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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games

Dr. Claus

I wanted to know how the angry posters heard about all this, so that gave me an excuse to try out Twitter api for the first time (following/followers endpoints are really limited).
I've checked the twit that was mentioned - 205 people commented.
Out of that number, 35 are following LRG, 61 are following Ian, 112 are following Libs.
So, there are some people that care about LRG. But I am sure that majority cares about LRG as much as Purple Tinker does.

Like I said, the vast majority are not following Ian.
I'm not talking what should have happened. I'm talking about what did happen because from a business viewpoint I understand why they canned her. The rights and wrongs of it don't interest me much. She got a bad rap is about as much as I wanna say about that side of it. How this shit show affects them in the long term is anyone's guess.
Business standpoint, they made a massive mistake. Thousands of dollars lost (if I only use my own personal friends and colleagues' anecdotes), thousands of pissed off customers, large loss in sub numbers on twitter, and forcing a complete shutdown/silencing on all social media platforms they are involved with.

The smart business decision would have been to NOT listen to the mentally deranged pedophile and a site literally built on doxxing, harassing, and celebrating people's suicides.

Winter John

Like I said, the vast majority are not following Ian.

Business standpoint, they made a massive mistake. Thousands of dollars lost (if I only use my own personal friends and colleagues' anecdotes), thousands of pissed off customers, large loss in sub numbers on twitter, and forcing a complete shutdown/silencing on all social media platforms they are involved with.

The smart business decision would have been to NOT listen to the mentally deranged pedophile and a site literally built on doxxing, harassing, and celebrating people's suicides.

Well, see that there's speculation. The smart business decision at the time with the information they had was to can her. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

Dr. Claus

Well, see that there's speculation. The smart business decision at the time with the information they had was to can her.

No, it isn't speculation. It is simple reality from anyone with eyes and a functioning brain. The smart move would be to not listen to literal pedophiles and their defenders. Era is a tiny, vocal minority that has never affected the sales of any game or company that they tried to "protest".

We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

We already see how it has played out. Thousands of dollars lost, thousands of angry customers, thousands of lost subscribers, they had to literally shut down all social media platforms to stop the ratios they were getting.

John Wick

The problem with the trans community and their advocates is that they are the biggest hypocrites about. They attack anyone who doesn't agree with their nonsense. If you question them your a transphobe. Just as they have a right to believe in their nonsense other people have equal right to not believe their nonsense. Approach them with any scientific arguement and they'll revert to the usual transphobe rhetoric.
That's why I'm buying multiple copies of Hogwarts Legacy. Also why I love JK Rowling!
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Nah, the smart decision would be to investigate the matter. A sane decision would have been to say there was nothing transphobic about it.
I think that would be a hard sell about the first tweet, but otherwise I agree that there should have been an actual investigation into all sides of this situation, not the five minutes it seems they took. I'd say investigate the matter, see if their employee still agreed with the 7 year old tweet (they probably don't), look into the person making the accusation (wow, would that have helped), and then release a statement saying that their employee no longer holds these views, that people need to be allowed to grow, but come up with some sort of lame punishment and / or sensitivity training for optics. Maybe throw some money at a trans charity, preferably one that doesn't help transition children, as that's really the hot button issue here.

Most importantly, never mention who she was following or respond to that element of the story. If they don't agree that they should fire people based on who they follow (which does not equal endorsement), then never even comment on it. Get her to remove anyone remotely divisive from her follows, and then back to business as usual.

Instead they just reminded everyone of how stupid and intolerant Disney looked when they fired James Gunn over his old tweets. Also LOTS of people aren't comfortable with certain aspects of children being given hormone blockers and such, and they basically told all of them "you might think you're protecting kids, but we think you are horrible people, and we don't want your money!" And then you forget about all those people, and just think of the people angry that a company would FIRE someone over a 7 year old tweet.

Combine the two and that's a lot of angry people. That doesn't seem like the best option when it comes to not losing customers.
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I'm not talking what should have happened. I'm talking about what did happen because from a business viewpoint I understand why they canned her. The rights and wrongs of it don't interest me much. She got a bad rap is about as much as I wanna say about that side of it. How this shit show affects them in the long term is anyone's guess.

Their attitude are nothing but of a child overeaction.
You know what companies do in real life? They do inside investigation and only when they have the facts, they go straight and take action.
What kind PR damage are you even talking about? Was there any people doing protests or some kind of mob on the streets? What kind of company take actions based on the bloody twitter?
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Winter John

Well saying the company had "no other choice" is in itself speculation but it really doesn't matter. As I said, they are getting ripped to shreds for what they did. I'm not sure they'll recover from this, frankly.

I guess we'll see how it plays out. I'm interested in seeing how they handle it
How is the Ja(brony) not on the fbi watchlist. HE admits to the con promoting child rape and pedo shit.
Totally unrelated statement: Countries of the world please dont abolish the death penalty.

It has reached 1K, now. However, it had quarter of a million views, so obviously not many agreed with it. In comparison, the Melanie Mack tweet about that asshole getting scammed ( :messenger_tears_of_joy: )has only 90K views, but 2.5K likes.

She hot.
What's the next plan of action for LRG? They can't apologize or take her back, the crazy people will cancel them and may even go after their families. They don't really have a choice other than being silent
What's the next plan of action for LRG? They can't apologize or take her back, the crazy people will cancel them and may even go after their families. They don't really have a choice other than being silent
Yep, they'll keep their head down, keep replies disabled, and ignore it all. If you take a stand in the first place, there's not a lot that can be done. If you give in to the mob, you've already told them that they're right and you were in the wrong. Anything else at that point, and they'd never let it go.

Of course, people angered by this won't let it go either. This company had one chance to try to get out of this with some attempt at appeasing most people to some degree, and they blew it.


Limited Run Games terminates Kara Lynne as their Community Manager and finally fires her
Baffling how this happens time and time again. And It's always one-sided too. I thought it's all about "diversity". But you can't have "wrong" opinions anymore, eh?

bathroom laws
Lmao...is this where we are now in the west?

Just because you are against a trans person spouting insane ideology doesn’t mean you are against transgender or are transphobic.
Also know as: false dichotomy.
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Gold Member
You know that chemo therapy can sterilize a person right? Would you say a child shouldn't be on chemo due to the infinitesimally small low chance of becoming sterile? It's a silly position to take...even if you genuinely did care about a child on hormone blockers becoming sterile...the doctors who study it understand its not a problem...only poeple like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro turn it into one...mind you these are the people who are anti trans because it goes against gods will...not a very good place to start a debate from.

Futsal Shuffle GIF by Lil Uzi Vert
Are you really comparing the gravity of cancer with what usually is bullshit drilled into the mind of young childs by internet, liberal parents and tik tok?

That's not the right comparison my dude, if you don't cure cancer you die, if you don't switch sex before 18, you can still do it later.
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Gold Member
Imagine the time and energy put into this you could have spent rather on something constructive or positive. This describes is a certain kind of people that really enjoy this, have probably little positive things in their lives and little self-esteem and get their gratification from this and are probably statistically more "victimized" as in "I'm a victim" than the average, probably even more than the average trans. I know gay and trans people and none of them are such drama queens. They simply enjoy life and wouldn't spend their time digging in someone's past.

Imagine being THAT offended by some person you don't even know. Life must reeeeeally SUCK if you're that easily triggered, offended, and "forced" to dig shit up. Instead of just blocking the person that pisses you off, you dig up every shit. Yeah, sounds totally like what a sane person would do. Get the fuck out.
I see what you did there:messenger_smirking:
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Are you really comparing the gravity of cancer with what usually is bullshit drilled into the mind of young childs by internet and tik tok?

That's not the right comparison my dude, if you don't cure cancer you die, if you don't switch sex before 18, you can still do it later.
It's kind of nice though, isn't it? How someone can just openly admit and reveal such a complete medical illiteracy for all the world to see. Imagine if this line of thinking is common. That they're all just that clueless.


Imagine the time and energy put into this you could have spent rather on something constructive or positive. This describes is a certain kind of people that really enjoy this, have probably little positive things in their lives and little self-esteem and get their gratification from this and are probably statistically more "victimized" as in "I'm a victim" than the average, probably even more than the average trans. I know gay and trans people and none of them are such drama queens. They simply enjoy life and wouldn't spend their time digging in someone's past.

Imagine being THAT offended by some person you don't even know. Life must reeeeeally SUCK if you're that easily triggered, offended, and "forced" to dig shit up. Instead of just blocking the person that pisses you off, you dig up every shit. Yeah, sounds totally like what a sane person would do. Get the fuck out.
It means you are extremely bitter and live an absolutely miserable life.

Crazy, you would think that them transitioning into the other gender would make them happy 🤷🏾‍♂️


Honestly I was seriously considering throwing money at one of their packages just a couple of days before this shitstorm hit and they botched it so hard. Saved me about $100 probably, and according to other posters, it also saved me long waits, bad service and potentially garbage quality of the bonus materials. Or sometimes of the included software itself, like corrupted USB drives.

I had never ordered something from LRG in the past, but I was following them on twitter and looking into some of their pre-orders that were interesting to me. They are overpriced, and the added customs for Europe delivery is insane. And oddly :D, ebay is full of such LRG releases priced about 5 times higher than the original price. Let's leave it there I guess.

Anyway, I'm not going to bother with their releases now.

Also, wondering what's the thought process of someone who one day goes "maybe today I'll look into the twitter history of this random community manager". How the fuck does this happen?
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Event summary provided by @.Pennywise

  • There's a woman called Kara Lynne that works at Limited Run Games as Community Manager.
  • There's a Twitter account by the nick "Purple Tinker (hates Elon)".
  • Kara Lynne tweets about how she's excited for the next game Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Purple Tinker identifies as a trans woman (a woman that was a man).
  • She (he, or whatever, see next bullet points) gets upset by this fact due to Rowling's "transphobia" controversy.
  • Purple Tinker starts digging hard into Kara Lynne's Twitter feed, as far as going into 7 years old tweets.
  • Purple Tinker finds tweets where Kara Lynne express her discomfort on predatory men using trans rights (like being able to go into women's bathroom posing as trans women) in order to harass women.
  • Purple Tinker also finds she follows a couple of "alt-right" associated accounts.
  • Purple Tinker calls her out on this and points towards her job position as CM of Limited Run Games.
  • Purple Tinker tweets about it and asks Limited Run Games to fire her.
  • Doesn't get too much attention until this is picked up by Resetera users.
  • A Resetera thread gets created on the topic and start a witch hunt.
  • Limited Run Games terminates Kara Lynne as their Community Manager and finally fires her.
  • Kara Lynne's husband gets upset by it and calls the company out.
  • Resetera users are not satisfied. Now they start another witch hunt asking to fire him (they start digging on him and find that he has worked on some key art for a game published by Limited Run Games but don't know if he actually works at LRG).
  • At this point the controversy erupted and is all over the place. So supporters of Kara Lynne start digging into Purple Tinker's history.
  • Finding Purple Tinker is a trans woman that is also a Brony and creator of "BronyCon".
  • Brony: adult people fans of the show My Little Ponny, into "Furry" cosplay and cartoon furry (zoophilic) porn.
  • This BronyCon is known for having multiple pedophiles among its community. Going as far as having tried to abduct an 11 years old child in one of this BronyCon events.
  • Upon further digging, it is found that Purple Tinker also harassed another Brony fan for 2 years straight, stalking, doxxing and threatening of murdering him.
  • Finally, it is found that Purple Tinker it is also a pedophilia defender and probably a pedophile her(him)self. Lots of "receipts" were found on the matter in old Tumblr.
  • Purple Tinker closes his Twitter account.
  • Resetera closes their witch-hunting thread, calling thread derailing. Refuses to elaborate further lasts events.
  • You are here.

And all because she posted a tweet that she was looking forward to Harry Potter. That was enough for the morons on Ree to investigate her Twitter past, find some 6 year old tweets that they deem problematic and the fact she follows some alt right folks apparantly.

Now she's being labeled a transphobe without any hesitation. First they all act like unions and workers rights are the most important thing in gaming, now their trying to get her fired because she works in an at will work state.

Its only a matter of time before Kotaku or some other cuck will write a hitpiece and LGR fires her.

Finally a good summary of everything. I saw only broken, one-sided accounts on reddit.

This whole thing is just sad and re-inforces my decision to never have a presence on non-anonymous social media. NeoGAF and reddit are good enough for me.


This whole thing is just sad and re-inforces my decision to never have a presence on non-anonymous social media.

Are you scared of a far-left woke-mob intimidating companies or employers? You gotta stop giving them so much power and authority over you and do whatever the f you want. Scared people and companies bending over is the reason we ended up where we are now...if people would stop giving a crap, none of this would be happening.

I have other reasons why i don't use social media, but woke mind virus activists isn't one of them. In fact i would probably love to troll them all day (and that's why i stay away from it - a huge waste of good productive time).
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There will be no business impact by this just like there wouldn't have been if they had kept her, most people don't follow this, don't care about who someone else follows on twitter and let's be real most people who threatened boycott one way or the other were never going to spend a dime on anything that company makes anyway.


There will be no business impact by this just like there wouldn't have been if they had kept her, most people don't follow this, don't care about who someone else follows on twitter and let's be real most people who threatened boycott one way or the other were never going to spend a dime on anything that company makes anyway.
And that's why this issue is way deeper than just mere business decisions.

"Madam, how does this ad sell any games?"


One of the green rats
There will be no business impact by this just like there wouldn't have been if they had kept her, most people don't follow this, don't care about who someone else follows on twitter and let's be real most people who threatened boycott one way or the other were never going to spend a dime on anything that company makes anyway.
Idk about that in this case. LRG is a niche company selling a niche product to the exact people who are talking about this.
It’s not like they are selling pillows or something else everyone needs.


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
I’ve gotten dozens of games from them. I think this is enough to get me to stop ordering anything from them. Absolute disgrace and a shining example of everything wrong with modern American society. Backlash needs to be swift and severe for this kind of stuff.


Imagine the time and energy put into this you could have spent rather on something constructive or positive. This describes is a certain kind of people that really enjoy this, have probably little positive things in their lives and little self-esteem and get their gratification from this and are probably statistically more "victimized" as in "I'm a victim" than the average, probably even more than the average trans. I know gay and trans people and none of them are such drama queens. They simply enjoy life and wouldn't spend their time digging in someone's past.

Imagine being THAT offended by some person you don't even know. Life must reeeeeally SUCK if you're that easily triggered, offended, and "forced" to dig shit up. Instead of just blocking the person that pisses you off, you dig up every shit. Yeah, sounds totally like what a sane person would do. Get the fuck out.
These people exist in contrast to normal society, without it no one would see them.


Gold Member
What should have been done is she gets suspended till a real full investigation of what happened is done to see if she was really in the bad or not.

this will shut the clowns at that purple ugly site. However, if she wasn't in the wrong, then yes the company should defend its employee. what shitty run games did is nothing of this and threw the employee under the bus. a prime example of a shitty company. period.

People should start a witch hunt on the company. this will show that this dirty game these extreme people do can also backfire on them.

one more note: when people will stop using their real name or identity and their real pictures on the internet? isn't this like 101 by now?
They literally caved to a pro pedophile. The very type of predator, wolf in woman’s clothing that she was referring to in that 7 year old tweet.

Irony so thick you can cut it with a chainsaw. Or wood chipper.
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Pathetic company crumbling to the pressure of some deranged ERA members (topic started there).
This is really it isn't it. That place is a cesspool. Seriously, I sometimes think that western devs and people from the game biz look to that site for "what the public" wants is crazy. You would think cooler heads would prevail in these compaines as they continue to shit on their existing fanbase. Why do that, it makes no buisness sense at all.
What glorious life it is we live in this world, where people value opinions higher than someones wellbeing and livelihood.

Remember people, dont ever link your facebooks and twitters to your Gaming platforms: the day will come where one false word can cause you to loose all access to your digital media.
So true, and now they are trying to infiltrate in game chat. ADL last year published countless articles stating that Steam is a haven for white supremacy and anti trans because it allows people to have unmoderated chat. Shit is nuts. This isn't the first person to get whacked, but it is a normal person, so it makes it 100000x worse then a famous person.

We all need to fight back, on every level, we still have the power of anonymity on our side (for now), don't link your accounts. The day when we no longer can be anonmouse will be when we are truley fucked for good and in a legit dystopia.
Are you really comparing the gravity of cancer with what usually is bullshit drilled into the mind of young childs by internet, liberal parents and tik tok?

That's not the right comparison my dude, if you don't cure cancer you die, if you don't switch sex before 18, you can still do it later.
No I’m not comparing cancer, not once did I say cancer. If you want to strawmen an argument for reactions go ahead but I compared the chances of infertility with chemo and hormone blockers and how peoples argument on “it causes infertility” when it’s practically a non existent issue is merely an excuse for them just not wanting a safe approved drug by nearly every medical professional to be used because anything to do with transition is wrong to them.

You said it’s liberal parents and tik tok causing people to be trans when there have been trans people for most of history…or is it just now they are becoming a thing?


Gold Member
only poeple like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro turn it into one...mind you these are the people who are anti trans because it goes against gods will...not a very good place to start a debate from.

I've seen debates involving these people on youtube and their position on trans is from the standpoint of biology, not religion.


You know that chemo therapy can sterilize a person right? Would you say a child shouldn't be on chemo due to the infinitesimally small low chance of becoming sterile? It's a silly position to take...even if you genuinely did care about a child on hormone blockers becoming sterile...the doctors who study it understand its not a problem...only poeple like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro turn it into one...mind you these are the people who are anti trans because it goes against gods will...not a very good place to start a debate from.

Futsal Shuffle GIF by Lil Uzi Vert
You are an absolute idiot. Cancer is a life threatening illness. The pros of chemotherapy outweigh the negatives and adverse effects to prevent your organs failing from metastatic disease.

The prefrontal cortex - responsible for executive function and decision making - does not fully mature until 20s. Nevermind the fact children are incapable of making an informed decision and providing consent, the physical consequences of hormonal blockers are PERMANENT.
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