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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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I give money to ACLU and PP monthly so today I'm sending cash to the Southern Poverty Law Center.


Trump is a horrible racist but let us not rewrite history here.


The vast amount of jobs created under Obama were primarily in the service or retail industry. Working shifts at the strip mall hawking cellphones inbetween your second and third jobs at Dunkin Doughnuts and McDonalds just to survive because a living wage is apparently asking for too much isn't the base of a strong economy. It's a crumbling economy.

I graduated undergrad back in 2008 and there was literally no jobs for a few years. Many of my friends who graduated had to changed their study or went back to grad school to keep themselves from being unemployed.

In the past couple of years... Things of changed dramatically and there is finally some jobs out there that can yield a living wage.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
It's just a mortgage insurance rate. It's nothing when compared to other costs of buying a house. The current upfront mortgage insurance premium fee is 1.75% of the borrowed amount and the annual amount is even less.


I don't believe income has anything to do with acquiring the loan, though, does it? That's what I've read.

Income doesn't have anything to do with it, but FHA loans are really only beneficial for people who literally can't afford to put 20% down. If you can, there's no reason to get a FHA loan over standard loan, due to the requirement for mortgage insurance, as well as increased limitations on the types of housing available.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I saw some amazing interviews with Trump voters around there on German TV. One dude talked about Trump being the guy who can safe the country and bring it together again. Right next to him was the person he was with holding an anti-gay sign. Kinda undermined his point.

The idea is to bring all the right wing christian people together so they can drive everybody else into the sea for not being true Americans.


No additional functions

His speech wasn't patriotic. It was pathetic. And the current climate is nothing like it was in 2008, don't be disingenuous.

Opinions. I see similarities to 2008. People were tired of the failed policies of Bush and thought Obama would change things. Today people are tired of the failed policies of Obama and hope Trump can change things. I don't see how this is being disingenuous. This is why he won the election.

I didn't vote for Obama, but I hoped he was the real deal, just like I hope Trump is. I remember people on these boards were saying, "You have to support your leader" back then because people disagreed or were critical of Obama. Although I didn't always agree, at one time I could appreciate liberal GAF to be rational, but is seems like that's exceedingly rare now. I can't believe there are people saying they actually want Bush back. As mentioned earlier, the cognitive dissonance in this thread is amazing not to mention the hypocrisy from Liberal GAF. Where are the sound minds?

Ron Mexico

You don't need 20%, but you'll be looking at 5-10% most likely.

I still don't see the FHA changing. 3.5% down is still going to be a thing. But that's just one piece of a bigger puzzle.

I'll keep saying the same thing to prospective buyers and those looking to refi-- a 50bps increase wouldn't surprise me in the slightest in 2017. Buying a home is a huge expense and that .50% could make a huge difference over the life of the loan.


Beat EviLore at pool.
More funny news.


Lewandowski Stopped From Joining Trump at Inauguration

Minutes before President Barack Obama and Trump made their way through the Capitol Crypt, Lewandowski was stopped by Capitol Police as he tried to make his way through.

“Please have somebody bring me that ticket,” he said on the phone. “I just can’t get past. I’m literally standing at the– I can see, like, the members of what is probably the Cabinet. I can see the people walking onto, like, in the camera shot.”


Someone dumb this down for me? Is this the thing that let's you guy a house with only 3% down?
No. This deals with mortgage premiums on FHA loans. The rate was cut by Obama by .5% back in 2015.

It shouldn't affect existing mortgages, but it will make premiums more expensive on new FHA loans going forward.
Just to clarify for anyone who is panicking about the FHA Insurance deal. It is just Trump cancelling(Suspending) Obama's rate cut. The rate as of right now is as it was before Obama proposed the cut. That being said being a real estate mogul expect some serious shake ups on the housing market from Trump.
These fucking rioters are only going to give trump and the gop more of a leg to stand on. While people are actively protesting and helping our cause these dip shits are just looking for an excuse to act like ass holes.


Opinions. I see similarities to 2008. People were tired of the failed policies of Bush and thought Obama would change things. Today people are tired of the failed policies of Obama and hope Trump can change things. I don't see how this is being disingenuous. This is why he won the election.

I didn't vote for Obama, but I hoped he was the real deal, just like I hope Trump is. I remember people on these boards were saying, "You have to support your leader" back then because people disagreed or were critical of Obama. Although I didn't always agree, at one time I could appreciate liberal GAF to be rational, but is seems like that's exceedingly rare now. I can't believe there are people saying they actually want Bush back. As mentioned earlier, the cognitive dissonance in this thread is amazing not to mention the hypocrisy from Liberal GAF. Where are the sound minds?

It's so pathetic to watch people try and do this mental gymnastic bullshit to act like Trump is just the next politician after the last.

Next time just say "both sides" so people know you don't have anything worth a shit to say.


More funny news.


Lewandowski Stopped From Joining Trump at Inauguration

Minutes before President Barack Obama and Trump made their way through the Capitol Crypt, Lewandowski was stopped by Capitol Police as he tried to make his way through.

“Please have somebody bring me that ticket,” he said on the phone. “I just can’t get past. I’m literally standing at the– I can see, like, the members of what is probably the Cabinet. I can see the people walking onto, like, in the camera shot.”

Fully deserved.

And more.


I saw some amazing interviews with Trump voters around there on German TV. One dude talked about Trump being the guy who can safe the country and bring it together again. Right next to him was the person he was with holding an anti-gay sign. Kinda undermined his point.

I imagine it still holds water to him because their idea of bringing the country together is more about breaking LGBT people and force them to be straight like they want.
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