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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


Sounds like copyright infringement to me.
Seems like it's just a used book seller going to some quite extraordinary lengths. If it was a case was creating new print runs to sell in the same vein, that definitely would be an issue, but looks like this is just buying up used books, rebinding them and reselling them.


His political opinions were seeping into his videos more and more which IMO caused the drop off and he doubled on in with the trans appearance he does now.

Pretty much this. I actually enjoyed his content and followed him for a while but then he became a full on far-left political activist and his videos slowly became more cringeworthy and politically fueled until I finally dropped him. One of the worst examples of people injecting their politics into their work and completely changing it for the worse.
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There is no reason for surgery ever. But hormones in certain cases CAN actually help those kids live happier healthier lives, the question is really a matter of "can you reliably tell which kids those are."

For me the answer to that is "Not always, but sometimes."

The issue is that hormones do physically alter the body, and permanently in puberty. And not just slightly.

That also is a source of pressure on some, as if someone does want to prevent some sexual traits, it has to be done before or early in puberty. No one at that age is remotely mature enough to make that decision though, and making it for them is taking away their agency.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Gender Fluid. Anti science fantasy. Understood.
I don't think anyone claims that being gender fluid is "scientific" or that they really "change" genders, it's just a way of saying that they're queer and like to change their presentation up at different times or in different contexts.

FWIW, a lot of the genderqueer community are really pushing AGAINST any kind of rhetoric defining them as "born this way" or pushing a "scientific explanation", they're totally happy to frame it as a choice, and consider any transmedicalism to be gatekeeping. I disagree with that, because I think some people are born trans, but that's an unpopular stance in their community right now (though there's infighting over it).

The issue is that hormones do physically alter the body, and permanently in puberty. And not just slightly.
That's not so much the issue as the entire purpose and the reason we're even having this discussion. The ability to truly develop secondary sex traits only of the gender you want to is a HUGE life-changing benefit to those kids that are really going to live that way for the rest of their lives.

That also is a source of pressure on some, as if someone does want to prevent some sexual traits, it has to be done before or early in puberty. No one at that age is remotely mature enough to make that decision though, and making it for them is taking away their agency.
Again, I think it's something that should be reserved for those cases where there isn't a "choice," where the dysphoria is consistent, emphatic, debilitating, and lifelong. In those cases (which again are a minority of adolescent dysphoria cases), it's almost unheard of that they would ever change or be treatable by any other means.
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That's not so much the issue as the entire purpose and the reason we're even having this discussion. The ability to truly develop secondary sex traits only of the gender you want to is a HUGE life-changing benefit to those kids that are really going to live that way for the rest of their lives.

That's a massive risk to take over something that may well change. And it's not something that can be undone. And even if it is done, the simple fact remains that they will never be able to become the other sex (at least our lifetimes - and even if it does end up possible it may well not be accepted by societies). I'd even go as far as to say that giving these young people the illusion that they could change sex is severe abuse.

Dressing as, acting like, and doing things common to a sex? Sure, fine. Who gives a fuck? But if you don't have the bits, you are not that sex. And if you've chopped off bits then you've just mutilated yourself.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
That's a massive risk to take over something that may well change.
Right. Again, here, we agree.

But to reiterate, in the maybe 5-10% of cases where the dysphoria is consistent, emphatic, debilitating, and lifelong, it's virtually unheard of for it to change. In those cases, and only those cases, the risk of being wrong is near zero.

And even if it is done, the simple fact remains that they will never be able to become the other sex (at least our lifetimes - and even if it does end up possible it may well not be accepted by societies).
If someone transitions during adolescence, it's very unlikely you would ever know that they are trans. Every single person they meet will gender them correctly and intuitively without thinking and they will get to live "normal" lives. Unless you plan to have sex with them or have another reason to closely inspect their genitals, you would never know or have any reason to ask.

Even if you saw them naked you would probably never know if they had a good surgeon you might not even know then. I heard a story about a trans woman who married a gynecologist and he didn't know.

See this woman? No one questions her status as a woman or calls.jer a disfigured man. No one ever calls her sir. She doesn't get discriminated against applying for a job. She can date straight men without issue. Because she got to start hormones at 14 and have a female puberty. She's spared from a life of pain and difficulty chasing the dragon of "passing" because her parents had that clarity of judgement to know their kid was stuck with this dysphoria.
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Oh dear weary travelers lemme quell your troublesome thoughts and explain some of the things from a perspective that might make sense but probably won’t because i’m an idiot.

Anti lgbt rhetoric is lgbt conversion therapy. The majority of anti lgbt rhetoric contains at the same time actual information and something which violates human rights. But your average person isn’t going to be able to parse this and they’ll usually just see the information being provided and not understand the entire situation.

Ask yourselves, what’s the end goal of anything which could be considered anti lgbt rhetoric? If someone who spouts these things could do whatever they wanted to marginalized people, what would they be doing?

Some people are born with conditions where public opinion determines whether they should exist or not. And public opinion has an extraordinary high chance to violate human rights when handling environments it doesn’t often experience.

So again what’s the end goal of this? It basically pushes marginalized people into a space where they feel, should they exist or should they not exist.

And most marginalized people deal with this on the regular. I wish people could just be grateful that they don’t have to deal with this most of their lives. Yes I know it’s easy to mock people who look ugly or people who act stupid. But holy shit.

It may also look like both sides are coming after each other or that the side you hate started things. But if you wanted to find out who came after who first. Look at history, how many times have people who wanted to just exist and be left alone come after others? If people whose right to exist is based on public opinion, why the hell would they come after others unless they felt their right to exist was being violated?

Get rich so you can do whatever you want to others. 🚬😎

tldr who cares vidya games

Astral Dog


Wait, people being born Gay/Trans is an unpopular/offensive stance right now  times have changed
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Boss Mog

Right. Again, here, we agree.

But to reiterate, in the maybe 5-10% of cases where the dysphoria is consistent, emphatic, debilitating, and lifelong, it's virtually unheard of for it to change. In those cases, and only those cases, the risk of being wrong is near zero.

If someone transitions during adolescence, it's very unlikely you would ever know that they are trans. Every single person they meet will gender them correctly and intuitively without thinking and they will get to live "normal" lives. Unless you plan to have sex with them or have another reason to closely inspect their genitals, you would never know or have any reason to ask.

Even if you saw them naked you would probably never know if they had a good surgeon you might not even know then. I heard a story about a trans woman who married a gynecologist and he didn't know.

See this woman? No one questions her status as a woman or calls.jer a disfigured man. No one ever calls her sir. She doesn't get discriminated against applying for a job. She can date straight men without issue. Because she got to start hormones at 14 and have a female puberty. She's spared from a life of pain and difficulty chasing the dragon of "passing" because her parents had that clarity of judgement to know their kid was stuck with this dysphoria.
A straight guy would not date her no matter how "hot" "she" is if he knew "she" was born a man and if he does then he's not really a straight guy.

So many trans people have come forward saying they were coaxed into transitioning when they were vulnerable teens who were simply confused, with some being manipulated into being trans from a very young age. Those people are regretting their transitions immensely. Pressuring kids into such an important decision when they're still just kids is child abuse, period.
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It's a label people use to describe themselves. Why is this so hard?
I would be happy to indulge them if that was only "a label", like "emo" and such.

But it isn't.
A straight guy would not date her no matter how "hot" "she" is if he knew "she" was born a man and if he does then he's not really a straight guy.
Not disclosing that beforehand is akin to violence.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I would be happy to indulge them if that was only "a label", like "emo" and such.

But it isn't.
It is, though. Like gender fluid just means someone who likes to change up their gender presentation or incorporate aspects of both. Sterling goes by Jim or Stephanie, does male and female characters on his show. That's literally all that means. No one is suggesting it's a medical condition.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
A straight guy would not date her no matter how "hot" "she" is if he knew "she" was born a man and if he does then he's not really a straight guy.
He wouldn't be gay, though, would he? There nothing manly about the woman in that picture and in terms of aesthetic attraction she would exclusively be dating people who are interested in women.

We could argue about pheromones, sure whatever, but my point is that this person's female characteristics completely overwhelm whatever vestiges of manhood she has.

It doesn't mean EVERY straight man would be open to dating her, but the men that date her are men who like women.

So many trans people have come forward saying they were coaxed into transitioning when they were vulnerable teens who were simply confused, with some being manipulated into being trans from a very young age. Those people are regretting their transitions immensely. Pressuring kids into such an important decision when they're still just kids is child abuse, period.
This is pretty rare but yeah it's something we need to look out for and it's something the professionals in this field need to be trained to suss out.

I met a detransitioned woman once, she was a hot mess, permanently disfigured chest. It was was sad. She didn't transition as a kid and I don't think anyone had pressured her into it, but I do think sexual trauma and a fear of being sexualized played a role.

These people are again NOT the ones for whom dysphoria is consistent, emphatic, debilitating, and lifelong. That is the criteria I am defending for, as far as early transition.
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Dr. Claus

It is, though. Like gender fluid just means someone who likes to change up their gender presentation or incorporate aspects of both. Sterling goes by Jim or Stephanie, does male and female characters on his show. That's literally all that means. No one is suggesting it's a medical condition.

It is honestly great that you have that opinion, but the reality is most folks who use these terms don't consider them labels, but literal genders and sexualities. They will try to ruin your life if you disagree with them or consider them a non-existent thing (as most sane people do).

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It is honestly great that you have that opinion, but the reality is most folks who use these terms don't consider them labels, but literal genders and sexualities. They will try to ruin your life if you disagree with them or consider them a non-existent thing (as most sane people do).
When these people say "gender" they don't mean biological sex though, they mean the cultural and social understanding of man-mess or woman-ness or whatever. They aren't talking about the scientific or the biological, they mean the arbitrary social shit around those concepts.

It isn't that they believe that all these new gender definitions are scientific sexes. They don't. They're using gender to mean the cultural and social concepts around these issues, things like how you dress, how you act, relationship roles, etc.

Even engaging with "is this a thing" kind of misses the point, because they know these are man-made social and cultural constructs, but they call those constructs "genders." You can have a semantic arguments about changing linguistic convention but honestly who cares.
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Gold Member
When these people say "gender" they don't mean biological sex though, they mean the cultural and social understanding
And this is what spawned all the bullshit.

Gender/Sex was always synonymous. Until the great culture wars to further divide & conquer.

The damned root word of "gender" means "to give birth to."

Sex took on erotic qualities with the word, thus gender was used to describe the sex of the person.
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Dr. Claus

When these people say "gender" they don't mean biological sex though, they mean the cultural and social understanding of man-mess or woman-ness or whatever. They aren't talking about the scientific or the biological, they mean the arbitrary social shit around those concepts.

It isn't that they believe that all these new gender definitions are scientific sexes. They don't. They're using gender to mean the cultural and social concepts around these issues, things like how you dress, how you act, relationship roles, etc.

Even engaging with "is this a thing" kind of misses the point, because they know these are man-made social and cultural constructs, but they call those constructs "genders." You can have a semantic arguments about changing linguistic convention but honestly who cares.

Sex and Gender are one and the same and have been considered as such for centuries. It wasn't until ideologues wishing to push their brand of insanity came along and tried to change those definitions. No different than the same morons trying to claim that Racism is Power + Prejudice and not simply targeting someone because of their race.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
And this is what spawned all the bullshit.

Gender/Sex was always synonymous. Until the great culture wars to further divide & conquer.
Yeah obviously this isn't how the concept of gender was historically applied, the definition of the word changed.

It's not any malicious effort to wage a culture war, it's stuff that comes from academia. But obviously the educational divide and the disconnect between academics and how the populous at large talk is a main fault line in the culture war.

But my point here is that arguing over evolving language is always a losing war. If you know what people mean, you don't get to pretend not to just because you don't like the way the word changed.

The damned root word of "gender" means "to give birth to."

Sex took on erotic qualities with the word, thus gender was used to describe the sex of the person.
Right, because words change in meaning over time. You clearly understand that concept. Where you messed up is thinking you get a day in it.

Fighting over changing language is like trying fist fight the ocean, man. It doesn't matter who's right, you're not gonna win in the end.

Sex and Gender are one and the same and have been considered as such for centuries. It wasn't until ideologues wishing to push their brand of insanity came along and tried to change those definitions.
But again, you KNOW they aren't using the word that way, so you can't pretend they mean something different based on the historic application of the word and call that a salient argument.

You can waste your breath arguing about whatever semantic esoterica or you can respond to the argument on it's actual merit.
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Gold Member
It's not any malicious effort to wage a culture war
Suspicious Will Ferrell GIF

Right, because words change in meaning over time.
Another fallacy used by ideologues to push their agendas. No, they really don't. 99.99999999% of words do not change their definition actually. When there are fringe groups trying to change things, such as words and definitions, like the nuRacism definition above to fit their crusade, that does not make it so.
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Honey Bunny

When these people say "gender" they don't mean biological sex though, they mean the cultural and social understanding of man-mess or woman-ness or whatever. They aren't talking about the scientific or the biological, they mean the arbitrary social shit around those concepts.
We already had a term for that, femininity and masculinity. I don't think anyone has a problem with the *logic* behind saying I am a feminine man or masculine woman. Alas that is not all they are saying.

Right, because words change in meaning over time. You clearly understand that concept. Where you messed up is thinking you get a day in it.

Fighting over changing language is like trying fist fight the ocean, man. It doesn't matter who's right, you're not gonna win in the end.

Fighting over changing language is exactly what the other side of the debate is doing. Someone wins in the end, let it be us.
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Dr. Claus

We already had a term for that, femininity and masculinity. I don't think anyone has a problem with the *logic* behind saying I am a feminine man or masculine woman. Alas that is not all they are saying.

Fighting over changing language is exactly what the other side of the debate is doing. Someone wins in the end, let it be us.

This. No sane individual is against tomboys or feminine men. They are also not against actual trans individuals who wish to simply live their best lives and be treated as "normal".

People are against the psychotic individuals who demand that they be considered gender queer, non-binary, that they are trans without ever going through or planning to go through transitions, that someone who transitioned should have their medical records changed and be treated as a biological male/female.
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Dr. Claus

But again, you KNOW they aren't using the word that way, so you can't pretend they mean something different based on the historic application of the word and call that a salient argument.

You can waste your breath arguing about whatever semantic esoterica or you can respond to the argument on it's actual merit.

The one who isn't responding to the argument on its actual merit has been you this entire time, Kosmo. I KNOW they are using the word that way. I have been targeted by these very individuals. I have had to deal with them in the medical industry. I have had to deal with them in academic settings. This isn't "semantic esoterica" this is just the reality of how these individuals think and act.
When these people say "gender" they don't mean biological sex though, they mean the cultural and social understanding of man-mess or woman-ness or whatever. They aren't talking about the scientific or the biological, they mean the arbitrary social shit around those concepts.

It isn't that they believe that all these new gender definitions are scientific sexes. They don't. They're using gender to mean the cultural and social concepts around these issues, things like how you dress, how you act, relationship roles, etc.

Even engaging with "is this a thing" kind of misses the point, because they know these are man-made social and cultural constructs, but they call those constructs "genders." You can have a semantic arguments about changing linguistic convention but honestly who cares.
No, their actual issue with Rowling is she said she respects trans people, but she does not believe them to be real women.
They will cancel people for mentioning science.
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And this is what spawned all the bullshit.

Gender/Sex was always synonymous. Until the great culture wars to further divide & conquer.

The damned root word of "gender" means "to give birth to."

Sex took on erotic qualities with the word, thus gender was used to describe the sex of the person.
Pretty sure what spawned this is people who looked visibly lgbt being treated like shit for looking visibly lgbt

No one wants to plant a flag and take over anyone’s sacred pissing room.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
The one who isn't responding to the argument on its actual merit has been you this entire time, Kosmo. I KNOW they are using the word that way. I have been targeted by these very individuals. I have had to deal with them in the medical industry. I have had to deal with them in academic settings. This isn't "semantic esoterica" this is just the reality of how these individuals think and act.
I'm not trying to ignore any argument, but I can't comment on a fight you had with someone somewhere else without any details or context.

Obviously there is a segment of extremely online people on the far left and gender queer communities that are extremely topic and wearying to deal with. Not because they're queer or that their gender identities are invalid but just because they're big gaping assholes. I would never deny the very real community of trans flag furry avatar people on Twitter who are completely deranged, but they can't be the whole conversation.

people being born Gay/Trans is an unpopular/offensive stance right now 😳😦
No, not at all. What is causing the issue is nutjobs crusading and cancelling people like JK Rowling, who has been an advocate for gay rights and trans rights all her life, just for the fact she said biologically a transperson is not a woman. No one is attacking gay people or transpeople who want to be who they want to be. People are unnerved by medical procedures being carried out on people who are below the age of consent. People are unnerved by people being forced to define their sexuality at an age when they may find any one attractive. What seems to be happening, and I know this is a generalization I apologize, is that we have a huge influx of white men in their late 30s claiming they are trans and grooming children....
When words change it’s because it is something that naturally occurred from a high enough number of the population to become a tipping point. Look at the etymology of ‘fantastic’.

They don’t change because people are told from on high that they must do so.

Edit: ‘every day’ is becoming ‘everyday’ because of mobile phone autocorrect. It drives me mad but it is something happening from normal people in normal conversation. Not because of orders from the New York Times.
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Gold Member
It's unreal. We had a notice a few weeks ago telling us we had two pregnant males that had special requirements. Now, it's pretty clear the pressures the NHS is under right now. It's the biggest news in the UK.

As you can imagine most wards are split into male and female areas when using bays. This is for patient privacy and dignity etc. Now the one entire location you don't need to split into this type of sexed accomodation is maternity right? They can make maximum use of the square footage, not worry about the ratio of female nurses (which is predominantly female) and easily share equipment between beds.

However, both - and I stress both of these 'males' were unhappy with this and expected an entire hospital could change in the space of 8 hours or so, in order to give them seperate, private locations with access to all medical equipment and a seperate delivery suite. What else do pregnant women sometimes need when they have a baby? Blood transfusions right? Now, blood transfusions for pregnant women are not just based on the blood type, they also needs to have additional components specific to pregnant women.

So they were very patiently told that they needed to be on the system as female. For their own safety. Can you imagine how that went down? Yeah not well, and both still wanted registering as males. Which meant if any blood was orders, it was ordered under their registered sex which was 'M'. Frankly, it's getting ridiculous and dangerous. Suppliers are talking about adding two fields in health systems (phenotypic sex and birth sex), the first one would purely be admin and the second would be the one sent to medical analysers, lab systems, oncology systems, radiology systems etc.

Tip of the iceberg my friend. And I deal with some of this shite daily. Like they want to be called Mx. <Name> or they complain that systems that are 10 years old dont allow you to use 'Miss' or 'Mrs' when you select Male as the sex.
Poor, poor children.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter

people being born Gay/Trans is an unpopular/offensive stance right now 😳😦
I think people are still okay with saying you're porn gay/straight/bi/ace/whatever in terms of attraction, people don't choose that.

But people are pushing away from that framing on the gender/trans stuff, like they want to say it's their choice and all choices are valid.

And the disconnect between those two things I think makes it really bewildering and confusing for a lot of the heteronormies who lump gender and sexuality together.

I don't really care I think some people are born trans, and most cis people could never make an choice to be anything else. I guess it makes sense that some people can go either way but even then I think you have to have that potential in you like someone who is bi might end up dating one gender or another but they have to have that potential
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
No, their actual issue with Rowling is she said she respects trans people, but she does not believe them to be real women.
They will cancel people for mentioning science.
None of this was actually about the Harry Potter game, dude, someone posted.that after a bunch of other stuff came out as a joke and OP is a liar so he ran with it. .
I think people are still okay with saying you're porn gay/straight/bi/ace/whatever in terms of attraction, people don't choose that.

But people are pushing away from that framing on the gender/trans stuff, like they want to say it's their choice and all choices are valid.

And the disconnect between those two things I think makes it really bewildering and confusing for a lot of the heteronormies who lump gender and sexuality together.

I don't really care I think someone people are born trans, and most cis people could never make an choice to be anything else. I guess it makes sense that some people can go either way but even then I think you have to have that potential in you like someone who is bi might end up dating one gender or another but they have to have that potential
No, that is not what they are saying. As someone who, as a 19-year-old could easily pull off being a girl and would let girlfriends dress me as girl and I would pose like a girl for photographs, and who would confuse men when I was dressed like a girl and who found people like Prince super cool for being exactly who they wanted to be. I have Zero issues with transpeople being who they want to be. I do have issues with cancel culture and an element of the trans community advocating for hormone drugs for children and demanding children define their sexuality at an age when they are still mentally developing.

I see beautiful trans people who didnt mutilate themselves in their early teens all the time.. why is this a thing now? And I have sympathy for transpeople who really believe they are in the wrong body, and want to be the opposite sex, but cancelling people for pointing out the science is just flat earth thinking. I joke about it. But it is no different to wanting to be born a different race, or wanting to be born a lion. I wish I was a beautiful black/ mixed/ asian race person.. but I was born to become old white and hairy.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Until she drops her pants.
I mean she's post op and had a lot of resources for a top surgeon so even then, probably have to get pretty close.

And how many people do you think are inspecting her genitals on a daily basis? 99.9% of people would never have any reason to know or question.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
No, that is not what they are saying. As someone who, as a 19-year-old could easily pull off being a girl and would let girlfriends dress me as girl and I would pose like a girl for photographs, and who would confuse men when I was dressed like a girl and who found people like Prince super cool for being exactly who they wanted to be. I have Zero issues with transpeople being who they want to be. I do have issues with cancel culture and an element of the trans community advocating for hormone drugs for children and demanding children define their sexuality at an age when they are still mentally developing.

I see beautiful trans people who didnt mutilate themselves in their early teens all the time.. why is this a thing now? And I have sympathy for transpeople who really believe they are in the wrong body, and want to be the opposite sex, but cancelling people for pointing out the science is just flat earth thinking. I joke about it. But it is no different to wanting to be born a different race, or wanting to be born a lion. I wish I was a beautiful black/ mixed/ asian race person.. but I was born to become old white and hairy.
They are cancelling her for saying that there are more perverts trying to pretend to be trans to assault women than there are real transwomen who want to use the ladies room.

Stop strawmanning. This isn't about her or anyone else making some narrow argument about children and hormones. That just isn't what happened.
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No, that is not what they are saying. As someone who, as a 19-year-old could easily pull off being a girl and would let girlfriends dress me as girl and I would pose like a girl for photographs, and who would confuse men when I was dressed like a girl and who found people like Prince super cool for being exactly who they wanted to be. I have Zero issues with transpeople being who they want to be. I do have issues with cancel culture and an element of the trans community advocating for hormone drugs for children and demanding children define their sexuality at an age when they are still mentally developing.

I see beautiful trans people who didnt mutilate themselves in their early teens all the time.. why is this a thing now? And I have sympathy for transpeople who really believe they are in the wrong body, and want to be the opposite sex, but cancelling people for pointing out the science is just flat earth thinking. I joke about it. But it is no different to wanting to be born a different race, or wanting to be born a lion. I wish I was a beautiful black/ mixed/ asian race person.. but I was born to become old white and hairy.
Kids are idiots. Trusting them to not make a mistake if they decide to switch their gender is ridiculous.

Yes, if a pre teen gets hormones, they will get better results. But at the same time if a preteen gets hormones and then they realize it was a mistake, they are fucked.

So what's the lesser evil here?
They are cancelling her for saying that there are more perverts trying to pretend to be trans to assault women than there are real transwomen who want to use the ladies room.

Stop strawmanning. This isn't about her or anyone else making some narrow argument about children and hormones. That just isn't what happened.
That does not seem like anything that JK Rowling actually said. I dont even like her writing, or her particularly, but I am sure she never actually said that.
This is what she said.

"five reasons for being worried about the new trans activism, and deciding I need to speak up." Among these reasons, she mentions her charity for women and children, being an ex-teacher, her interest in free speech, a concern about "the huge explosion in young women wishing to transition" and her experience as a victim of sexual and domestic abuse.

While mentioning the increase in young people coming out as transgender, Rowling questions whether there's a "contagion" fueled by social media that's behind the rise, at one point stating, "I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition."

She also brings up the topic of "detransitioning," in which a trans person transitions back to their sex assigned at birth, calling it an "increasing" phenomenon. While there is little information available on people who detransition, what is available appears to indicate it is an infrequent occurrence"
""So I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth," https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc...n-what-some-critics-call-transphobic-n1229351
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I mean she's post op and had a lot of resources for a top surgeon so even then, probably have to get pretty close.

And how many people do you think are inspecting her genitals on a daily basis? 99.9% of people would never have any reason to know or question.

It was a joke, but you're correct. Realistically speaking though, I can paint a banana red and call it an apple. It's still a banana.
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