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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games

Yes, the tweets were from seven years or so ago. . .and seven years ago we were already in a #MeToo "cancel culture" environment, so it's not like this person didn't understand how the intersection of personal and professional activity can now be entwined for some people and the consequences of engaging in conversation in the "digital sphere."

. . .like I said, I would have much more sympathy (I absolutely empathize with her) if this was all done on a personal account without being a visible representative of a public company.

This is hilarious on so many levels.
I've met some great people who actually fight for SJ. The people on ResetEra are nothing more than unhinged bullies who will demand to take your livelihood away just because you don't align with them politically.


she doesn't like trans people
Imagine, you're a black man, and suddenly white people start painting their face black and pretending they're transblack people and should be identified the same as you.
The only sane response is that this would be a total farce and an insult to you.

Now take that statement and replace black people with women. Imagine how they feel about men disguising themselves as women and pretending they're the same.
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Understandable decision by LRG.

It's important to understand that this person was a Community Manager. I don't mean to offend or degrade anyone's job here, but Community Manager is incredibly simple and there's a lot of people that are good at it. It is basically an entry position into the Games Industry. That means that you're easily replaceable.

Community Management is a PR job. You're a spokesperson for the company. The dumbest mistake that she's made isn't just the comment itself. I have no opinion on whether I agree or disagree, but it's blatantly obvious that it is a controversial statement in todays political climate. The dumbest mistake is that she put her company in her bio. If you do that, you are speaking on behalf of the company and everything you say and have said can and will be associated with the company in question, regardless of whether you intent to or not. Why would you do that when you know that you've posted controversial stuff on there?

I have no idea why putting your profession along with your company in your bio even became the norm on twitter. Yeah, I've put my profession there as well, but there's no fucking way I would even think of putting my company name in there as well. Want to talk politics on social media? Keep your company out of it. Imagine shouting controversial political opinions in your work uniform or while wearing your company tag/logo. That's basically what she did.

LRG was right in not wanting to deal with any of this, and kicked her out.
I may have agreed with you 10 years ago when it was still ok to post most anything on social media and the bar for "controversial" was pretty high and far more reasonable than it is today. Things that everybody agreed to even 5 years ago is now considered controversial and phobic. The bar moves so quickly, I doubt anybody can keep up.


People like Matt Walsh and Chaya Raichik aren't just "right wing," their ENTIRE shtick is centered around "LGBT are perverts and we need to save the children from them" rhetoric. Like there's not really any ambiguity here.

Exactly, Libs of TikTok has actually endangered the lives of some folks with that kind of rhetoric. That said, it is my understanding the lady in question only followed Chaya Raichik?


Perpetually Tired
i dont want to live on this planet anymore GIF

Velcro Fly

I hate ERA. They are nothing but a hypocritical, clique-club, shit-eating cess pool.

But I also don't give a single fuck about this person getting fired.

And let's be real. No one who is following all of those accounts has a high opinion of LGBTQ+ people.

At the end of the day, your twitter bio says who you work for, and your twitter page reflects poorly on them. Shit happens sometimes.


Man I honestly don't even like Harry Potter. Thinking about buying the game when it comes out though. I want it to be a huge success just to see how triggered the bunch of purple haired fuckin psychos get. Bet they won't even be able to keep their no foam double mint mocha soy latte's down with how upset it'd make em.


King of Gaslighting
I just looked her up, and she can't be past her mid 20s. Even if she was 18 at the time, that's 0 in adult years. How many of the 8 billion on this planet can go through life without saying some shit we wouldn't say again nearly a decade later? Especially if she essentially grew up online like a lot of kids do these days. A few years back people started talking about the inevitable future where people don't even remember saying the things that would eventually get them fired, and this is that prediction coming to fruition.

Maybe I'm just more forgiving than LRG.

The reference to her age was me just pointing out that the comments she made didn't come at a time were there wasn't an awareness of the impact of what you put out there into the digital space. However, I'm still not buying that. She was still following these "problematic" accounts while still co-mingling her personal account with her professional life. She was the "community manager" for this company, she should have known better.

Speaking of the company, LRG is a hobbyist company that depends on the good-will of a (probably diverse) consumer base. Are you really saying it's on them to take the heat for an employee at the expense of their company? LRG aren't the bad guys here. They're just playing the game like everyone else.


I may have agreed with you 10 years ago when it was still ok to post most anything on social media and the bar for "controversial" was pretty high and far more reasonable than it is today. Things that everybody agreed to even 5 years ago is now considered controversial and phobic. The bar moves so quickly, I doubt anybody can keep up.
Which is all the more reason why you should separate your private life/political opinions from your professional ones. In a climate where everything is scrutinized to an absurd degree, it's best to keep your personal life and views as far away from your profession as you can.

Tripwire's CEO was out within a few days after sharing his political views on Twitter. G2 eSports's CEO lasted less than a week after controversy broke out. You don't stand a chance as a typical employee. Outrage culture is a thing and no company is going to want to deal with it.
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This is how I imagine some era users.

I can imagine they would defend this shit too.


I will cherish my copy of the game..... Oh yes...Miserable cunts...Shoot all these far- left and far-right bigots to the moon.Seriously.

Dr. Claus

Which is all the more reason why you should separate your private life/political opinions from your professional ones. In a climate where everything is scrutinized to an absurd degree, it's best to keep your personal life and views as far away from your profession as you can.

Tripwire's CEO was out within a few days after sharing his political views on Twitter. G2 eSports's CEO lasted less than a week after controversy broke out. You don't stand a chance as a typical employee. Outrage culture is a thing and no company is going to want to deal with it.

Which is why we should be fighting back against it, not letting it control our daily lives. It is utterly unacceptable that these mentally ill and deranged individuals can ruin others lives over the most minor of incidents.

The fact that people are trying to dismiss this incident at all is incredibly concerning.

Hip Hop

And all because she posted a tweet that she was looking forward to Harry Potter. That was enough for the morons on Ree to investigate her Twitter past, find some 6 year old tweets that they deem problematic and the fact she follows some alt right folks apparantly.

Now she's being labeled a transphobe without any hesitation. First they all act like unions and workers rights are the most important thing in gaming, now their trying to get her fired because she works in an at will work state.

Its only a matter of time before Kotaku or some other cuck will write a hitpiece and LGR fires her.
This is quite disgusting. Killing her livelihood and they don't give one fuck.

Hip Hop

Which is why we should be fighting back against it, not letting it control our daily lives. It is utterly unacceptable that these mentally ill and deranged individuals can ruin others lives over the most minor of incidents.

The fact that people are trying to dismiss this incident at all is incredibly concerning.
Exatctlty. This something that China and Russia do everyday already, exile you. If we let keep happening, at this rate, not in the extreme version of those countries. But you can see where this is headed if it keeps continuing like this is not some sick shit they are doing to people like this community manager.

No court, no nothing. You're exiled off your job.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Imagine being such a fucking loser you are so at odds with such a harmless opinion that you take your time to delve through years and years of someone's social media activity, then complain about it loudly on the internet and even contact that person's employer. ResetEra mimics the same behavior (doxxing, harassment, public shaming) that has gotten other sites either kicked off the internet or shunned by polite society. I swear to the Lord with all of my heart, fuck that hive of cruel, bullying hyenas.

Edit: And I don't even agree with her nor care for the people she followed, but that's her business and has nothing to do with her job
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That tweet and thread are wild. Like straight up deranged psychopath-wild. Something fucked in the head-wild.

These people are a cancer to our society and I wish that lady all the best because she's gonna have a rough couple of days until the inevitable termination.
Mentally ill, these same people keep wanting to redefine things so they can identify differently and maintain their victim complex.

Unfortunately just like changing "obese" to "healthy", it doesn't actually make you so, you're still gonna suffer through issues that come with obesity.


Seems like LRG is now canceled anyway because they didn't condemn her existence aggressively enough, in addition to fucking firing her.

Dr. Claus

Exatctlty. This something that China and Russia do everyday already, exile you. If we let keep happening, at this rate, not in the extreme version of those countries. But you can see where this is headed if it keeps continuing like this is not some sick shit they are doing to people like this community manager.

No court, no nothing. You're exiled off your job.

Absolutely despicable. It is why I cherish GAF so much. One of the few bastions of sanity and basic human decency left.
Aside from particular cunts trying to dismiss things like Alec Holowka's suicide as being the end result of "righteous" actions. Thankfully they are the minority of a minority on here.
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If you're okay with a under age child chopping off body parts like a sacrifice to the alphabet cult you're a fucking idiot and should never be near children. This country is regressing faster and faster, it's no longer a slippery slope, it's a straight up vertical drop off a cliff. The people who bend the knee to these morons only help aid the campaign against the children going on in our country. This isn't political, it's objectively wrong.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Imagine, you're a black man, and suddenly white people start painting their face black and pretending they're transblack people and should be identified the same as you.
The only sane response is that this would be a total farce and an insult to you.

Now take that statement and replace black people with women. Imagine how they feel about men disguising themselves as women and pretending they're the same.
You're simply making an argument for transphobia here, not arguing that she isn't transphobic or that what she said wasn't incorrect.

The argument also breaks down for a few reasons. Most importantly that transwomen don't argue that they're the same as ciswomen. They're just arguing that they aren't men, or that they're a valid category of woman. Obviously transwomen have many experiences that are different from ciswomen, no one would ever claim otherwise. They aren't trying to hijack womanhood or invalidate the experiences of ciswomen that are very different from their own, they're just trying to align their presentation with how they feel so they don't want to kill themselves.

It also ignores the fact that white people pretending to be black is taboo largely because of a long history of dehumanizing racial mockery by that group, and that that sort of thing wouldn't be considered nearly as offensive in places that lacked that historical context.
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Absolutely despicable. It is why I cherish GAF so much. One of the few bastions of sanity and basic human decency left.
Aside from particular cunts trying to dismiss things like Alec Holowka's suicide as being the end result of "righteous" actions. Thankfully they are the minority of a minority on here.
Speaking of Alec Holowka...
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Ok, follow up question.

Which number is larger: 1 or 1 million?

Take all the time you need.

This is not what she said, she said there are more perverts than real trans. But if I can address this particular stupid.

1) There were never laws requiring anyone to use any particular bathroom. Men can go into the women's room and vice versa and this isn't illegal. No costumes required. Laws requiring people to use the bathroom of their birth sex were only introduced after the Obergefell decision ended gay marriage as a political wedge issue and the right needed a new dividing line to energize the homophobes in the base. It's made up bullshit.
2) Trans women are thousands of times more likely to be assaulted in the mens room than to assault anyone in the women's room. Why is 1 of them not too many?
3) It may surprise you to learn this, but sexual assault is illegal regardless of how a person identifies or what room it takes place in.

Is that what the tweet said? Maybe read it first.

Switching to an adjacent point that you think is more defensible does not make the original point any less objectively false.
Keep politics out of this.


I mean, are they not basically using slave labor to package the games they sell?

They are generating waste and emissions to produce products in China which are primarily made out of plastic for the sole purpose of allowing privileged people from primarily first world countries to buy physical copies of games they already own digitally.

But at least they like the right people on Twitter

The argument also breaks down for a few reasons. Most importantly that transwomen don't argue that they're the same as ciswomen. They're just arguing that they aren't men, or that they're a valid category of woman. Obviously transwomen have many experinces that are different from ciswomen, no one would ever claim otherwise. They aren't trying to hijack womanhood or invalidate the experiences of ciswomen that are very different from their own, they're just trying to align their presentation with how they feel so they don't want to kill themselves.

JK Rowling is treated like the personification of Satan for saying pretty much the same thing you are saying here and your post would be considered tansphobia in places like Era and by the majority of the Twitter lynch mob you are defending


The reference to her age was me just pointing out that the comments she made didn't come at a time were there wasn't an awareness of the impact of what you put out there into the digital space. However, I'm still not buying that. She was still following these "problematic" accounts while still co-mingling her personal account with her professional life. She was the "community manager" for this company, she should have known better.

Speaking of the company, LRG is a hobbyist company that depends on the good-will of a (probably diverse) consumer base. Are you really saying it's on them to take the heat for an employee at the expense of their company? LRG aren't the bad guys here. They're just playing the game like everyone else.
They could of said people are entitled to their opinions. They tried to do that while at the same time firing her for her opinions.


Sad she lost her job over it.

Each time this happens more and more people choose to stay silent, and the inmates take over the asylum and allow only themselves to be heard. This trend is damaging our society.

To whiny crybabies, we are giving not only attention, but also power.
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