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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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The cynicism here :\

He is the President now(even though hes a piece of shit), go in with an open mind. Ignorance doesn't combat ignorance

He's lost every chance he ever had. He failed to staff responsibly during the transition, he failed to show any kind of leadership in his communications, he's failed to show even a modest sense of good policy, and he just again demonstrated that he sees a dark and dystopian america deeply at odds with reality. How many chances does this guys deserve?

If Donald wants to be a good persident his congressional support and institutional power will give him that opportunity. He doesn't need my support to get there. I am going to continue judge him by his words and actions. Why would anyone do otherwise?
You said we're in a bubble and should grow up.

Now that said, yes I agree that Trump supporters should not be banned. People saying that are frankly stupid and show me one time that has happened. It always come down to them saying something bigoted that gets them in the ass.
Dude the first post I quoted literally called for all Trump supporters to be banned. Hence the echo chamber comment. That's when the reading comprehension brigade decided to jump on my post without reading the context, and I somehow became a racist Trump supporter all of a sudden? I can't keep up with what narrative is being created for my posts in this thread.


Man, that Secret Service agent doesnt look like someone you would like to piss off



I don't have a problem with some of his cabinet picks being "establishment"...being politicians. I think it's smart for the cabinet to have some experience and political know-how.

In the end, Trump has the final say. He's too much of a control guy to let his cabinet walk all over him.


Unreal breh.
The government is people, more so than corporations, they certainly don't have the people's interest more in mind at any rate. But what do I know. Hopefully the power transfers to an Obama like figure and not Putin.

All I'm saying is that the rhetoric is powerful while also being dangerous. I think America has finally reached the breaking point where politicians say they'll change the status quo, do not, then someone new comes in with that same rhetoric to assume power. I'm not sure what people will do if Pres. Trump doesn't deliver like virtually all elites before him over the last several decades.


Trump is a horrible racist but let us not rewrite history here.


The vast amount of jobs created under Obama were primarily in the service or retail industry. Working shifts at the strip mall hawking cellphones inbetween your second and third jobs at Dunkin Doughnuts and McDonalds just to survive because a living wage is apparently asking for too much isn't the base of a strong economy. It's a crumbling economy.

Thank you, I really appreciate this post, thank you.
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