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The Americans - S4 of the KGB spy drama - Keri Russell & Matthew Rhys - Wed on FX

RIP Martha :(

Is the Korean lady really just one of Liz's new friends in an attempt to have an outside life? I keep expecting some sorta spy thing to pop up but so far it just seems like it is what it is, which is WEIRD!!
Great stuff. Poor Martha, she's screwed, and not just by Clark. Lucky for Gabriel that Philip found Martha's gun, or else she might have blasted his ass in the street.


I don't understand how we're only half way through, this show gets better every week and this might end up being the best season yet. Such a shame that it doesn't get the love it deserves hope it somehow ends up on Netflix so more people can appreciate it.


Man, Phillip has completely dropped the ball. Why would the KGB even want him as an agent after this?

There are now THREE American citizens that know they are KGB in the wind. I would not be surprised if the show goes in the direction of Phillip and Elizabeth on the run from Center who is gonna be wanting to tie up lose ends.
- Slate podcast for this week: The Art of the Perfect Subtitle
In this installment about episode six, “The Rat,” journalist and activist Masha Gessen, the show's Russian translator, joins June Thomas and show runners Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg to talk about the beauty of authentic subtitles and the difficulties that Phillip and Elizabeth would have faced when perfecting their American accents. They also discuss the honesty in The Americans' portrayal of the Communist sexual revolution.


Philip's in a little Cold War of his own here. On one side, he sees his "traditional" life with his family and Elizabeth. What he's known for most of his life. But then you have Martha, who represents the side that's been calling to Philip since the beginning of the show: his wishes for a more normal life. The lure of defection.

I don't think Philip would ever choose Martha or anything like that. But I find it fascinating how she has come to represent something that has been eating away at Philip since the pilot of this series.
I don't think Phillip would ever be stupid enough to confess the KGB stuff to Martha, at least not until he got her out completely. He was already worried about the US government going after her and now he put an even larger target on her back with his own people. Will be interesting to see what Phillip does going forward. Not looking good!
I was terrified that entire episode. Can't imagine how I'll react when something actually happens!
/herp derp americans fan. First sentence was true at least!


Martha, you silly woman, you got yourself clipped. I feel sorry for her, but she made a really dumb move there at the end.
What an incredible episode, the performances of the entire cast continue to blow me away. The scene at the house after Elizabeth shows up was so tense and phenomenally played, so much much going on with so few words. Amazing.

The gun he took out of Martha's purse when she was sleeping.
I know I say this every week, but the podcast is highly recommended. Masha Gessen is a fascinating guest, and they get into the nitty gritty of linguistics (importance word order and inflection when speaking Russian), the rationale behind their obsession with authenticity, sexual politics in 1980's communist Russia, and a whole host of other issues. Check it out if you have a half hour to spare.
Martha, you silly woman, you got yourself clipped. I feel sorry for her, but she made a really dumb move there at the end.

Yeah, people can shit on Phillip, but he's the only reason she had a chance to get out in the first place. Gabriel and the center were gonna toss her back into the frying pan. Phillip revealing himself is probably his biggest mistake. Martha really needed to stay put but again, Gabriel didn't listen. Had Phillip been there when she awoke, she wouldn't have bailed.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I needed a break from a family emergency with this episode. Not that it's a particularly comforting program, but it's certainly compelling and diverting.

Who leaves Gabriel the cripple to guard Martha? What's he gonna do when push comes to shove, hobble after her? C'mon guys.

So who is Philip going to shoot with that gun?
Knowing this show, the gun will never be used.

Funky Papa

Poor Martha just lacks the training to deal with a situation like that. Odds of things getting up shit creek for her are really high at the moment, if not the highest they've ever been.

Everything will go off the rails if she connects Amador's death with Phillip.
I think Phillip is going to kill Martha and it will be the nail in the coffin that is him losing his soul like he has been the last few seasons.
Great episode. The tension just keeps getting ratcheted up. I will say I agree with Sepinwall that getting Philip out of the house was awkward and not in the spirit of the show. I will say, however, that I thought Gabriel was getting Philip out of the house so that he could kill Martha.

The scene in the kitchen between Philip and Elizabeth was just amazing. Such incredible work by Rhys and Russell there. What goes unsaid and is seen on their faces is just as important as what they say. This is one of those shows where you can't really have your face in your tablet/phone and look up occasionally. To get the full impact you have to watch it; the subtleties are done so well.


The scene in the kitchen between Philip and Elizabeth was just amazing. Such incredible work by Rhys and Russell there. What goes unsaid and is seen on their faces is just as important as what they say. This is one of those shows where you can't really have your face in your tablet/phone and look up occasionally. To get the full impact you have to watch it; the subtleties are done so well.
I am constantly impressed by the work these two do together with their faces and body language.

Who will make the sex joke?
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