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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


It's not a mistake if used correctly. Problem is when you got a free platform (excluding the recent $8 blue checkmark fee), what people realize is that a good portion of the masses are total morons. Most people probably thought that in their heads, but with social media now you can actually see it. And with something like Twitter which is an anything goes kind of site, you get the lowest of low brow people all trying to get their 15 minutes of fame and anger off their chest.

On the other hand, another free site like Linkedin isnt like that. You got almost all professionals putting a picture and resume of themselves up there. It can lead to sucking up for brownie pts, but you're not going to see low browers yelling on that site or cancel culture posts because nobody would give two shits about their angry posts. People care about jobs, networking, recruiting and stuff like that. Not opinions about Harry Potter games. If anyone saw a Linkedin member is being an emotional jackass, nobody would care or hire them. But in places like Twitter, you got other losers thinking the same so they got support in numbers. Losers among losers mentality.

I remember articles about Twitter and how the founders didn't expect it to become such a massive platform filled with politics and conflict. They probably thought it would just be a quick free way for people to tweet about the daily lives and give friends a heads up about which streets to avoid due to car accidents. Just every day boring stuff.

There's no way any of these big platforms in their initial business strategies in the early 2000s during formation thought it would morph into so much politics, people making careers out of being a social media whore, doxxing, cancel culture etc.... 15-20 years ago they probably meant well chatting about it at someone's dining room table. But there's no turning back now.
History has shown that nothing created for good remains good. People / corporations will use it for their own agenda.


You got kids who arent even allowed to drive yet, or see a movie without parents if it has violence or sex, or their school is still mandating course curriculums because they young and still require basic math and language classes before picking their own high school courses.

Yet, gender transitioning is a-ok to do at that age.

Crazy shit.
The US/Canada/UK has lost the fucking plot. I genuinely despise modern day society.
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It's so easy to have two profiles, fucks sake it's amateur hour over there. Have your personal shit on a separate @ and never mix the two. Advertising you're community manager for retro gaming thing when so many of "those types" are retro gamers too, asking for trouble.


I'm as open as anything, I have no problems with anyone feeling however they feel about their own body...its theirs...whatever makes you happy in our short time here.....but to destroy someone's lively hood, career and potentially their lives becuase they said they are looking forward to playing a Harry Potter game?
I am sure her life is not destroyed.
I don’t like people doing Twitter detective work, but some blame is on her as well.
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Well, the purple's are right about worker's rights. They are idiots and naturally don't actually understand what that means, but they are right. I live in a country with historically strong worker's movements and parties. If I was fired for what boils down to liking a Harry Potter game, I could sue the shit out of my employer and it wouldn't even be a fight. Not even close, because this is clearly insane. And there's free union institutions, secured by the state, that would give me all the aid and tools to make the hole in the company's budget afterwards as big as possible.
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If I was fired for what boils down to liking a Harry Potter game
She was not fired because of that, she was fired because of the old transphobic tweet and because she is following some problematic accounts.
Her employer was put in the tricky situation and decided to fire her.
You really think you would be able to sue them? The last thing you should do as community manager is cause bad optics for your company.


She was not fired because of that, she was fired because of the old transphobic tweet and because she is following some problematic accounts.
Her employer was put in the tricky situation and decided to fire her.
You really think you would be able to sue them? The last thing you should do as community manager is cause bad optics for your company.
Can you please avoid the bolded word in the future?
It makes me feel unsafe.
She was not fired because of that, she was fired because of the old transphobic tweet and because she is following some problematic accounts.
Her employer was put in the tricky situation and decided to fire her.
You really think you would be able to sue them? The last thing you should do as community manager is cause bad optics for your company.

Ignoring the ridiculous word ‘transphobia’ as part of your argument, you can be confident that in 10 years’ time (maybe even three) some of the posts you have made today will be framed as problematic.

Here’s an example: Five years ago the progressive opinion was that gay people were born that way.

That opinion in the most mentally ill circles, who do control the discourse - as this topic shows - is now considered… wait for it - ‘transphobic’.
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In this case, the employer. They’ve said that they did the investigation.
Libs of TikTok is pretty bad, wouldn’t you agree?
Libs of TikTok merely reposts. The logical end to your argument is that the people she reposts are pretty bad. In that I agree.

The fact you assume everybody is going to agree with you should make you think about your exposure to opinions.

Winter John

Well, the purple's are right about worker's rights. They are idiots and naturally don't actually understand what that means, but they are right. I live in a country with historically strong worker's movements and parties. If I was fired for what boils down to liking a Harry Potter game, I could sue the shit out of my employer and it wouldn't even be a fight. Not even close, because this is clearly insane. And there's free union institutions, secured by the state, that would give me all the aid and tools to make the hole in the company's budget afterwards as big as possible.
Lol. Damn straight it wouldn't be a fight buddy. They'd stomp you so badly you'd look like you'd gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.


No, we don’t have to 100% and I wish it could stop there. But it doesn’t - people get fired and harassed for having entirely mainstream opinions.
Well it does not stop if you write the 2nd sentence :).
Then I will write that only one side is to blame for threats to children’s hospitals.
And just like that we are back in this never ending cycle.


In this case, the employer. They’ve said that they did the investigation.
Libs of TikTok is pretty bad, wouldn’t you agree?
It's a dumb Twitter account. It has no meaning.

The people who looked for that 6-year-old Twitter post are just as bad.

Soon anyone who follows Elon Musk is "problematic" too. There are a trillion accounts and people who can be labeled as problematic and skewed in a million different ways to be bad for some reason or another. I am sure you follow some on some accounts that can be viewed as such as well. That's why you don't go after people for following others.


Well it does not stop if you write the 2nd sentence :).
Then I will write that only one side is to blame for threats to children’s hospitals.
And just like that we are back in this never ending cycle.
That's because your argument is "I'm right, you're wrong, if you stop talking this will be over but here you are not listening to the proof I haven't provided".

I'm not even passing judgement on if you're wrong or right, I'm saying your approach is wholly unconvincing. No one will walk away with any more reason to believe anything you've said. To use LibsOTT as an example, plenty of people have only ever seen tweets that are reposts of content with a caption added. If they haven't seen what was stated to be "Much more", an empty statement won't change their mind. If you know the tweet(s) in question, it's helpful to at least grab one from what I can assume is many so that people can understand your viewpoint


The people who looked for that 6-year-old Twitter post are just as bad.
They are, we all agree.
I'm not even passing judgement on if you're wrong or right, I'm saying your approach is wholly unconvincing. No one will walk away with any more reason to believe anything you've said.
I don’t think people often change their opinions after reading some forum posts. We are mostly in our lanes and just stay there.

Winter John

In the US. Thankfully I live in a country where there are zero reported firings over old tweets, because we got high level workers rights that trump out screeching furries - as they should and companies know that.

Lol. You live in a country where you can drag your company into a public pr nightmare, damaging their image and potential profits and they wouldn't fire you? Buddy, I don't know what you're smoking.


I don’t think people often change their opinions after reading some forum posts. We are mostly in our lanes and just stay there.
That is the case for some, but if that was always the case then discussing it at all would be pointless and everyone would be better off saying nothing at all. Personally, I appreciate a good discussion and an opportunity to learn something I didn't know when I started.


I have some bad news for you, once is once too many.

A woman is statistically much more liable to be abused by a (cis, straight, etc) man in public transportation than by a transwoman in a restroom. Since “once is once too many”, I am assuming you are vigorous defender of banning cis men from buses? This is getting silly.

As SF Kosmo SF Kosmo pointed out, the notion that people “fake” being trans to molest others in restrooms is pure culture war paranoia repackaged and reheated from past moral panics. It is statistically so rare as to be almost nonexistent.

I am sure it has happened somewhere, as other unlikely things have: nuns doing orgies below the holy cross, climbers having sex with goats in the dark thinking it’s their partner, French mimes committing genocide in foreign battlefields..

One does not organize society based on statistical irrelevances. Trans people exist, and are deserving of all the necessary protections so they can live their lives in peace and flourish. The vast, overwhelming majority of trans people will never commit any crime more serious than a parking offense in their entire lives.

Now, does that mean that lady should have lost her job based on a 7 year old tweet? I don’t think so. One can argue that point without resorting to the same tired bathroom nonsense.


Gold Member
Well, the purple's are right about worker's rights. They are idiots and naturally don't actually understand what that means, but they are right. I live in a country with historically strong worker's movements and parties. If I was fired for what boils down to liking a Harry Potter game, I could sue the shit out of my employer and it wouldn't even be a fight. Not even close, because this is clearly insane. And there's free union institutions, secured by the state, that would give me all the aid and tools to make the hole in the company's budget afterwards as big as possible.
This is actually a good point. We have the same and although we have strong social media policies and social app AUP's, people have still fallen foul of them but not lost their jobs. Which seems sensible.

I know it might sound crazy but what if HR just spoke to her, explained what the issue was and then give her the chance to a scrub the content, make her personal account private or stand by it and be fired?

What are these people going to do when all the union and worker's right they petition for stop people being fired for this kind of crap?


This is actually a good point. We have the same and although we have strong social media policies and social app AUP's, people have still fallen foul of them but not lost their jobs. Which seems sensible.

I know it might sound crazy but what if HR just spoke to her, explained what the issue was and then give her the chance to a scrub the content, make her personal account private or stand by it and be fired?

What are these people going to do when all the union and worker's right they petition for stop people being fired for this kind of crap?
Lots of progressive affluent professionals in the US think unions exist to enforce “culture”, not protect workers and their livelihoods.

I am a big fan of organized labor and I have no doubt a union rep would have dealt with this situation in a much more structured (and better) fashion.
Lol. You live in a country where you can drag your company into a public pr nightmare, damaging their image and potential profits and they wouldn't fire you? Buddy, I don't know what you're smoking.
1. You cannot be fired for you political, philosophical or religious beliefs in the EU, they are protected classes. At the very least she'd be entitled to dispute resolution or being moved to a position outside the public eye.
2. She didn't "drag" anyone into anything, she expressed joy for something these lunatics have deemed an attack on their beliefs and they subsequently started a witch hunt as decreed by their dogma.


Everything u say in a public square like social media under your own name puts you up to be shot by billions.

She made the error to do just that and now she's a target, she will be removed as she damages the company, no matter her believes or subject. As she's linked towards the company and advertises herself as such.

This is why u use aliases and remove yourself from any subjects that could even for a tiny bit be taken in a bad context to anybody and post then under your own name.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
It don't make any difference. She put that shit out there, and was dumb enough to do it under her own name. That company had no choice but to fire her ass.
Yes it does make a difference, the company did not give a shit until it felt under the non trying to raise a shitstorm about old stuff. Usually people change their mind when it happens to them, are you sure you do not have anything that will not be considered problematic that people may be able to trace back to you?


Lol. You live in a country where you can drag your company into a public pr nightmare, damaging their image and potential profits and they wouldn't fire you? Buddy, I don't know what you're smoking.

In my country we just had a case of a comedian getting drunk and being an idiot telling a well known muslim activist she was too dark to be there.

He claimed it was a very poor attempt at being funny. But she felt scared and threatened, naturally, and then pressed charges.

Case was dismissed because it wasn't clear what happened actually qualifies as harassment. There was an appeal, case thrown out again.

Now one of his employers have already stated they're open to having him return, case being over and all that.

This all happened withint the past few months.

And... I dunno, slightly worse than some 6 year old tweets?

But due process conquered. He will have tarnished his image, but he'll be back, still allowed to work.

Now, what do you think would have happened in the US?

There was also some uproar a year ago when activists complained about a comedy show where a white comedian was playing a black guy some years ago. Show was taken offline, public wouldn't have that and complained. So show was uploaded again.

I live in a country that even though US influence always creeps in and fucks things up, we're still at the point where following the lynch mob is the wrong move.


A woman is statistically much more liable to be abused by a (cis, straight, etc) man in public transportation than by a transwoman in a restroom. Since “once is once too many”, I am assuming you are vigorous defender of banning cis men from buses? This is getting silly.

As SF Kosmo SF Kosmo pointed out, the notion that people “fake” being trans to molest others in restrooms is pure culture war paranoia repackaged and reheated from past moral panics. It is statistically so rare as to be almost nonexistent.

I am sure it has happened somewhere, as other unlikely things have: nuns doing orgies below the holy cross, climbers having sex with goats in the dark thinking it’s their partner, French mimes committing genocide in foreign battlefields..

One does not organize society based on statistical irrelevances. Trans people exist, and are deserving of all the necessary protections so they can live their lives in peace and flourish. The vast, overwhelming majority of trans people will never commit any crime more serious than a parking offense in their entire lives.

Now, does that mean that lady should have lost her job based on a 7 year old tweet? I don’t think so. One can argue that point without resorting to the same tired bathroom nonsense.

All fair points, but all I see is that an awful lot of woman are uncomfortable with trans woman using their spaces, and that there appears to be zero interest from the other side in accepting this, and discussing it sensibly to arrive at a settlement that is beneficial for all.

The absolute unwillingness to compromise here is the issue. And that unwillingness seems to be mixed up in more than a small amount of misogyny.
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Usually people change their mind when it happens to them, are you sure you do not have anything that will not be considered problematic that people may be able to trace back to you?
Most of us probably do. I know that I was writing bunch of stupid stuff while I was younger.
But even if it does happen to you, you can say that you are sorry and that you’ve changed. Or you can choose to be fired if you still believe in that stuff.


This is a complete fucking joke. And frankly I’m disgusted with some people in here trying to justify her getting fired for a “transphobic” tweet. What a load of shit! She follows twitter accounts of people some of you don’t like- does that make them bad? Wrong? Just cause you don’t like someone’s opinions doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Who gives anyone the right to get someone fired cause they don’t like what they think??? Fuck these assholes and fuck limited run games. And fuck anyone who agrees with this cunt who dug through her tweets to get her fired. I’ll be buying many copies of Harry Potter just to show my appreciation of JKR and her tweets/thoughts. Fuck you very much.


It's so easy to have two profiles, fucks sake it's amateur hour over there. Have your personal shit on a separate @ and never mix the two. Advertising you're community manager for retro gaming thing when so many of "those types" are retro gamers too, asking for trouble.
There's nothing wrong with retrogaming. People shouldn't have a 2nd account to say they like retrogaming or that want to work writing about it.

In any case, there shouldn't be a mafia/cult harassing her because she likes a certain type of games, or Harry Potter, or because she follows someone else or said something many years ago when was younger. And companies shouldn't fire the people harassed by that online harassment group mafia/cult, they should protect their employees supporting them instead.
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