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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”
oh, I don't think things we be fine, I think America and civil liberties are fucked, BUT I am willing to give the President and America a shot. Blowing off Trump and everything he has to say is no different then when right wingers said "Fuck that Socialist Obama" He has nothing to say.
I'm not willing to give this discriminatory, hate-filled, lying clown a shot, and the right wingers said "Fuck him" to Obama because of the color of his skin. Go ahead tell me how both sides are the same.
was gonna watch this cause sometimes i like to see things burn or watch a car crash but fell asleep. maybe for the best. still can't get my head around it.

good luck america. you'll need it.



Was this intended to be an invisible handjob gif?

Or invisible golden shower, in this case.

It's even going directly into Trump's yellow hair.

The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

He stood on stage and gave a nationalist speech. He painted such a bleak and dark picture of america that not even Roosevelt could conjure during the great depression.


From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”

lol Obama just can't resist
There's a difference between "everybody who disagrees with me should be banned" and what you're saying supposed adults do. Am I taking crazy pills or can nobody read what I'm posting or replying to?
I'm not claiming Trump isn't racist. I'm saying that calling for bans for all dissenting voices is immature as fuck.

Emotions are running high, NMT. Trying to interject rationality at this moment may very well be a lost cause.


I don't know what's bad about her? She seems nice and she's beautiful. Just because Donald is a POS doesn't mean she is too.
Let's see what she does for America before we judge.

She said she wanted to fight against cyber bullying.

If the irony doesn't kill you, it might dent your "wait and see" approach.


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From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”

From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”
We don't deserve obama. I will miss you Obama, first president I voted for.


From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”

What does that imply?


This is going to be my political stance for the next 4 years



oh, I don't think things we be fine, I think America and civil liberties are fucked, BUT I am willing to give the President and America a shot. Blowing off Trump and everything he has to say is no different then when right wingers said "Fuck that Socialist Obama" He has nothing to say.

The difference is right there in the statement. There was nothing socialist about Obama.
Sorry, but this is false equivalency. The right wingers were full of shit, and then they preceded to attempt to destroy anything Obama ever did (including implementing *their* plans).


I don't know what's bad about her? She seems nice and she's beautiful. Just because Donald is a POS doesn't mean she is too.
Let's see what she does for America before we judge.

Because to me, Ivanka is more a photo model than anything, that's how deep that goes. Michelle I genuinely liked a lot as she was a inspiration, she did a lot politically and socially to try and help the country even though she was not in a actual political position.

Ivanka's track record so far is stealing Michelle's speech. I have some legitimate concerns.

Edit: Melania! Not Ivanka!
Well, I'll naively hold out hope the DNC can muster up enough passion to get people voting in the midterms. Then find a sparkling magical fairy tale clean charismatic candidate that's super liberal but not too liberal for people to rally behind in three years. And hope we're not in a war for the voters to be dumb enough to stay with Trump for another four years to finish it. That's assuming Trump and his cronies don't systematically and radically destroying the foundations of this country in that time.


I'm really curious what Obama and Trump are talking about. I truly hope that Trump and him can get along and work together after all this.


There is a long tradition of the FLOTUS travelling, championing causes, fundraisers, etc. I'm sure the tweets will be about those things, just like with Mrs. Obama.
Oh come on, she doesn't even want to leave New York, she has 0 chance of visitng Africa.
Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada
"Gucci are good people. Buy Gucci".
No joke, "cyber bullying" is apparently the issue she wants to focus on.
Oh please. God has forsaken us.


There's a difference between "everybody who disagrees with me should be banned" and what you're saying supposed adults do. Am I taking crazy pills or can nobody read what I'm posting or replying to?
I'm not claiming Trump isn't racist. I'm saying that calling for bans for all dissenting voices is immature as fuck.

You said we're in a bubble and should grow up.

Now that said, yes I agree that Trump supporters should not be banned. People saying that are frankly stupid and show me one time that has happened. It always come down to them saying something bigoted that gets them in the ass.
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