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The Americans - S4 of the KGB spy drama - Keri Russell & Matthew Rhys - Wed on FX


When you really break it down, what Phillip and them have done to Martha is the absolute worst.
Was just going to say the same thing. She mentions her parents, and when you think about what the KGB has done to her, it's absolutely brutal.
- THR: 'The Americans' Star on Martha's Fate: "She Always Has the Option to Kill Herself"
So, what options does Martha have at this point?

Something that was always in my head — It didn't necessarily come from the J's [Joe Weisberg and Joel Fields] — but the idea that she always has the option to kill herself. She considers it in episode seven. It's not clear when she calls her parents to say goodbye if that's what she was actually doing and that she just changed her mind. But I think when Clark is telling her all this about getting on a plane and starting a new life in Russia, even as she's listening to him and taking it in, there's definitely a little voice in her somewhere thinking that if she can't do that, there's another way out. That's seeped into my work and into my ideas about Martha because of all the real-life case stories we have. Three out of four women committed suicide within 24 hours of finding out that their spouses were actually plants and that they married them for the KGB or for the Stasi in the German cases — and not because they had found out that they were working for the KGB or for the Nazi's but because they had found out that the man had never actually loved them.
That's where I thought they'd go. They still can.

Also I'm glad avclub pointed this out but in an episode filled with terribly sad and touching moments, it was really sad to see the switchboard operators life. You can tell she's always alone there. She finally had company and someone she could talk to. She starts telling the story then the phone cuts her off and Phillip leaves. Back to being alone :(


I'm a bad person for laughing at that title, aren't I? I mean gee golly! Things sure are swell for Martha, huh? Hey! At least she can always kill herself!

Jesus, Martha. I'm so, so sorry.
Also I'm glad avclub pointed this out but in an episode filled with terribly sad and touching moments, it was really sad to see the switchboard operators life. You can tell she's always alone there. She finally had company and someone she could talk to. She starts telling the story then the phone cuts her off and Phillip leaves. Back to being alone :(
That character development was so excellent and what's more it was completely unnecessary. Her mention of how her deployment was sudden and felt wrong was a masterful callback to season 2.

You're totally right, lady! The last operator got fucking got! This spy business sucks! Get-out-get-out-get-out! No wait, don't, because you're totally screeeewed either waaaaaaay!

Martha is going to escape to Russia, isn't she? The one character who actually stumbles her way out of the entire mess.

I feel for the character but at the same time... it feels like Philip is breaking down on screen in front of us. Remember that one blonde girl he recruited and basically pimped out? He had to fucking BREAK HER GODDAMN BONES and stuff her into a suitcase, and didn't shed a single tear over it. Then there was that whole underage girl scenario a few seasons ago. Its hard to reconcile those version of Philip with this one who views Martha as a family member and seems to be willing to do anything to save her. Its also weird that everyone is playing along with him, this is not the KGB spy ring I would expect, but then again I guess its a contrast to the "Moscow" version which shot Nina in cold blood :(

Agent Beeman is also great to watch, his face is always right on the verge of looking like he is going to make some tremendous, insightful breakthrough but instead he just shrugs and goes back to the office, every time.
They talked about getting a pilot quite a bit this episode. I wonder if Philip is going to kill everyone on that plane at the last minute and run off with her.


Philip's empathy for Martha's loneliness and knowing he is crushing her only lifeline to feel loved is played really well.

Even though he is a killer spy he is human and he truly did develop some feelings for Martha. At least compassion.


So, this is the 3rd episode in a row they are wasting on damn Martha. And it's not over yet, meaning a whole one third of the season spent watching a stupid useless secretary. I can't believe neither Gabriel nor Elizabeth put her, and us, out of misery.
I used to love the show, but my patience is wearing thin. Hopefully she will finally fuck off next week in whichever way possible, so the series can get back to being good.


...it feels like Philip is breaking down on screen in front of us. Remember that one blonde girl he recruited and basically pimped out? He had to fucking BREAK HER GODDAMN BONES and stuff her into a suitcase, and didn't shed a single tear over it. Then there was that whole underage girl scenario a few seasons ago. Its hard to reconcile those version of Philip with this one who views Martha as a family member and seems to be willing to do anything to save her.
Yeah, Rhys is amazing at looking stressed the hell out. There's moments on the show where you could take a screenshot of his face, maybe desaturate it a tad, then tell me he's a decomposing corpse and I would believe you.
Lol that's a totally a compliment if you ever do see this, my man.

Aside from the operator, I think my favorite scene this episode was with Paige, Henry, and Matthew. They're definitely setting something up with the kids. This exchange was a great little rundown of the whole situation:

"She gets a full one?"

"She's 15."

"Y'know, my dad is an FBI agent. If we drink all his beers then he'll notice."


This show is just absolutely killing it. What an episode - you could literally hear whatever was left of Martha's world crumble when Philip said he wasn't going with her.

I think the reason The Americans does slow burning tension so brilliantly is because you know everything matters. Whatever experiences these characters go through, even if it doesn't result in a shocking death/captured/twist, it will absolutely impact them going forward - whether that's an episode or a season away. It sounds so simple, but so many shows seem to rely on constant subtle reset switches for their characters to shoehorn them into a plot.
I just don't see the KGB letting Martha live. I feel like she knows too much. They'll either kill her off, or she'll become their prisoner in a way.

Or she kills herself.
I just don't see the KGB letting Martha live. I feel like she knows too much. They'll either kill her off, or she'll become their prisoner in a way.

Or she kills herself.

I don't buy it either. What use does she have for them? And I would think there would be too much risk that she flees somehow or that the FBI gets to her. They spent too much focusing on the pilots, something has to be up there.
- Adweek: How 'The Americans' Chooses Its '80s Ads, Like Brooke Shields' Iconic Calvin Klein Spot
"When we hit the big ones, we try to do it either directly through the eyes of our characters, or, if not, then very much in the background," Fields said. "We would rather something live unnoticed in the background and hit our audience in their subconscious than we would have it be featured and distract them. So the goal is actually to never really have the pop culture pop, but have it just capture the truth of the period that the show is existing in."

When they plotted the scene in which Henry, the son of Rhys and Russell's Philip and Elizabeth Jennings, and Matthew Beeman, the son of their neighbor—and the FBI agent on the Jennings' trail—Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich) talk about an attractive girl on TV, "Joe and I both were, let's say, conscious in those days, and we remember who boys talked about in that way. So it was not a long throw to get to Brooke Shields and 'Nothing comes between me and my Calvins,'" said Fields. "What we want is for it to always be integrated into the show so that there's never the sense that the show is stopping for some fun pop culture reference, but rather they come out through the characters' experiences."
While another month's worth of Season 4 episodes remains, Fields and Weisberg are already well into planning Season 5 and have finally come to a decision whether they will need one or two more seasons to wrap up the Jennings' story.

"I don't know that we have a final nod from the network, but we feel like we know what we'd like to do, and pretty soon, we hope to be able to talk about it," Weisberg said. "But we've got a very strong handle on it."
- Slant Magazine review


From the (as always) excellent AV Club review:

I’m having trouble remembering if we’ve ever heard the Jennings say those words to one another. But even if this isn’t the first declaration of their feelings, the impact is still huge. Philip, who’s been learning to articulate his emotions at EST, loves Elizabeth. Elizabeth, who’s always been terser than her husband, reciprocates with involuntary smiles, a kiss, and three words that show how deeply she knows and loves Philip: “You should stay.” It’s touching stuff, buoyed by the knowledge that the Jennings have once more come perilously close to losing one another.
This struck me too, when he said it. I couldn't remember if either of them had ever said that to each other before that. Such a good scene within a tremendous episode. This season has been superlative so far. Also, yeah, the subtle character development of the phone operator (whose name was mentioned in an article at some point, I think) was really well done. And I loved the scene with the kids. And poor Gaad. His lines were equally funny and sad. Lastly, I feel like at some point we are going to have to get a bit more time at the Rezidentura, if this bioweapon plot line is going to pay off.


Some of you may have hinted upon this earlier, but that scene with Henry, Matthew, and Paige seems like it may have been planting a seed.

You have the alcohol references, the first time Paige has hung out with them this season, and no parents around (yet again). To me, it feels like this could result in some more drinking at some point and Paige could spill the beans. Henry was only allowed a little beer while Paige and Matthew drank a bit more. I'm curious if Paige will say something while her and Matthew are drunk, they won't remember what she said, and Paige won't know to tell Henry to keep quiet about it. They emphasized that Henry was drinking less. So if he's not drunk, he'd remember everything Paige would spill.

This is how it's playing out in my head, at least.
Some of you may have hinted upon this earlier, but that scene with Henry, Matthew, and Paige seems like it may have been planting a seed.

You have the alcohol references, the first time Paige has hung out with them this season, and no parents around (yet again). To me, it feels like this could result in some more drinking at some point and Paige could spill the beans. Henry was only allowed a little beer while Paige and Matthew drank a bit more. I'm curious if Paige will say something while her and Matthew are drunk, they won't remember what she said, and Paige won't know to tell Henry to keep quiet about it. They emphasized that Henry was drinking less. So if he's not drunk, he'd remember everything Paige would spill.

This is how it's playing out in my head, at least.

Could be a possibility. I too was wondering if there was more to that scene or if it was just filler to show the kids while all the crazy Martha shit was going down. I also kind of got an underlining thought process from Paige from it. Almost like her saying, "Henry, you have no friggen clue how your little world is going to come crashing down, so fuck it, have a little more beer."


I keep thinking about that last scene where Philip just refuses to lie to her anymore and she just lets out that plaintive "Not even to visit?" Fuck, man, -griffy- is right, just the worst. I mean, Martha is going to go through with something that Liz's recruit Gregory opted to forgo, instead choosing death by cop.
Her pills are a foreshadow me thinks. Probably end up overdosing.

Am I the only one who feels that I wouldn't give a shit if both the main characters die or suffer a bad fate in the finale of the show? It's hard to root for these people.
Her pills are a foreshadow me thinks. Probably end up overdosing.

Am I the only one who feels that I wouldn't give a shit if both the main characters die or suffer a bad fate in the finale of the show? It's hard to root for these people.

I think they've done a good job showing the layers of Philip and some of his inner conflictions. Elizabeth on the other hand, I get the feeling she would murder everyone except her kids if she could.


I think they've done a good job showing the layers of Philip and some of his inner conflictions. Elizabeth on the other hand, I get the feeling she would murder everyone except her kids if she could.

Yes. I am waiting for Elizabeth to explode in (calculated) violence to be honest.


I'm going to be really disappointed if Martha doesn't meet some horrific end. The only point of having a character that sweet is to do awful things to them. From early on in the show, I always thought, "this whole Martha thing is going to end really bad." I'll be disappointed if she gets to escape.

I'm hoping that something happens with the rat and they end up having to use her body to store that biological agent or something. It would probably require a bit of convoluted plotting, but it would be a suitably awful end for her.


so i started this last night and got through ep 4 of season 1 oh my god this show is so fucking good
Welcome. Buckle up, it only gets better (and sadder).

I'm going to be really disappointed if Martha doesn't meet some horrific end. The only point of having a character that sweet is to do awful things to them. From early on in the show, I always thought, "this whole Martha thing is going to end really bad." I'll be disappointed if she gets to escape.

I'm hoping that something happens with the rat and they end up having to use her body to store that biological agent or something. It would probably require a bit of convoluted plotting, but it would be a suitably awful end for her.
Damn dude, that's harsh! (That situation with the rat would be interesting but super fucked up, even for this show as well as being, as you noted, a bit too convoluted.)


I shot people I like more for less.
So, this is the 3rd episode in a row they are wasting on damn Martha. And it's not over yet, meaning a whole one third of the season spent watching a stupid useless secretary. I can't believe neither Gabriel nor Elizabeth put her, and us, out of misery.
I used to love the show, but my patience is wearing thin. Hopefully she will finally fuck off next week in whichever way possible, so the series can get back to being good.

Kind of curious what you want out of this show. Like what your expectations are.


What's the deal with the sketchy rezidentura woman. Feels like they want to clip Martha.

Remember she's working on the biological weapon project, which is classified beyond Oleg and even Arkady. She was already looking for a way to get the sample (aka the rat) out of the country, and is now seemingly killing two birds with one stone by transporting Martha and the sample out on the same plane.

So I think she was being cagey with Oleg because she couldn't really explain the full situation. And because of that, the whole thing feels sketchy somehow. It all seems ripe for something bad to happen though. We've already seen one pilot bail on getting a tiny vial out of the country.


Kind of curious what you want out of this show. Like what your expectations are.
My expectations are for Martha to get lost, she is stupid and useless. Wish they found the way to get rid of her swiftly, instead of dragging her plotline for weeks.
I also wish that they focus more on Rezidentura storyline, give them something to do instead of just standing around aimlessly for the entire season.

Other than that, I am perfectly fine with everything, but this Martha crap is getting on my nerves, just toss her from the plane into the ocean next week.


My expectations are for Martha to get lost, she is stupid and useless. Wish they found the way to get rid of her swiftly, instead of dragging her plotline for weeks.
I also wish that they focus more on Rezidentura storyline, give them something to do instead of just standing around aimlessly for the entire season.

Other than that, I am perfectly fine with everything, but this Martha crap is getting on my nerves, just toss her from the plane into the ocean next week.

The Martha crap, or the Paige crap, or the whatever crap, IS the show though. It's about the collateral damage that Philip and Elizabeth's false lives have. The real repercussions for those around them, and for Philip and Elizabeth themselves. The clash and inherent contradiction between living a "normal" American life as a spy. That's the stuff that makes this show unique and worthwhile, in my opinion.


The Martha crap, or the Paige crap, or the whatever crap, IS the show though. It's about the collateral damage that Philip and Elizabeth's false lives have. The real repercussions for those around them, and for Philip and Elizabeth themselves. The clash and inherent contradiction between living a "normal" American life as a spy. That's the stuff that makes this show unique and worthwhile, in my opinion.

I completely agree with you on everything you wrote.
Just that I cannot stand Martha, and every episode that they dedicate to her is pure torture for me.
I completely agree with you on everything you wrote.
Just that I cannot stand Martha, and every episode that they dedicate to her is pure torture for me.

For me, her scenes are some of the most enjoyable of the show. The actress is so strong and she's given the character so much dimension and pathos that I think Martha elevates The Americans from a great show to an all-time classic.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'm going to be really disappointed if Martha doesn't meet some horrific end. The only point of having a character that sweet is to do awful things to them. From early on in the show, I always thought, "this whole Martha thing is going to end really bad." I'll be disappointed if she gets to escape.
I find it curious that you seem to find her ending up all alone in Russia with no family, no loved ones, and a shattered past as a non-horrific end. That's pretty much her best case scenario, and it's awful.

That's where I thought they'd go. They still can.

Also I'm glad avclub pointed this out but in an episode filled with terribly sad and touching moments, it was really sad to see the switchboard operators life. You can tell she's always alone there. She finally had company and someone she could talk to. She starts telling the story then the phone cuts her off and Phillip leaves. Back to being alone :(
Yup. Poor lady is so invigorated by having company, and she can't get anything out of Phillip.


I want to see a cut of all of the sad Martha scenes where each one ends with ♪ Everybody haaates Marthaaa ♪ or the "sad trombone." Hell, I might make it myself.
Remember she's working on the biological weapon project, which is classified beyond Oleg and even Arkady. She was already looking for a way to get the sample (aka the rat) out of the country, and is now seemingly killing two birds with one stone by transporting Martha and the sample out on the same plane.

So I think she was being cagey with Oleg because she couldn't really explain the full situation. And because of that, the whole thing feels sketchy somehow. It all seems ripe for something bad to happen though. We've already seen one pilot bail on getting a tiny vial out of the country.
I forgot about that. You make it sound so much more innocent, for lack of a better word. I don't trust her. Not one bit.
For me, her scenes are some of the most enjoyable of the show. The actress is so strong and she's given the character so much dimension and pathos that I think Martha elevates The Americans from a great show to an all-time classic.

Not to mention that she was their FBI mole and super integral to the entire plot of the show. So to say that she is "stupid and useless" is just completely ignorant in my mind.
Not to mention that she was their FBI mole and super integral to the entire plot of the show. So to say that she is "stupid and useless" is just completely ignorant in my mind.

Exactly. And she's become a captivating weathervane for Phillip and Elizabeth's marriage, cooking for a while but beautifully, painfully realized in this last episode.

Funky Papa

The Americans keeps delivering one gut punch after another.

Something don't feel right about this plane trip.
The KGB lady ordering the pickup only gave instructions for the pathogen sample. Martha has no place in that plane. Make of that what you will.

I'm going to be really disappointed if Martha doesn't meet some horrific end. The only point of having a character that sweet is to do awful things to them. From early on in the show, I always thought, "this whole Martha thing is going to end really bad." I'll be disappointed if she gets to escape.

I'm hoping that something happens with the rat and they end up having to use her body to store that biological agent or something. It would probably require a bit of convoluted plotting, but it would be a suitably awful end for her.
I feel like you are watching the wrong show here. The Americans is a notoriously slow series that devotes half of its time to the private lifes of its characters, with Martha being an important one for the past three seasons. If any, this season seems entirely centered about what happens to the agents that try to leave their current predicaments in one way or another. Nina, the little bit about the new operator, the mention about William's wife leaving America for Russia while her husband remaims a spy at the lab...

Getting in and out of the game and the potential consequences of that seem to be main topic of the season, probably laying the groundwork for whenever Philip decides to quit.
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