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The All-Encompassing Competitive Pokemon Thread (Tournament April 23rd)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Ugh this is going to take a while to set up. Fortunately I have notepad docs with the EVs for my teams.

Give me a few minutes.


Sixfortyfive said:
Vaporeon's Hidden Power type doesn't match. It wasn't super effective earlier.
Yeah select it when you do EVs/IVs. It'll automatically change the IVs to match the HP you want.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Well that was definitely the most challenging fight I had in the tourney. Your lead particularly caught me by surprise. I never expect that thing to be holding that item. gg

Heatran 'bout near gave me a heart attack. A scarfed Heatran OHKOs five of my six team members guaranteed, save for the lucky and rare Snow Cloak miss. He happened to be sent out against the one party member who has a chance against him.

Stallrein is clutch. Fear it.

EDIT: Also, claim your prizes, guys.


Aye Stallrein is quite the force there. Couldnt even break it's defenses although i tried hard. Second place is fine for me though ^_^ And it was a intense battle.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
No problem. I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm glad it went as smoothly as it did. While I'm getting some videos prepared for Youtube, I feel like sharing some info on the team I used for the tournament.


Freezing moves are powerful! Your Pokemon will be at my mercy when they are frozen solid!

So yeah, I went with a strictly mono-ice hail team. Hail is kind of a niche play style as it is, and going at it with six ice types is really kind of dumb. Ice is already a poor typing defensively, and having every team member share this type means lots of common weaknesses throughout. There are a lot of instances where I'll just try to tough it out and play through a bad matchup instead of switching out, as the odds are pretty good that any replacement I switch in will have a good chunk taken off of its HP anyway.

That said, I really like the ice type, I enjoy working with the limitations imposed by a team like this, and a 100% accurate STAB Blizzard is always a great thing to have. So without further ado:


Abomasnow w/ Choice Scarf
- Blizzard
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power Fire

Abomasnow's most popular set is a SubSeeder setup in which he sets up a Substitute and uses Leech Seed to drain the opponent while he continues to attack. This isn't really practical for the team I run though. Since every single member of this team benefits from hail, I don't seen any reason to lead with anyone but Abomasnow, and since he's too slow to setup a sub before most other leads and is likely to be at the receiving end of some super-effective damage to one of his 7 weaknesses anyway, a SubSeeder just wouldn't work.

Most opponents don't expect Abomasnow to be fast, so a scarfed set is usually good for one very important surprise KO. Earthquake hits fire types hard, while HP Fire hits steels that resist Blizzard (Scizor, Foretress). I also don't mind being locked into one move from the scarf, as Abomasnow should be switched out and saved for later to bring back the hail if necessary anyway.

The one problem I have with this setup is that my EVs are split pretty evenly between Atk and SpAtk, which means EQ and HP often bring opponents close to a KO but don't actually finish the job, where as if I would just focus all of them on one of the attacking stats I might be able to get some guaranteed KOs on the likes of Infernape and Scizor. As it is, I usually end up bringing them down to very low health and then getting KOd in one hit. Scizor's Bullet Punch has a pretty good chance of OHKOing me anyway though.


Froslass w/ Leftovers
- Blizzard
- Thunder Wave
- Spikes
- Substitute

Snow Cloak reduces the enemy's accuracy by 20%. Use Substitute until the opponent misses, then Thunder Wave it. With Snow Cloak + paralysis, 100% accurate moves are now only 60% accurate. From here, attempt to set up three layers of spikes, and then just start wearing things down with Blizzard after that. After setting up, take a safe switch out if it presents itself, and bring her back if you predict a fighting or normal move coming from the opponent.

You wouldn't really expect something with as unremarkable offensive/defensive stats as Froslass to be a major player, but she almost always reaches parity with the opponent, guaranteeing at least one KO or spreading enough paralysis and residual damage around to justify her spot on the team. Her effectiveness is entirely dependent on how quickly Snow Cloak forces a miss. Sometimes she gets it early and can fully setup, taking out entire teams by herself; other times she only manages one layer of spikes or one Blizzard before going down.


Walrein w/ Leftovers
- Surf
- Roar
- Substitute
- Protect

Ice Body heals 1/16 of Walrein's health each turn during hail. Leftovers heals an additional 1/16. Substitute uses up 1/4 of it. Substitute + Protect + Ice Body + Leftovers = Walrein regains exactly the amount of HP he used to create the Substitute in the first place. This means he can stall with Sub+Protect for 32 turns if need be while the opponent is pelted with hail. Surf for STAB, and Roar to get rid of pesky opponents that might throw a wrench into the process (plus bonus damage if Froslass set up some spikes).

A hail team isn't a hail team without Stallrein. He can take care of some opposing Pokemon that tear through the rest of my entire team.


Mamoswine w/ Life Orb
- Blizzard
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Ice Shard

The team's heavy hitter. Respectable damage from both sides of the spectrum (further boosted by Life Orb), decent speed, good priority move, and the only team member not weak to Stealth Rock or sandstorms. Switch in on a predicted electric move and start wreaking havoc.


Glaceon w/ Lum Berry
- Blizzard
- Hidden Power Fighting
- Fake Tears
- Wish

The highest special attack of all ice types = the strongest Blizzard in the game, which tears quite a big hole into anything that doesn't resist it. Wish is there for team support and can also come in handy for Glaceon itself, as it has surprisingly good defense. An ice typing coupled with its low speed, however, usually equals certain doom. It does quite well against anything that doesn't carry super effective attacks against it though.

Fake Tears has extremely limited utility, but it is good for messing with special walls and forcing switches. I stuck a Lum Berry on it so it could counter noob Darkrai leads on PBR and I've just kind of left it with that item ever since.


Weavile w/ Choice Band
- Pursuit
- Brick Break
- Aerial Ace
- Ice Shard

A revenge killer that I haven't put that much thought or effort into. It kinda shows. Unless the opponent's Pokemon is already somewhat weakened, he has a problem actually KOing anything, as all of these moves are pretty weak. Fortunately the Choice Band and his ridiculous Atk stat make up for that.

Pursuit should be noted, as it brings me to this:

Wiseblade said:
The Acid Rain glitch only occurs in a very specific situation that's pretty unlikely to show up in this tourney. It also wouldn't really benefit anyone to try and trigger it on purpose. Castform and Cherrim are only banned as a precautionary measure.
Unicorn discovered firsthand in a casual match that the first statement wasn't true. Had the match dragged on any longer, he would have discovered why the second statement was false as well.

To recap, acid weather is triggered when the following happens: permanent weather is in play, one player attempts to switch out, the other player uses Pursuit on the same turn, and Pursuit KOs the Pokemon that attempted to switch. Things go haywire from there, and multiple weather conditions start to occur simultaneously. All four weather conditions deal damage, and Blizzard and Thunder both have 100% accuracy. The only way to get rid of the glitch once it is in effect is to bring out a permaweather Pokemon of higher priority than the glitch. If the glitch was started during a sandstorm, then either a Sand Stream or Snow Warning Pokemon can get rid of it. If it was started during hail, then only a Snow Warning Pokemon can get rid of it.

Eath of the 4 weather conditions eat away 1/16 of both Pokemon's health every turn, which means that they take 25% damage each turn just from the weather. There are some notable exceptions, though. Mamoswine is immune to glitch weather because his dual typing provides immunity to both hail and sandstorm. Walrein's Ice Body ability heals him for each weather condition instead of damaging him.

Read that last sentence again, and take another glance at my Walrein's moveset. Walrein can do nothing but Sub+Protect for 32 turns, all the while gaining back much more health than he uses to make the subs, while the opponent is losing 25% of its HP each turn without me even having to touch him. Yeah. If you can't bring Walrein under 25% HP in one move, preventing him from getting the first sub up, then you can't kill him. You can't outstall him. You could try to phaze him out, but that only delays the inevitable. Toxic poison won't even escalate fast enough to make that much of a difference.

So yeah, I wasn't taking precautions and warning everyone about acid weather for nothing. This is seriously one of the most unfair things I've seen in Pokemon, and I'm kinda glad it never cropped up in the tournament itself.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
o_0 Acid Rain sounds legendary. Is it banned in official tourneys? Acknowledged by GF as a glitch? It seems ridiculously easy to trigger.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Andrex said:
o_0 Acid Rain sounds legendary. Is it banned in official tourneys? Acknowledged by GF as a glitch? It seems ridiculously easy to trigger.
I don't even know if Nintendo is aware of it, as their VGC rules don't have any sort of glitch policy and Castform and Cherrim aren't mentioned. Castform and Cherrim transform during certain weather conditions. Simultaneous weather conditions during acid weather means that they constantly transform and prevent the match from ending.

The Smogon community has been aware of it since the JP release of Platinum, but it wasn't fixed for HGSS. There are only two ways you can "ban" this glitch: either ban all auto-weather Pokemon (not a good idea; Tyranitar is popular) or ban Pursuit (also not a good idea; it's one of the most useful moves in single battles).

I usually give my opponent a heads up when I use Pursuit in hail so that they don't try to switch out and make things worse for themselves. I am not going to stop myself from going for a guaranteed KO when it presents itself, glitch or no glitch.

EDIT: I've posted links and video IDs for the match videos I have. Post more if you've got 'em.


Delio said:
That Hail team showed me how deadly it is. Kinda why i want to use Hail for the VGC.
Fuck Hail and Trick Room.
srsly :(

Especially Hail AND Trick Room. I shudder every time I see a Dialga + Abomasnow lead =(


Thank you for the prize Sixfortyfive. Also thank you for running this tournament! I know it can be stressful!

And the video against El Sloth, the reason I used Fly was because I figured he had sucker punch so I wanted to see if it would hit on the turn I flew up... That was stupid as he had Haze instead :lol

Oh and if anyone wants to read a match from the last tournament, I've linked it a bunch of times, but here's probably the closest match I ever had (Firestorm vs Jiggy): http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37729


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I went ahead and tallied up every Pokemon I faced in the tournament:

2x Butterfree
2x Charizard
2x Dragonite
2x Infernape
2x Scizor
2x Starmie
2x Umbreon
2x Vaporeon

I never came across a Tyranitar, which was fortunate. Tyranitar isn't terribly hard to KO before he causes too much damage, but as you can probably guess, my team really doesn't enjoy Sand Stream. My greatest fear is that I'll be forced to sacrifice Abomasnow early in the match in order to dispose of a problem Pokemon, only for that dimwitted-looking rock beast to rear its stupid head later and fuck everything up. Froslass and Walrein are crippled without hail, and the other guys benefit from it at least a little bit.

Scarfed Heatran tears through 5 of my team members with no problems whatsoever. Walrein is the only one that can stop him, which fortunately happened in the final match. Not sure if Delio's was scarfed or not.

Scizor normally causes tons of problems as well. A Technician Bullet Punch boosted by either Life Orb or Choice Band wrecks everything. I also have to rely on Walrein for this matchup.

Infernape is difficult to handle, but Abomasnow outspeeds it with a scarf and can knock him low enough with an EQ for somebody else to finish him off easily. Froslass can also be switched in on a fighting move. Still risky to try and predict it though.

Lucario is hard to deal with as well. Thank god for Froslass's invaluable fighting immunity. >_>

Most other things can be handled without too much of a headache.
Sixfortyfive said:


I would like to claim Dark Type

As for the stuff that needs voting:

* allowed for Dragon gym only (1) - Metroid Killer

* no wildcards (1) - Metroid Killer

Really looking forward to this!


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
So yeah, the OP has been revamped for the monotype challenge. And the Ice Gym is officially opened for business.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Flying Gym (WIP)
Leader: Andrex
Friend Code: 0560 - 9071 - 3586 (SoulSilver)
Availability: Fri-Sun Night
Rules: Single Battle only, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Shoddy Battle prohibited
Prize: Brave Bird+Whirlwind Skarmory
Prize Condition: None​

Still getting my team together though, it may be as much as one week before I'm ready.

Garchomp: Banned
Wildcard: No​


I'd like to Call Fire type.

Votes: Garchomp banned
Wildcard No

I'll fill this post with additional info once i figure my team and such out.


Because I'm fighting via Shoddy Battle exclusively for the meanwhile, I consider my Gym to be optional as not everyone might be happy with this structure. If there is someone that wishes to claim the Fighting type and battle via more traditional means, I'm more than happy to step down and let them take my place.

My rules are as follows.

Leader: Mush

Friend Code: N/A (Battles will be conducted by Shoddy Battle only)
Shoddy Battle Username: Mush_nz


Availability: Friday to Sunday (UTC+12 hours) or by prior arrangement. In other words, PM me.

Rules: Single Battle only, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Shoddy Battle allowed

Prize: IOU ;) (Seriously)
Fighting type Pokemon

And housekeeping:

Garchomp: Banned for everyone.
Wildcard: No.
Item Clause: No.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
You don't need to publicize your team if you're a Leader.

Item Clause is on a per-gym basis. Leaders can choose whether they want to enforce it or not.

I'm thinking of making the hacking policy applied on a per-gym basis as well. I don't really mind fighting hacked-but-legal teams.


Neo Member
Leader: Matt

Friend Code: N/A (I'll have to find this)

Availability: Friday to Saturday is best, but I'm also available on weekdays.

Rules: Double Battle only, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause

Prize: TBD

Type: Psychic

Garchomp: Banned for everyone.
Wildcard: No.
Item Clause: No.


I could open now if you like, I have enough for a dencent monotype team great team if im allowed a wildcard. I'll be upgreading the team at the end of the month too, but I think it's best to open ASAP.

Wiseblade's Wonderful Water Gym!

Rules: Single Battle, OU and below only, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Freeze clause(like I can enforce it...). Shoddy Battle allowed, but not recommended.

Availability: I should be revising... PM me.

I may allow Garchomp at a later date.

Prize: Whatever I happen to be breeding at the time. Although for a 6-0 I may take a request... :lol




Friend Code: 4984-7134-0994 (SoulSilver)
Availability: Differs each week because of my job. PM me if you wanna play.
Rules: Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Item Clause, Shoddy Battle prohibited
Prize: Spiritomb w/any item of your choice
Prize Condition: defeat at least one other Gym with the same team
Grand Prize: Phione
Grand Prize Condition: defeat all the other Gyms with the same team​


Garchomp = allowed for Ground/Dragon leaders only
Wildcard = allowed

Razer Reds

Neo Member
I'd like to claim the Steel gym if that's okay.

Steel Gym


Friend Code: 5199-4615-2065 (HeartGold)
Availability: Evenings, but PM me to see if I'm available any sooner in the day.
Rules: Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Item Clause, Shoddy Battle prohibited
Prize: Lucky Egg
Prize Condition: Just defeat me.
Garchomp: Allowed by all
Wildcard: No


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
^ Do you have a team already prepared?

EDIT: OP updated. I might be around for battles on and off for the evening. I'll be consistently available later tonight.




Friend Code: 2192-9982-4094 (HeartGold)
Availability: Changes because of weird work schedule, PM to set it up.
Rules: Species Clause, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Shoddy Battle prohibited (unless serious wifi issues occur)
Prize: Toys R Us Shaymin
Prize Condition: defeat at least two other Gyms with the same team​

Team isn't currently ready; I have finals this week. I've already started it but won't be able to start really finishing it until after thursday. It shouldn't take me long to get it all ready then, though.
Leader: Vectorman06
Type: Normal
Availability: Sat and Sun 1pm-7pm pst
Friendcode: N/A Shoddy Battle only for now
Rules: Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Single Battle only, Shoddy Battle Only
Prizes: N/A



Shoddy username = Delio
Availability = Most of the weekdays i am here. PM me for setting up battle times.
Rules = Species Clause,Sleep Clause,Evasion Clause,OHKO Clause,Single battle only
Prizes = Fake Out Chimchar
Prize Condition = Defeat one other Gym leader before me with same team.


Okay, I wanted Fire, but I guess I'll take Dragon. It should only take me a week or two to have a full team, regardless of how the Garchomp situation plays out.

And I vote wildcards should be allowed as long as they have a move of that type, like it was in Diamond in Pearl. It may seem a bit overpowered, but ffs, we're gonna have one Pokemon that will throw off their entire team of 6.


Friend Code: 0646 7987 5909 (HeartGold)
Availability: Just PM me and I'll get back to you that day.
Rules: Same as PokeGAF Tourney Rules
Prize: Dragon Dance Bagon 31 Atk IV
Prize Condition: Defeat Me
Grand Prize: Your choice of either (Dragon Dance Dratini 31 Speed IV) or (ExtremeSpeed Dratini 31 Atk IV)
Grand Prize Condition: Defeat me with no more than 2 of your Pokemon fainting. (Meaning 4+ left)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I count at least 10 gym leaders but no other challengers.

Anyway, I should be around for battles in an hour or so if anyone wants to do this tonight.


I'd like to try a few things in actual battle tonight too.

So are we allowed to be challengers AND leaders? So its just like the leaders are trainers with the "official" stamp from GAF to be the leaders of the thread?
Would this be done in Shoddy? I would like to be a challenge. Just testing 1st what team I would use. :D

(I would like to be a leader but I think the only type left is Poison. :lol)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Updated the OP again. I don't intend to put full gym leader profiles up until that person has a full team ready, so make sure to notify me when yours is ready or if I've forgotten to put you in the OP.

Kyzer said:
So are we allowed to be challengers AND leaders?
Yeah. You would have your gym team and a separate challenger team to use against other gyms. (Or if you were feeling really ballsy, I guess there's nothing stopping you from using your gym team against everyone else.)

I'd try to keep some stats for competition's sake, like how many leaders/challengers you've beaten and how many attempts it took to do so, so I'd want people to share match results as they happen.
Hmmm some of the pokemon for my team wont learn some of the moves I want until way beyond lvl 50. It would be faster to get the traded+foreign 1.7x boost, but if I asked for a certain pokemon in either of the threads people would figure out my team >_<. I guess I have to find some people not participating in this and ask them to breed some for me.
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