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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


Gold Member
As if there aren't enough "go woke go broke" cases. Firing employee damaging your own company to cater some groups that are never your targeted consumers.

When folks in this thread say they are not buying games from you, there is a high chance that you lose a customer. When woke fucker mobs threat to boycott you, they are not buying your products anyway in the beginning.

It's just pathetic to see how the woke ideology degenerates. JK Rowling is a classic white liberal feminist, 20 years ago she would be the pinnacle of political correctness. Now only because she is against trans rights over women rights, she is not progressive enough and deemed as the biggest transphobe in the Internet world. You can only see the woke ideology bites its own tail inch by inch, just like the snake. There are eternal conflicts within, one “-ism" outwoke an old "-ism", till the end they destroy this country and society.

This is why we can never have good western games anymore.
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Humanity needs a reboot. Can we restart that thing please ?
We are a mistake and a virus for all others species too.
Reset Planet Earth GIF by Barbara Pozzi
Just like that magfest thing, there seems to always be someone saying it's not the people from era or kotaku's fault, but the fault of whoever gives into their pressure.

I guess the nice way to correct you is to say that you're half right.

It's also very much the fault of the pyscho extremists who campaign to destroy the lives of anyone in any influential position that doesn't share their radical beliefs.
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There is a reason USA doesn't negotiation with terrorists. You can't give this nonsense any more power and attention it already gets. The war and drama for this game is only going to get worse. With people and business's willing to jeopardize their lively hood and that of their employees. Some people just want to see the world burn and hop onto topics like this, with no skin in the game.

What's next? go after ever GameStop employee who promotes or advertises this game? Running a business to cater for .00000001% of the world doesn't work.

The best and worst of humanity can create beautiful things. You can appreciate one without the other.


Neighbours from Hell
I think it's fucked up to go digging for dirt of salary workers to get them fired over their political beliefs, but this isn't about Harry Potter and you're downplaying what they found. She is clearly a transphobe.

Now if she's not letting that influence her work, and she's not using LRG as a platform to amplify that viewpoint then there's no reason to involve her employer. She's not the head of the company, she probably makes like $60K a year. But let's at least be honest, she doesn't like trans people.
Is there any evidence this person is what you say?

Because follows on social media are not endorsements. If that is your evidence(and I’m not saying that it is), then I don’t think that qualifies.

Dr. Claus

Is there any evidence this person is what you say?

Because follows on social media are not endorsements. If that is your evidence(and I’m not saying that it is), then I don’t think that qualifies.

There is only one tweet that could even be slightly considered "transphobic" and it was from nearly a decade ago. These are mentally psychotic individuals getting offended and ruining lives, finding excuses to hate them because they need blood. It is the only way they would ever feel like they made a contribution in this world with their sad, pathetic lives. All the while they actively make lives worse for vast majority of LGBT+ individuals by giving them a bad name.


Gold Member
Is there any evidence this person is what you say?

Because follows on social media are not endorsements. If that is your evidence(and I’m not saying that it is), then I don’t think that qualifies.

When it comes to social media, followers doesnt always mean support. It can simply mean interest. And when it comes to social media, nothing makes a battler happy an enemy has content to fight against.

Even for non-social media sites it can hold true.

I bookmark 2001 Audio Video (they are an electronics chain in Ontario). I dont use their flyer to buy shit off them when I'm looking for stuff. I never would because their return policies are shit. But their flyers are jam packed with gear and prices are good sometimes. I use that info to shop elsewhere with better prices and return policies.


You're simply making an argument for transphobia here, not arguing that she isn't transphobic or that what she said wasn't incorrect.

The argument also breaks down for a few reasons. Most importantly that transwomen don't argue that they're the same as ciswomen. They're just arguing that they aren't men, or that they're a valid category of woman. Obviously transwomen have many experiences that are different from ciswomen, no one would ever claim otherwise. They aren't trying to hijack womanhood or invalidate the experiences of ciswomen that are very different from their own, they're just trying to align their presentation with how they feel so they don't want to kill themselves.

It also ignores the fact that white people pretending to be black is taboo largely because of a long history of dehumanizing racial mockery by that group, and that that sort of thing wouldn't be considered nearly as offensive in places that lacked that historical context.
How do they do know what it means to be a woman? What is it to be a woman?

If gender is a man made construct then why would one even want to transition to begin with?

The sudden and rampant degree to where we see gender transitioning facilitated in children is incredibly scary. Worst yet, there are mentally deranged individuals who choose to raise their kids "gender neutral" out of some misguided mental process.


And all because she posted a tweet that she was looking forward to Harry Potter. That was enough for the morons on Ree to investigate her Twitter past, find some 6 year old tweets that they deem problematic and the fact she follows some alt right folks apparantly.

Now she's being labeled a transphobe without any hesitation. First they all act like unions and workers rights are the most important thing in gaming, now their trying to get her fired because she works in an at will work state.

Its only a matter of time before Kotaku or some other cuck will write a hitpiece and LGR fires her.
How TF people didn’t learn to automatically purge all their tweets older than X months or years? What is the value of leaving something from 6 years ago on the Internet when you were a completely different person?


Gold Member
The sudden and rampant degree to where we see gender transitioning facilitated in children is incredibly scary. Worst yet, there are mentally deranged individuals who choose to raise their kids "gender neutral" out of some misguided mental process.
You got kids who arent even allowed to drive yet, or see a movie without parents if it has violence or sex, or their school is still mandating course curriculums because they young and still require basic math and language classes before picking their own high school courses.

Yet, gender transitioning is a-ok to do at that age.

Crazy shit.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Humanity needs a reboot. Can we restart that thing please ?
We are a mistake and a virus for all others species too.
Reset Planet Earth GIF by Barbara Pozzi

These self entitled fucks are lucky we don't have a Magnetar or some shit hanging around us within 10 light years. Fucking cunts. I welcome my own atoms stretching like elongated spaghetti if it wipes out this type of thinking.


You got kids who arent even allowed to drive yet, or see a movie without parents if it has violence or sex, or their school is still mandating course curriculums because they young and still require basic math and language classes before picking their own high school courses.

Yet, gender transitioning is a-ok to do at that age.

Crazy shit.

As a parent, I have to believe most people who fight for this are not parents themselves, because young kids and teenagers are pretty clueless. They have no idea what they want. Imagine making irreversible physical changes then regretting it years later. I also find it interesting in America the drinking age is 21, Canada is 18. Anyhow it frustrates me to no end, because it's not okay in any world.


Golden Boy
What glorious life it is we live in this world, where people value opinions higher than someones wellbeing and livelihood.

Remember people, dont ever link your facebooks and twitters to your Gaming platforms: the day will come where one false word can cause you to loose all access to your digital media.
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You're simply making an argument for transphobia here, not arguing that she isn't transphobic or that what she said wasn't incorrect.

The argument also breaks down for a few reasons. Most importantly that transwomen don't argue that they're the same as ciswomen. They're just arguing that they aren't men, or that they're a valid category of woman. Obviously transwomen have many experiences that are different from ciswomen, no one would ever claim otherwise. They aren't trying to hijack womanhood or invalidate the experiences of ciswomen that are very different from their own, they're just trying to align their presentation with how they feel so they don't want to kill themselves.

It also ignores the fact that white people pretending to be black is taboo largely because of a long history of dehumanizing racial mockery by that group, and that that sort of thing wouldn't be considered nearly as offensive in places that lacked that historical context.

"Trans women are women."


As usual, the problem is not the retarded who throw accusations, the real guilty are those who listen to them.

LGR is absolutely shit to fired a person for a 6yo tweet, and everybody knows they do it to avoid accusations an trouble and not because they really believe in the shit they say.

As many example before them, LGR shows they're stupid twice, they listen a bunch of idiot who are not even gamers antagonizing their real customers who actually buy their products. If I was their community manager I would sue them for unfair reason to resolve the contract (I don't know if you can do that in US, in EU thare are specific laws).

The same with MAGfest, everybody agrees Kotaku is shit but for some reason they have to apologize on something everybody agrees on, probably they would have more attendees if they tweet back "fuck Kotaku".

I wonder when we'll see a company publicy defend its employees and send to hell these morons.


Nah, this can easily fall into damaging the image of the company she works at, especially if these views are public (as is the case here). She would get fired in Poland probably as well.

This is debatable, except this was explicity written in the contract, and even with this I have some doubt. This would mean fire people or even hire people because of their belief, which is 100% illegal in EU, and I think in US in some terms.
It's not like the woman has written something controversial in the LGR account, and it's not even related to her work, this is her private area.
You're simply making an argument for transphobia here, not arguing that she isn't transphobic or that what she said wasn't incorrect.

The argument also breaks down for a few reasons. Most importantly that transwomen don't argue that they're the same as ciswomen. They're just arguing that they aren't men, or that they're a valid category of woman. Obviously transwomen have many experiences that are different from ciswomen, no one would ever claim otherwise. They aren't trying to hijack womanhood or invalidate the experiences of ciswomen that are very different from their own, they're just trying to align their presentation with how they feel so they don't want to kill themselves.

It also ignores the fact that white people pretending to be black is taboo largely because of a long history of dehumanizing racial mockery by that group, and that that sort of thing wouldn't be considered nearly as offensive in places that lacked that historical context.
Can you take this boring shit to Twitter, please?


The reference to her age was me just pointing out that the comments she made didn't come at a time were there wasn't an awareness of the impact of what you put out there into the digital space. However, I'm still not buying that. She was still following these "problematic" accounts while still co-mingling her personal account with her professional life. She was the "community manager" for this company, she should have known better.

Speaking of the company, LRG is a hobbyist company that depends on the good-will of a (probably diverse) consumer base. Are you really saying it's on them to take the heat for an employee at the expense of their company? LRG aren't the bad guys here. They're just playing the game like everyone else.
Not everyone grows up like that. Kids and teens are still putting out shit they will regret in 7+ years. We were aware by then, but that doesn't mean she was. If she was, then she would have been less stupid with how she went about things.

Again, I'm saying there's more than 2 possible outcomes to this, and they all aim for outcomes that make everyone happy. One that comes to mind is having a meeting with the employee and seeing if some resolution can be made. Do we know if she was willing to apologise or explain? Was she given any opportunity at all to do so?

I don't know exactly how things were set up, but I'm guessing she was doing her work tweets from an/the LRG account. If she wasn't, that's as much on them as it is her.

Let's be honest here. Even if she was smart enough to not advertise on her personal account that she was the CM for LRG, we've all seen internet detectives track down people's work and email their bosses. All she did was make it easier.

Was there an attempt by the offended party to engage and discuss before he or she decided to play judge, jury, and executioner? I've seen no reason to think so.

Again, LRG we're obviously within their rights to do so, but it should have been the last resort on a list of attempts to resolve a suspected problem. Not a currently active one, not a confirmed one, but a suspected one.

Edit: to clarify, I'm not by any means assuming she wasn't what the gathered evidence suggests. But to me it seems like a very quick turnaround that threw her under the bus at the first sign of a problem instead of trying to move forward.
"Trans women are women."
A slogan that started off vague and has been overused to the point that it lost any meaning or poignancy it was intended it to have, which is a shame because I know what they were going for with it
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Gold Member
I am amazed the Harry Potter game can even be made in the current environment. The developers probably need armed security and get constant death threats. Most would not think it is worth it. Maybe they can speak of the insanity during the making of video.
Armed security?

These cunts act bravely only because they are on twitter, they probably don't have a real spine to confront someone in the real world, they are as threatening as a basket full of puppies.


The minute the mental defective assholes smelt blood she was done. What even is a community manager for a company these days? If it's not someone actively trying to enforce the "safe space" by banning everything remotely "triggering", it's someone who tries to dodge all the "I was offended" mines, make lukewarm pc jokes and hope that they stay in the job long enough before they move on to a real one? (The firing makes it sound like it was paid at least).

Yeah, I'll be always against the twitter mobs, the era derangement syndrome and the vindictive searching of old tweets to destroy a person('s living) -- but, maybe she's better off away from that fucking joke post.


Absolutely fuck limited run games for giving in to hate tactics.

And how is it possible that tweets (that weren't even that bad) are getting weaponized like this? those silly fucking tweets turn into this? I can't believe adults act like this.


Moderated wildly
These people are terrifying....to have the time to destroy someone's life, over something they said years ago...or it's not even that now...

I'm as open as anything, I have no problems with anyone feeling however they feel about their own body...its theirs...whatever makes you happy in our short time here.....but to destroy someone's lively hood, career and potentially their lives becuase they said they are looking forward to playing a Harry Potter game?

There must be a special place in hell for that kind of person....or hopefully some torture planet.

It's psychotic when you see the twitter threads, like stalker, crazy people shit.
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