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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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What is she even going to tweet about?

We've been listening to Trump spew his racist and woman-hating bullshit for DECADES and you people are all "open your hearts we have to give him a chance!"

Exactly. His cult has decided that you don't need to judge people by their words and actions but by whatever you think is actually in their heart. Fucking lunacy


I wonder how many of the people that went to the inauguration were even able to afford plane tickets to DC as opposed to just making a long drive there.



The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

Being ignorant of everything he said and is saying, everything he promises, everyone he chose as staff is the only ignorance on display here.
Yes, being cool with racism is what real adults do

There's a difference between "everybody who disagrees with me should be banned" and what you're saying supposed adults do. Am I taking crazy pills or can nobody read what I'm posting or replying to?
I'm not claiming Trump isn't racist. I'm saying that calling for bans for all dissenting voices is immature as fuck.


I opened my mind and heard "Mexicans are sending rapists"
then "Grab them by the pussy"
then saw him mocking a disabled reporter
then saw him attempt to smear the Miss Universe winner "Check out sex tape"
then he said John Lewis was all talk and no action and made the racist assumption his district was crime infested.

oh yeah, and before all that, he accused Obama of not being a citizen.

So my mind was open and I took that all in. You sound like the close minded one if none of that ever sank in.

Yeah, fuck this bullshit about opening my heart and mind, I opened my mind and eyes and stared into a deep abyss of hate, misogyny, racism, ignorance, lies and more.

I opened my mind and I still regret that I ever did.
Ignorance? No, I know who Trump is based on all the things he has done and said in the last two years. I'm as informed on Trump as anybody can be. Most of us are. Funny word to throw out there.

Perhaps the better word is "stubbornness" ? Either way the poster you quoted is asking something that many people here cannot do. They refuse to believe that it is possible for him to change his mind on anything, and that it is possible for him to actually defend their interests. As far as they are concerned he is a closed book that will never open.

At the end of the day, he is a populist. He goes with what is popular and what will make people like him. The same kind of people who voted him in are not the same people who will guarantee a high approval rating or re-election. If high approval ratings and re-election means changing his stance on LGBT rights, trade, crime, etc. then I think it is within the realm of possibility that he can shuffle his cabinet and change his stance so he is popular and liked.
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