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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Just set up a children's size pool in the center of your living room and start early.



From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”

Obama is trying so hard to help Trump not fuck this country into oblivion...
From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”

I hope he at least calls Obama before he starts throwing bombs around when someone criticizes his hair


People saying we need to "give him a chance" are just... like, what? Really?

Donald Trump has been a public figure for DECADES. He has proven time and time again to be greedy, egotistical, simple-minded, and racist. The dude ran out of second chances back in the 1980s. If you think he's going to change his tune now, you're just not paying attention.


From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”

If true, that's badass.


Unconfirmed Member
There's a difference between "everybody who disagrees with me should be banned" and what you're saying supposed adults do. Am I taking crazy pills or can nobody read what I'm posting or replying to?
I'm not claiming Trump isn't racist. I'm saying that calling for bans for all dissenting voices is immature as fuck.

It isn't too unreasonable considering most dissenting voices are fly-by posts with no substance whatsoever that completely gloss over well-thought-out responses as to why they think Trump is the antithesis to everything America stands for, including legitimate criticisms by way of Trump's own words, actions and cabinet picks. People who shit post only wish to incite disruption, nothing more, because they know they're wrong but they choose to ignore any criticism because they harbor many awful views and don't give a shit about anyone else. They're ignorant.


I ordered a pizza and they didn't put one of those things that keep the box from caving in in, so there was a bunch of cheese stuck to the roof of the box.
everything's already falling apart, man


It's curious to see that many Americans are certainly unable to accept what an incredibly nationalistic and dangerous speech that was. Mostly due to the fact that American political rhethoric is already so loaded with all that 'greatest nation in the world' bullshit.
What is she even going to tweet about?

@FLOTUS RT this if you believe Cyber Bullying needs to stop. #EndTheCyberBullies

@FLOTUS I believe in raising your children so that they never become bullies. #RaiseYourChildren

@FLOTUS I will end all the hate we see on the cyber by working for you America. You the people empower me to do great things.
Just heard the president of the United States with ill-disguised contempt in a Bannon/Manafort penned script:

e) Rewrite history to revise eight years of progress and economic success as hell.

Trump is a horrible racist but let us not rewrite history here.


The vast amount of jobs created under Obama were primarily in the service or retail industry. Working shifts at the strip mall hawking cellphones inbetween your second and third jobs at Dunkin Doughnuts and McDonalds just to survive because a living wage is apparently asking for too much isn't the base of a strong economy. It's a crumbling economy.


So this is it huh? End of Obama presidency.

Thanks for everything Obama. We will miss you as president.

Dark times coming ahead of us.


People saying we need to "give him a chance" are just... like, what? Really?

Donald Trump has been a public figure for DECADES. He has proven time and time again to be greedy, egotistical, simple-minded, and racist. The dude ran out of second chances back in the 1980s. If you think he's going to change his tune now, you're just not paying attention.

Optimism plus naivete.


My point is that if you aren't Christian in this country, you're probably fucked. Because freedom of religion means freedom to choose a variety of Christianity and stand with God and its new leaders.
Uhh, there are plenty of minority Christians in the U.S., fella. You honestly think they're good to go for the next four years?

Also, shoutouts to all the shitlord trolls that are coming out of the woodwork in this thread. I honestly don't know if there's a ceiling to forum ignore lists, but God help me, I'm finding out today.
oh, I don't think things we be fine, I think America and civil liberties are fucked, BUT I am willing to give the President and America a shot. Blowing off Trump and everything he has to say is no different then when right wingers said "Fuck that Socialist Obama" He has nothing to say.

Fuck this entire line of thinking. So tired of this "both sides" bullshit equivalency.

ProTip: if one person says "fuck black people" and another person says "fuck the KKK" they are not morally equivalent.


I'm going to miss Obama so damn much, the man is like a god. Best President in our lifetimes easily. Crying so hard to see him go and knowing his legacy is going to be ruined with that white supremacist fascist that was just sworn in. Fucking makes me so angry.

And how are there suddenly so many Trump supporters on gaf? Some of the posts in this thread are sickening.


I don't, and you shouldn't either. I really don't understand why Americans feels the need to deify their political leaders, because in the end, they are all, including Hillary, public servants. If she couldn't put in the effort to win the presidency in the first place, she needs to fuck off and live her life knowing her greatest event of notoriety was the person who lost to Donald J. Trump.

It would have been a blow-out if it wasn't for Comey's letter and russian interference. That's not something you should expect from a candidate to overcome.

Permanently A

Junior Member
From The Guardian:

There’s footage of Trump walking Obama through the Capitol rotunda.

We’re not making this up. The camera catches a snippet of their conversation. Obama is heard to say to Trump:

“Well as I said, we’ll be right around the corner.”

I don't get it. What does Obama mean?


Perhaps the better word is "stubbornness" ? Either way the poster you quoted is asking something that many people here cannot do. They refuse to believe that it is possible for him to change his mind on anything, and that it is possible for him to actually defend their interests. As far as they are concerned he is a closed book that will never open.

At the end of the day, he is a populist. He goes with what is popular and what will make people like him. The same kind of people who voted him in are not the same people who will guarantee a high approval rating or re-election. If high approval ratings and re-election means changing his stance on LGBT rights, trade, crime, etc. then I think it is within the realm of possibility that he can shuffle his cabinet and change his stance so he is popular and liked.

Donald Trump is a man that also has his own convictions, to think otherwise is unwise. His picks for his cabinets so far are disgusting and self serving. Trump will do what is in the best interest for Trump first, before considering what the people want.

Yes, I agree that he wants people to shout his name so his popularity matters to him, but Trump has spent a lifetime listening to nobody but Trump and doing what is best for him. Forgive me for not thinking he will change now.


If God was real and was really protecting this country then lightning would have came down from the sky during that fucking speech.
He has nothing but endorsed the establishment with all of his picks so far.
I don't have a problem with some of his cabinet picks being "establishment"...being politicians. I think it's smart for the cabinet to have some experience and political know-how.

In the end, Trump has the final say. He's too much of a control guy to let his cabinet walk all over him.
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