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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Zen Aku

Can someone give me a summary of the performances? I woke up late (that's how much I didn't care about this inauguration, totally forgot about it)

Was it good or were there some fuckery going on?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I didn't think NK or Iran had anything with the range where we'd need to defend ourselves against them?
That's why we're gonna spend billions to ensure our system can go the extra mile(s) and to reach them! Surely you don't think POTUS DJT would want to just sit idly by while our enemies are ineffectually shooting at us?


Well, here's my take on it. I thought it was bold and honest.

- He said this isn't about him, but the American people. He said he is working for all the American people.
- It doesn't matter what your skin color is, we are all one people. We all essentially want the same things, the freedoms of our country unites us and we are unstoppable when we work together.
- He called out the politicians and said they have benefited themselves at the expense of the people.
- Regarding trade, he basically said his priority is America first. He wants to bring back jobs.
- Two rules: Buy American and Build in America.
- He wants to strengthen the relationship with our allies and also make new ones. He wants America to be a good example to the rest of the world.
- He said he is going to work on rebuilding America's infrastructure instead of other countries.
- He said protecting America's borders and safety will come before protecting another countries borders.
- He said ISIS will be defeated.

It was a very patriotic speech, blunt and in stark contrast to how Obama has sounded the last few years. That being said, I had high hopes for Obama in 2008. People might not remember the climate he was elected under, but the conditions weren't too dissimilar to today. I see a lot of similarities, but others may disagree. Imo, America has a lot of the problems and it will take some tough medicine to fix them. I hope Trump can turn things around.
Thanks for the summary mate.
Sound good actually... here's hoping.


Can someone break this down for me?

There was a reduction in fees for FHA loans passed, this reverses it for anyone buying a home after the 24th. Basically making housing more expensive for FHA backed buyers. Things is, this is mainly lower income segments of the country. You'd have to be a dick for this to be a priority.

Least that's my understanding, maybe someone with more experience in the market for real estate can pop in.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Can someone break this down for me?
It only affects a small number of loans that are insured by the FHA.

If you have one of those loans you pay extra for mortgage insurance that protects the lender if you default on the loan. This is just saying the insurance premiums are going to go up or stay the same, rather than go down, on those loans.


Some new inauguration comparison angles





The missile defense system has always cracked me up. They would have a much better chance to get the device on target using Fed Ex or any courier. The whole thing is just saber rattling nonsense.


Thanks for the summary mate.
Sound good actually... here's hoping.

Ask yourself if that's how you would summarize Trump's speeches during his campaign. If the answer is "yes", then I guess it's accurate, because his inauguration speech was exactly the same as every one of his inflammatory campaign speeches we have all heard a thousand times.


The missile defense system has always cracked me up. They would have a much better chance to get the device on target using Fed Ex or any courier. The whole thing is just saber rattling nonsense.

why focus on Iran and NK anyway, they have missiles to reach the US?


Thanks for the summary mate.
Sound good actually... here's hoping.

It sounds like bullshit.

-He said he is working for all the American people.. But won't separate from his businesses
-It doesn't matter what your skin color is... unless you're black getting shot by the cops.
-He will be most in benefit at the expense of the people unless he separates from his businesses.
-Buy American and Build American? Weird that Trump as a businessman never followed that rule.
-How's he going to strengthen relationships with our allies when he's already thrown NATO under the bus in favor of Russia?


Son of a bitch. We've been saving up to buy a house sometime next year as first time home buyers. So now does this means we have to come up with the recommended 20%?

No. It just means your monthly payment will be a bit higher. For reference, mine went down about $80. But I think the exact total depends on how big the loan is.
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