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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


Held a press conference in the park, but didn't get the turn out expected.


bored animation GIF by Jade Xuan Wu

Dr. Claus

Seems to be old posts are open? I was able to comment on an old one yesterday on Twitter.

They may have blocked my account then? Nothing is postable on their twitter for me. Not that I would want to at this point. Would rather they all just go under.
North Carolina is an "at-will" state so "wrongful termination" doesn't apply in this case. And I don't think Avalanche wants anything to do with any of this.
My understanding of At Will is a bit different. It doesn’t mean you can break laws when firing people. It means you can terminate employment for any legal reason.


Gold Member
My understanding of At Will is a bit different. It doesn’t mean you can break laws when firing people. It means you can terminate employment for any legal reason.

I didn’t say at-will meant one could break the law in firing. Wrongful termination doesn’t apply because no laws were broken.
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Gold Member
I go back to my first comment but there should be a concerted effort to flash mob Greta Thunberg about the carbon footprint of LRG and all the plastic crap they push to the masses.

Only Greta can save us now.

How Dare You Greta GIF
Even better, buy stuff and return it. Their FAQ is wishy washy about returns as one part says they have final say if they accept a return authorization for a refund.

If they decline, just do a chargeback. It must be bad already as they even have a part about chargebacks as I have never seen a store even bring that topic up in FAQs. So gamers probably already piss them off doing that.

The company is small and surely can’t absorb constant hits to their bottom line. Any toy related or overseas components are typically hard for a company to return to the source for a credit as the toy business is fickle that way. And if it’s all handmade in the US from themselves or local suppliers it’ll still be tough to recoup costs. I used to work at a company sourcing toys and small trinkets from overseas factories and unless it was something truly disastrous where we could claim the skids of products are outright broken or wrong, it’s hard to get them to credit us back for customer returns. You kind of just eat the cost assuming the other 95% of the product sells fine.
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Because men in general in western countries are more cowardly and less masculine than ever. There has been several studies citing the decline in average testosterone levels amongst the male population throughout the decades.
There is a huge surge in environmental estrogens too. Birth control pills seem to permeate our water supplies. Plastics release BPA, which is a known endocrine disruptor.

But I also think most of these people are raised in a pathetic manner. What kind of a failure of a father are you if your son is a pathetic brony?
Because men in general in western countries are more cowardly and less masculine than ever. There has been several studies citing the decline in average testosterone levels amongst the male population throughout the decades.
But could it not be argued that the men in the videogames industry have lower testosterone levels than equivalent men in other industries?

For example: a person who works in the fitness industry would be exercising constantly and also eating right.

A lot of gamers happen to be overweight, don't exercise, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and also eat really poorly. That would lead to a drop in testosterone, and also result in an increase in oestrogen.

If men in the gaming industry have lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of oestrogen, could that partially explain why so many (spineless) men "transition" into wanting to become (boss) women?

At the same time, these high oestrogen "men" also find themselves in a position of power - via the media or games development - and therefore get to impose their world view on others.

At the same time, what's the likelihood of a person (on Resetera etc) who identifies as being transgender also happens to be overweight and has an awful lifestyle?

It's like, "mate... you really need to go to the gym and eat more vegetables. Less of those Doritos, yeah?"

I haven't seen one transgender woman (who was previously a man) who I consider to be attractive. This includes men who merely dress as women. They're all overweight and don't exercise. Definitely a case of there being less testosterone and more oestrogen in the first instance.
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But could it not be argued that the men in the videogames industry have lower testosterone levels than equivalent men in other industries?

For example: a person who works in the fitness industry would be exercising constantly and also eating right.

A lot of gamers happen to be overweight, don't exercise, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and also eat really poorly. That would lead to a drop in testosterone, and also result in an increase in oestrogen.

If men in the gaming industry have lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of oestrogen, could that partially explain why so many (spineless) men "transition" into wanting to become (boss) women?

At the same time, these high oestrogen "men" also find themselves in a position of power - via the media or games development - and therefore get to impose their world view on others.

At the same time, what's the likelihood of a person (on Resetera etc) who identifies as being transgender also happens to be overweight and has an awful lifestyle?

It's like, "mate... you really need to go to the gym and eat more vegetables. Less of those Doritos, yeah?"

I haven't seen one transgender woman (who was previously a man) who I consider to be attractive. This includes men who merely dress as women. They're all overweight and don't exercise. Definitely a case of there being less testosterone and more oestrogen in the first instance.
There is also another component to it. People are so mentally weak that they run away from their problems to fashion a new identity for themselves.

Their 'gender dysphoria' is clearly a symptom of a deeper rooted issue.

'omg life is so tough i will become a woman now'

These people should have had real fathers in their lives.


It sure does. Good, real, psychological help, therapy and time. There is a reason why there is a dramatic drop off of gender dysphoria when kids become adults and the butchers with their (trans) activists supporters know that.
I had species dysphoria as a child. I am so ANGRY and so SUICIDAL that no one took me seriously when I said I am a dragon. LIFE IS SO UNFAIR.
Their 'gender dysphoria' is clearly a symptom of a deeper rooted issue.
Self loathing... Due to having made poor life choices.

Such as not working out... Such as eating awful junk food... Such as not spending a lot of time studying... And instead spending a lot of time playing videogames.

Someone earlier mentioned that the brony founder was fat... Their comment pretty much reinforced my viewpoint that transgender people (on the whole) are overweight people who lead disgusting lifestyles.

No wonder Resetera (along with the vast majority of the Videogames Industry) happen to be "transgender advocates"... Because they're all overweight, eat awful junk food, and lead awful sedentary lifestyles.

I hope that the "transgender people" over on Resetera read this comment... And then look at themselves and wonder as to whether they're fat, eat awful junk food, and play videogames for 100 hours per week.

They're all just pathetic "men"...
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When talking about the suicide rate of trans individuals, it's important to note that the suicide rate is nearly the same for those before transition and those after. This should show that there isn't just some one size fits all solution to those who feel that they may be trans. They definitely don't need to be pushed into irreversible surgery at such a young age. They need to get counseling and finish through the most awkward stages of puberty before making such a decision.

This is also the awkward stage that people are taking advantage of to push them into those surgeries. Instead of telling them that everyone feels awkward during puberty, as their body is going through many changes for them to become adults, they are being told it's likely that they are transgender. It's disgusting and it's making doctors/hospitals rich. Or even more rich. And looney parents feel like they are special in this whacko society.


it's important to note that the suicide rate is nearly the same for those before transition and those after.

To be fair, pre-transistion they probably commit suicide because they aren't happy in ther current body. Post-transistion they probably commit suicide because society is freaked out by men in dresses and skirts pretending to be women, that do not even pass as women no matter how hard they try. It's a fucked up situation either way and i feel deeply sorry for these individuals...it must be hell for them one way or the other. The best we can do is be tolerant and understanding even though we might be a little bit freaked out by them.
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The best we can do is be tolerant and understanding even though we might be a little bit freaked out by them.
I am very understanding and open to the problem of gender dysphoria. Cause it exists. And i can't fathom what it has to feel in someones head to be in the wrong body.

But i'm also level headed in this regard and i understand that kids (and even young adults these days) are being pushed in the wrong direction. Sex change therapy is a one way ticket, not turning back type of thing. Puberty blockers too, no matter what they say bout them.

But yeah, offtop.

I'm doing my small part in not supporting LRG anymore. Not that they will miss my 2 purchases and 1 cancelled pre-order, but as someone who talked shit online when i was younger i won't stand to terminating an employee for past words. I changed, others can too.


One of the green rats
Think if people took all of children’s pretending as seriously as these people take child transitioning.. would they come home to their spouses hurling throwing stars at their kids because the kids said “ I’m a ninja! “ ? 😂😂


I am probably going to regret this, but I can't resist this...

'Really, the only reason most of these people have a sex change is to say they have had sex with someone from the opposite sex.' think about it...
Yeah, true....becoming the GF is a real thing, if you can't attract a woman normally.
Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.


Gold Member
Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.
Exactly, and wider than the 'trans' debate as well. Political stuff and any sort of opinion ballots are being led by terminally online people.

Companies have not yet learned how to deal with wanting to look good balanced against local lunatic/karen confronts store staff.

Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.
This is completely true; however, it isn't trans people who are being attacked. It is a particular group of people within that community. And the jokes, and even some of the "Fuck off woke fuck" type online push back comes from a terrible feeling that the people who will drag a feminist, deny science, turn on another trans person who dares to be moderate, and who are aggressive in targeting their ideals, are the way they are because, in reality, they started out as the most privileged entitled fucks on the planet - White middle class males.
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Well, shit..tuck my knob between my legs and call me Sandra, this is some dystopian level madness that Western Society is crushing itself with.

No wonder the likes of Putin thinks he can steal countries and get get away with it, when he sees absurd shit like this consuming us.
Now we know why the Taliban fought like hell. Their fears are legitimate.


Can I get a summary of what's going on here? There are a ton of posts that are off topic and just general arguing over nothing.

Scotty W

"If you can't get a girlfriend, become the girlfriend".

Silly you, thinking all possible jokes haven’t already literally come true.

When talking about the suicide rate of trans individuals, it's important to note that the suicide rate is nearly the same for those before transition and those after. This should show that there isn't just some one size fits all solution to those who feel that they may be trans. They definitely don't need to be pushed into irreversible surgery at such a young age. They need to get counseling and finish through the most awkward stages of puberty before making such a decision.

I have seen speculation that the push is to create a whole activist class. The activists pushing this don’t care about the 40%, but that they love it because it allows them to say how transphobic society is and to redouble their efforts. But that’s just speculation.


There is also another component to it. People are so mentally weak that they run away from their problems to fashion a new identity for themselves.

Their 'gender dysphoria' is clearly a symptom of a deeper rooted issue.

'omg life is so tough i will become a woman now'

These people should have had real fathers in their lives.
There is a trend among incels to transition called transmaxxing.

They do it to be better accepted among society instead of improving as a person.

The reddit is a wild read, /transmaxxing.


Curious but what is the evidence of the pedophilia? I saw reference to "old Tumblr posts" but couldn't find anything.

Also, I hate social media, lol. Thank God I don't use Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc...


Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.

Agree. I have known a rather nice trans couple for many years, and they are nothing like the blue hair screamers that seem to have taken over the trans movement. They are actual transgender people, who have been through reassignment surgery, after many years of careful consideration. They are not just weak ass men, who hide behind a new and fashionable persona, to bolster their hideous lack of self esteem, poor social skills and misogyny. Talk to this couple and they are dismayed by the way things are being handled these days. It's been hard enough for them to live their lives before, but now they've also got this collection of fuckwads turning people against the trans community.


Gold Member
Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.

100% agree. Generalization get us nowhere.


Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.
Well this may make me a bigot in someones eyes but i believe it's the same for gay people. I know a lot of them personally and they are nothing like the lgbt activists.

It's that part that is the issue: "activist". Dishonest assholes, ALL OF THEM


Neighbours from Hell
Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.
I think this is true. Activists have done more damage to the community than someone like JK Rowling has done or ever will do. All the stuff people say about JK Rowling and the "harm" she's doing to the trans community are hyperbolic baseless projections. But activists are doing real harm. They're constantly attacking well-intention, rational, good people, calling them hateful, calling them bigots, and all kinds of nasty stuff. Trying to get people fired from jobs for innocuous comments. You're just alienating good people and you're making the community you claim to be supporting look crazy by association.

I don't think it was ever about supporting or protecting people. Not from the crazies anyway. The people like the one referenced in this thread who went out of their way to get a person fired. People like that probably couldn't care less about the trans community. They just like the adrenaline rush of getting someone fired. Makes them feel powerful. Possibly someone who's been an outcast their entire lives and now has found an avenue to make society pay by using personal identity and victimhood as a weapon.
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Gold Member
I think this is true. Activists have done more damage to the community than someone like JK Rowling has done or ever will do. All the stuff people say about JK Rowling and the "harm" she's doing to the trans community are hyperbolic baseless projections. But activists are doing real harm. They're constantly attacking well-intention, rational, good people, calling them hateful, calling them bigots, and all kinds of nasty stuff. Trying to get people fired from jobs for innocuous comments. You're just alienating good people and you're making the community you claim to be supporting look crazy by association.

I don't think it was ever about supporting or protecting people. Not from the crazies anyway. The people like the one referenced in this thread who went out of their way to get a person fired. People like that probably couldn't care less about the trans community. They just like the adrenaline rush of getting someone fired. Makes them feel powerful. Possibly someone who's been an outcast their entire lives and now has found an avenue to make society pay by using personal identity and victimhood as a weapon.
They're also predators/wolves that hide in the protected groups blanket.


Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.
Of course they are not, the same way every person on the left isn't a commie antifa who defends looting and every person on the right is not Q-anon level of retard.
Unfortunately, they are the loud ones and everybody likes to point their fingers at the extremists to avoid having a reasonable conversation.

However, as it always happens with any aspect of the new intersectional ideology, you only lose your job if you disagree with one side, no matter how extreme you go the other way.


Can I get a summary of what's going on here? There are a ton of posts that are off topic and just general arguing over nothing.

Quoted from front page:


  • There's a woman called Kara Lynne that works at Limited Run Games as Community Manager.
  • There's a Twitter account by the nick "Purple Tinker (hates Elon)".
  • Kara Lynne tweets about how she's excited for the next game Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Purple Tinker identifies as a trans woman (a woman that was a man).
  • She (he, or whatever, see next bullet points) gets upset by this fact due to Rowling's "transphobia" controversy.
  • Purple Tinker starts digging hard into Kara Lynne's Twitter feed, as far as going into 7 years old tweets.
  • Purple Tinker finds tweets where Kara Lynne express her discomfort on predatory men using trans rights (like being able to go into women's bathroom posing as trans women) in order to harass women.
  • Purple Tinker also finds she follows a couple of "alt-right" associated accounts.
  • Purple Tinker calls her out on this and points towards her job position as CM of Limited Run Games.
  • Purple Tinker tweets about it and asks Limited Run Games to fire her.
  • Doesn't get too much attention until this is picked up by Resetera users.
  • A Resetera thread gets created on the topic and start a witch hunt.
  • Limited Run Games terminates Kara Lynne as their Community Manager and finally fires her.
  • Kara Lynne's husband gets upset by it and calls the company out.
  • Resetera users are not satisfied. Now they start another witch hunt asking to fire him (they start digging on him and find that he has worked on some key art for a game published by Limited Run Games but don't know if he actually works at LRG).
  • At this point the controversy erupted and is all over the place. So supporters of Kara Lynne start digging into Purple Tinker's history.
  • Finding Purple Tinker is a trans woman that is also a Brony and creator of "BronyCon".
  • Brony: adult people fans of the show My Little Ponny, into "Furry" cosplay and cartoon furry (zoophilic) porn.
  • This BronyCon is known for having multiple pedophiles among its community. Going as far as having tried to abduct an 11 years old child in one of this BronyCon events.
  • Upon further digging, it is found that Purple Tinker also harassed another Brony fan for 2 years straight, stalking, doxxing and threatening of murdering him.
  • Finally, it is found that Purple Tinker it is also a pedophilia defender and probably a pedophile her(him)self. Lots of "receipts" were found on the matter in old Tumblr.
  • Purple Tinker closes his Twitter account.
  • Resetera closes their witch-hunting thread, calling thread derailing. Refuses to elaborate further lasts events.
  • You are here.

Trans-sexual pedophile Bronie who is known for doxxing and physical violence, hated that Kara, who works at Limited Run Games, tweeted that she is excited for the new Harry Potter game, decides to dig into Kara's Twitter history and finds Kara follows two people who are considered "Alt-Right" in her circle and tells Kara's boss that Kara is "Alt-Right" and should be fired. ResetEra boosts this until Boss gives in, without talking to Kara to get her side, and fires her.

Kara's Husband who works at LRG calls the boss out on this. Era tries to attack him too (unsuccessfully). TS-Pedo-Bronie's history of being a pedo and doxxer is let out, ERA users bow out now that they can't defend her anymore.
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Curious but what is the evidence of the pedophilia? I saw reference to "old Tumblr posts" but couldn't find anything.

Also, I hate social media, lol. Thank God I don't use Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc...
There's a screenshot somewhere in the thread.

Purple brony commented on a tweet that involved a 14 year knocking boots with a 27 year old. Purple brony said that if the 14 year old wants to, that it shouldn't be an issue.

Other posts too from tumblr or something.


Every trans person I've actually known in real life has been nothing like people on twitter who want others to lose their jobs or whatever. This thread seems to be getting into making generalizations about trans people as a whole, and I'd ask that anyone getting into that area consider how you feel when people generalize you, and then maybe reconsider that sort of thing. No one is a monolith, I hope you'll agree.
I couldn't agree with this more. The internet and people's access to it just becomes larger and larger with each passing year. Which brings in radicals of all forms. Radicals that "represent others", but in the end just make everyone they're representing (and more) look absolutely awful. Twitter is a great example of this. With the smallest amount of digging you can find radicals of every single kind, all doing similar things. It's all gross.

It wouldn't be fair to make generalizations of any form, ever. Period.
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