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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

I don't really understand the pleas to "have an open mind" or "give him a chance". First of all, I technically gave him eighteen months of chances and he fucking blew them all. So.

Second, he's President. I don't have a choice but to 'give him a chance". My being optimistic or pessimistic or thinking the worst of him and the potential of his Presidency doesn't actually have anything to do with the effectiveness of his Presidency. I'm not in Congress.

All you're saying with "give him a chance" is "think nice things about Donald Trump" and, well, no I'd rather not until he proves otherwise.


I feel bad for HRC. Should have been the 45th

I don't, and you shouldn't either. I really don't understand why Americans feels the need to deify their political leaders, because in the end, they are all, including Hillary, public servants. If she couldn't put in the effort to win the presidency in the first place, she needs to fuck off and live her life knowing her greatest event of notoriety was the person who lost to Donald J. Trump.


Anyone else catch that when he made reference to families in the inner cities he said "mothers and their children" specifically? Is that coded? I don't even know anymore, it's gonna be a weird next four years at least.


"This Inauguration speech wasn't THAT bad. Maybe the worst of all time."

We really need to stop grading Trump on a curve. He's built an all-rookie team and he's a first-time coach and he's gonna get pounded 42-3 every Sunday for the next four years, let's stop with this "he showed us some good things this week" crap.


Unconfirmed Member
One of the best speeches i have ever seen... i got the chills when he said we all bleed the same. Amazing way to start the best 4 years of US history

I do not believe for a second that people like you make any god damn effort to remove the blinders and actually be critical of Trump.

Trump's history and actions over the years have provided me with unprecedented clairvoyance and the ability to say with utmost confidence that I am on the right side of history being anti-Trump.

No if, ands or buts.
I opened my mind and heard "Mexicans are sending rapists"
then "Grab them by the pussy"
then saw him mocking a disabled reporter
then saw him attempt to smear the Miss Universe winner "Check out sex tape"
then he said John Lewis was all talk and no action and made the racist assumption his district was crime infested.

oh yeah, and before all that, he accused Obama of not being a citizen.

So my mind was open and I took that all in. You sound like the close minded one if none of that ever sank in.


We've been listening to Trump spew his racist and woman-hating bullshit for DECADES and you people are all "open your hearts we have to give him a chance!"


This kind of post is bullshit. Trump supporters don't post here because they get dog piled and shit on mercilessly. If you suspect someone is posting on an alt account, post proof or PM a mod. Fuck this witch hunt nonsense.

Well to be fair, there is a reason for that. You know, the things they say.

I agree though, the Russian plant or alt account stuff is stupid.

"I like my chambers nice and echoey, if you please."
Grow up.

Again I'd point out we know exactly who Trump is. Trump is very vocal. We have plenty of exposure to the man. The reactions here are reactions to the things he has done and said outside of any perceived bubble. He's a horrible man. Deny that.



The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance
It's hard to keep an open mind if his inauguration speech is exactly that what he already spouted during his campaign.
I got nothing...

So much for international relations.

Ya'll wanted Playstation 5? Well, you ain't getting it under $599 with taxes. Xbox will be made and financed in the US for all Americans to bring the power back to America.

Oh well. Welcome to office Trump, please do us right.

That's a really basic understanding of the complexities of trade.
We really stop with all this god stuff.

I feel like I'm at church. Are all inaugurations this God-focused?

Fuck off with this religious talk. Goddamn.

I'm assuming it's ya'll first swearing in of a US President

Have past inaugurations been this filled with religious nonsense either side of the President's speech?
Since the very beginning, presidents use to be more involved in the churches as well.
I do not believe for a second that people like you make any god damn effort to remove the blinders and actually be critical of Trump.

He's a troll

Trump doesn't care about anyone who didn't vote for him. He doesn't even care about the people who did vote for him.

The speech was for the idiots who did vote for him and are entertained by the vocabulary of a kid who got dropped on his head too many times as a kid.

mr stroke

the only ignorance i see is from the folks declaring that things will be fine.

people of color, non-christian religious people, queer folks, we all see trump and his cabinet for who they are.

oh, I don't think things we be fine, I think America and civil liberties are fucked, BUT I am willing to give the President and America a shot. Blowing off Trump and everything he has to say is no different then when right wingers said "Fuck that Socialist Obama" He has nothing to say.


Unconfirmed Member
She's probably happier than him about this,


not a medical professional
the FOX10 feed just showed a shot of Obama and Trump walking, and had on-camera audio...

Bams said to Trump "as I said.. we'll be right around the corner..."

Is anyone watching Sky News and the interview with the two nutjobs they found? Jesus Christ, they are like poster boys for stereotypical, ignorant Republican voters you see parodied around.
Why are we critiquing the singer of the anthem so much?

I'm doing so because I'm a singer. It's easy for me to find flaws in it.

Also, it's the inauguration for the new President. They should have found the absolute best talent in the USA for this event, not somebody nobody has ever heard of.



The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

And now we watch as the "give him a chance, wait and see" argument morphs into the "oh well he had to work to undo the stops Obama left him, just give him more time" argument. And then the "well, most Presidents need two terms to accomplish anything, give it more time, Greatness Awaits!" arguement.
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