Poody said:What way to end a season then a Grand Slam
Mrbob said:LOL. That was a choke of Cubs proportions! Good job San Fran!
Did Latoi fly to LA in time to close the 9th for San Fran?
Well my negros, I'm off to celebrate! Dodgers and Angels win!! I'll drink a beer for you methodman!!
astrosdaily.com said:Dec 28 1994 - traded Ken Caminiti(IF), Andujar Cedeno(IF), Steve Finley(OF), Roberto Petagine(IF), Brian Williams(P) and Sean Fesh(P) to SD-N for Derek Bell(OF), Doug Brocail(P), Ricky Gutierrez(IF), Pedro Martinez(P), Phil Plantier(OF), and Craig Shipley(IF). SD received Fesh on May 1 1995
Matrix said:WOW 6 Hr's by the stros...
2 Biggio * career high 24 hr's*
2 Kent
1 Ensberg * #10...he finally hit double digits *
1 Bruntlett
8-1...come on pen hold this game and give Roy-0 career high of 20 wins
Ughhhh 8-2 now...Wheeler gives up a solo job to the first batter he faces.
Ughhhh 8-2 now...Wheeler gives up a solo job to the first batter he faces.
it doesnt matter, come on. we're not the cubs, we won't blow an 8-2 lead *coughcoughtheCubsvstheCardscoughcough*
NLB2 said:I haven't been paying attention to baseball since going to school. wtf? I can understand the cubbies not making the playoffs but what happened to Houston?
If only the game wasn't interrupted by a kid getting it in the face with a baseball (blood pouring out), another person getting hit with a ball in the 7th and finally some jackass pouring peanut shells from the upper deck onto everyone causing a yelling match (IN THE TOP OF THE 9th for god sakes).