of color, non-christian religious people, queer folks, we all see trump and his cabinet for who they are.


So much ridiculous pessimism in this thread. I'm not happy with the result of the election either, but I'm hoping for the best. Some of you guys need to grow up.

I say this without a hint of irony or facetiousness, but you need to grow up. You can hope for the best, as we all will. But it's long past the time where we sit and do nothing. It's not pessimism, it's pragmatism, and there's actual lives and future lives at stake. So sit on your hands, but grown folks take action with their words and deeds.


This kind of post is bullshit. Drumpf supporters don't post here because they get dog piled and shit on mercilessly. If you suspect someone is posting on an alt account, post proof or PM a mod. Fuck this witch hunt nonsense.

If they can't handle the facts of the fascism they've brought to America that's on them. Hell, one of them earlier on was still continuing to try to deny the reality of what's going on.


I got nothing...

So much for international relations.

Ya'll wanted Playstation 5? Well, you ain't getting it under $599 with taxes. Xbox will be made and financed in the US for all Americans to bring the power back to America.

Oh well. Welcome to office Trump, please do us right.


This kind of post is bullshit. Trump supporters don't post here because they get dog piled and shit on mercilessly. If you suspect someone is posting on an alt account, post proof or PM a mod. Fuck this witch hunt nonsense.

Meh, I think anybody who supports a racist deserves a ban just for admitting it.


It still shocks me that people like Starchasing exist in this forum.

Your sentiment lacks so much empathy (or, indeed, is actively spiteful) that I get physically ill.



The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

I opened my mind and heard "Mexicans are sending rapists"
then "Grab them by the pussy"
then saw him mocking a disabled reporter
then saw him attempt to smear the Miss Universe winner "Check out sex tape"
then he said John Lewis was all talk and no action and made the racist assumption his district was crime infested.

oh yeah, and before all that, he accused Obama of not being a citizen.

So my mind was open and I took that all in. You sound like the close minded one if none of that ever sank in.



The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

Ignorance? No, I know who Trump is based on all the things he has done and said in the last two years. I'm as informed on Trump as anybody can be. Most of us are. Funny word to throw out there.



The cynicism here :

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

Lmao, no. Makes no sense to go in with an open mind after his cabinet picks and the list of things he said he plans on doing within 100 days.
If there are more replies there are less pages. The forum got weird.

Yeah, he's just replaced the establishment with the lobbyists that were paying them. So smart!
He's a business man he just cut out the middle man and made some great PROFITS again.

I don't think you guys really posted the sense of scale of people in support


That is vast
The cameras are different perspectives but yeah it looks clear one of them is much emptier.



The cynicism here :

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

What the flying fuck is this? We know his cabinet picks and initial policy proposals. There's no more wait and see.

The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

Open mind?

You don't go into presidency with removing what he campaigned on.

"go in with an open mind, just forget all the insane and horrible shit he has said!"

Fuck that.

Peoples lives are going to be ruined while people "on the fence" ask everyone to be respectful of one of the lowest rated POTUS of all time who has campaigned on racism and surrounded himself with white nationalists and populism.
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