Just realised, Leo didn't even mention Kate Winslet.
How dare he
Shouldn't even be mad really. I expected Spotlight to win BP and I actually really like the movie.
I'm mad though.
To the max.
A feeling of fury, even.
Also road.
It is the best rated movie of 2015 outside of this forum, stop with this "Mad Max fans on GAF" nonsense
Anyone calling Spotlight an upset were not falling odds and predictions. It was always a three way race between The Revenant, Spotlight, and The Big Short.
Well deserved for Spotlight though of the 5 nominees I had seen it was the best one imo.
Chris Rock did a great job overall.
I get people wanting George Miller to win but why all the Inarritu hate?
Whos that? Kate Winslet?
Well everyone here seems to be eating it up so their efforts weren't wasted.
Wait. People legit though mad max would win?
AmazingA shout out to Morgan Freeman, who tore open those Girl Scout cookies, took one, and left the stage immediately.
I knew with all the little awards Mad Max was winning it was going to lose BP. Still surprised Miller didn't get the director nod though.
Spotlight still a better winner than Crash
Pretty solid night. So we're all in agreement that Director was the only MAJOR snub, right? It was the only one that I actually felt kinda negative about.
Innaritu got his Oscar last year for a better film.
People who hate mad max should have wanted it to win because now we will always talk about how mad max should have won, and it should have.
Wait. People legit though mad max would win?
Just a few 'ludesHow many hardcore drugs is Leo gonna do tonight?
Another Best Picture winner nobody will remember in a year, and will be featured in articles about forgotten winners in a few years. Max will live forever on the fury road, and nobody will forget that journey. Miller got robbed. Maybe they should have made a bigger deal about how hard it was to shoot in the heat of Africa.
Man they're really trying to make up for the "whitewashed" accusations aren't they?
I mean, I agree. But it felt like they were trying to cram it in to every spot other than the nominations to make up for their mistake.
Another Best Picture winner nobody will remember in a year, and will be featured in articles about forgotten winners in a few years. Max will live forever on the fury road, and nobody will forget that journey. Miller got robbed. Maybe they should have made a bigger deal about how hard it was to shoot in the heat of Africa.
Crash won afterall...just sayin'
Did I hear Chewie at the very end?
Yea I think that was Miller's last serious shot at Best Director.
Crash won afterall...just sayin'
Cryingintomoney.gifSo, Martian and TFA both walked away with nothing.
Academy really, really hates space movies i guess. Gravity was an exception because it wasn't actually sci-fi, perhaps.
It was Mad Max's rival this season so naturally it's attacked.
So... second highest rated? Wow, you really destroyed his point about Mad Max love not being a GAF-exclusive phenomenon. Mad Max is shit, confirmed!Spotlight is the highest actually. Nice try though.
Fight the power lmaoooo
Pretty solid night. So we're all in agreement that Director was the only MAJOR snub, right? It was the only one that I actually felt kinda negative about.
Innaritu got his Oscar last year for a better film.