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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


King of Gaslighting
You absolutely can sue for wrongful termination in an at-will state, it happens all the time. It would probably lose in court, but the point of it is to threaten a situation that will cost the other party $100k in legal fees to even get to that point so they settle for 30k to make you go away.

Of course you can try; nothing stops me from filing a lawsuit against the President for poisoning me by making vaccines mandatory for work. Doesn't mean it wouldn't get tossed out, just like any lawsuit against being terminated for your social media posts in an at-will state when you're work contract doesn't state otherwise.

Dr. Claus

At-will employment means just that. . .

Hooboy. "Triggered" indeed.

Yeah. Still not buying it. Forget I said anything about age. Focus on the fact that she is a social media representative for a company in the PRESENT and has social media experience from her streaming days: she knows how all this works. And she still went out there, on her public, personal account that is attached to her professional life, and decided to - in this climate - step into the minefield that is "Hogwarts Legacy."

. . .and not for nothing, but this has nothing to do with her ACTUALLY being a transphobe (I don't believe she is; or at least her digital profile doesn't say she is in any meaningful way) and instead being not at all good with social media. Which again, is her job.

The real lesson here is this: if you want to say what you want relatively consequence free on the internet, don't get a job where you can terminated for any cause. This isn't France and we're not nobility.

Why are you so desperate to paint this as something that was righteous and not a gross incompetence of mentally ill reprobates ruining innocent people's lives?


King of Gaslighting
Your point is taken, but listen to what you're saying. You used the line "stepping into the minefield that is Hogwarts Legacy."

The fact that somebody, who works for a video game company, should be afraid to discuss a video game tells you all you need to know about the level of toxicity discourse has reached.

She wasn't just discussing the game; she was discussing the game through the lens of the backlash.

LRG can hire or fire whomever they want, the question is, is it right to essentially demand that people keep their mouths shut about certain games/topics, no matter how insane or unfounded narratives surrounding them are? And is that kind of culture healthy for any company?

Yes. Especially when it involves you taking a stand that can alienate the consumer base.

. . .and lets stop with the "JK Rowling is just stating her opinion. . ." bit. When she was discussing trans rights from a position - as a former victim of domestic abuse - of not eroding what it means to be a "woman," that was fine (if still a hot button topic). She has gone FULL TERF however, including dancing with the uglier arguments.


Gold Member


Neighbours from Hell
She wasn't just discussing the game; she was discussing the game through the lens of the backlash.

Yes. Especially when it involves you taking a stand that can alienate the consumer base.

. . .and lets stop with the "JK Rowling is just stating her opinion. . ." bit. When she was discussing trans rights from a position - as a former victim of domestic abuse - of not eroding what it means to be a "woman," that was fine (if still a hot button topic). She has gone FULL TERF however, including dancing with the uglier arguments.
As far as I know all she said was she was looking forward to playing the game and the other comment was from 2016? Likely before she was even hired.

I'm not a big fan of the term "TERF" but your statement really has no basis in truth. She has pretty reasonable feelings on certain issues and has never once said anything hateful toward the trans community. It's an invented narrative made to demonize her and it's completely untrue.


Gold Member
Here’s my tip for all of you in life. It doesn’t just go for this community manager issue but overall.

Stay away and ignore losers on social media. Don’t bother arguing with them. If it means you let them them win the battle for the day let them. You, me, and all of us on GAF are better than that.

You can see by their down in the dumps loser lifestyle they go all out arguing, doxxing, cancel culture, causing trouble at work etc…. They won’t back down. And the more you bicker with them the worse they get. They are all in such low self esteem, broke, shitty job situations they really got nothing to lose. They look for any situation to win a fight for the day. They can’t get any lower really. Any attention they get on Twitter or YT just encourages them to keep going.

Treat them like before social media. Ignore them. When they got nobody to argue with their existence shrivels up. It’s no different than console warriors. When there’s no good news to argue about and the get ignored they thin out as nobody wants to interact with them.

They are mostly all social outcasts who rely on social media for interaction and getting listeners because in face to face chat they are oddball idiots nobody wants to call up for lunch or go to a pub or ballgame with. Basically socially awkward outcasts. But give them attention on social media or bickering with them on Twitter and it makes them want to keep doing it. Leave them alone like before the internet and let them sit alone in their basement by themselves.
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Astral Dog

What i find curious about Hogwarts Legacy it appears the developers want to disassociate their game as much as possible from JK Rowling to avoid controversy, yet the angry mob just won't let them, they want Harry Potter dead out of spite lol

Most of them will buy the game anyways, and its going to sell millions 🤷🏻‍♂️ its just so petty to fire someone over this(and a 7 year old 'questionable' Tweet)idk what's her deal honestly, but even if i strongly disagree with her views i hope she gets a new job anyways and moves on, at least doesn't seem like she was harrassing anyone, unlike our friends at Resetera. That's the difference.


Matt Walsh is to trans people what Richard Spencer is to Jews.
Matt has multiple times said he doesn't care what a consenting adult does with their body, he just wants people to stop involving children. The fact people like you overuse terms like racist, homophobe, or transphobe the second someone simply disagrees with a portion of a communities opinions is why the terms in question are so diluted nowadays cause it carries no weight.

If someone being trans hinges on everyone in the world agreeing that Billy who is 12yo should be able to consent to having his dick cut off, then yes I disagree with the entire trans community. But that is not the case and it's extremely myopic to believe such.


I am more on the left politically but this is why most people hate SJWs and Wokeys. Society would have actually made a lot more the progress they claim to want if they didn't engage in these McCarthy like witch-hunts against anybody that they don't like which just pushes people to the right.

I just preordered the game out of support even though I don't know when I will play it.


This is wild. I would honestly take the company to court if I was in her situation. This has wrongful termination written all over it.


Neighbours from Hell
Here’s my tip for all of you in life. It doesn’t just go for this community manager issue but overall.

Stay away and ignore losers on social media. Don’t bother arguing with them. If it means you let them them win the battle for the day let them. You, me, and all of us on GAF are better than that.

You can see by their down in the dumps loser lifestyle they go all out arguing, doxxing, cancel culture, causing trouble at work etc…. They won’t back down. And the more you bicker with them the worse they get. They are all in such low self esteem, broke, shitty job situations they really got nothing to lose. They look for any situation to win a fight for the day. They can’t get any lower really. Any attention they get on Twitter or YT just encourages them to keep going.

Treat them like before social media. Ignore them. When they got nobody to argue with their existence shrivels up. It’s no different than console warriors. When there’s no good news to argue about and the get ignored they thin out as nobody wants to interact with them.

They are mostly all social outcasts who rely on social media for interaction and getting listeners because in face to face chat they are oddball idiots nobody wants to call up for lunch or go to a pub or ballgame with. Basically socially awkward outcasts. But give them attention on social media or bickering with them on Twitter and it makes them want to keep doing it. Leave them alone like before the internet and let them sit alone in their basement by themselves.
Every minute you spend wasting time arguing with a crazy person is a minute you could've spent doing something productive or that makes you happy. There are people who are naive and believe they can change the minds and get through to people. You can't. I think there are some people who aren't crazy and are just ill-informed, and I've had dialogue with those types where I legitimately changed their minds on certain issues through reason and facts. But with crazy ideologues, don't waste your time.
Well i just googled for like 2 minutes because you didn't include a screencap or something (honestly had no idea what the fuck you were talking about haha) because i'm bored, so is this it?


Is this the only thing that started it all? Or is there more?

And is this the only reason why this individual was fired from that company?
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What i find curious about Hogwarts Legacy it appears the developers want to disassociate their game as much as possible from JK Rowling to avoid controversy, yet the angry mob just won't let them, they want Harry Potter dead out of spite lol

Most of them will buy the game anyways, and its going to sell millions 🤷🏻‍♂️ its just so petty to fire someone over this(and a 7 year old 'questionable' Tweet)idk what's her deal honestly, but even if i strongly disagree with her views i hope she gets a new job anyways and moves on, at least doesn't seem like she was harrassing anyone, unlike our friends at Resetera. That's the difference.
But but a whole lot of people can fit under a bus, not just one.


Rowling has, over time, drifted into pretty nakedly transphobic discourse about keeping women "safe" from perverts "invading" their spaces and rhetoric about conversion therapy and mental illness and what not. I think you're characterizing her too generously. Once she decided this was her hill to die on, she went all in.
But it is mental illness. Why is it wrong to call it what it is?


Of course you can try; nothing stops me from filing a lawsuit against the President for poisoning me by making vaccines mandatory for work. Doesn't mean it wouldn't get tossed out, just like any lawsuit against being terminated for your social media posts in an at-will state when you're work contract doesn't state otherwise.

That's not really a very relevant comparison is it? I'm talking about someone giving a small company a headache they'd rather pay to make go away. Obviously, this would not fly on a company or entity large enough to have a permanent legal team on staff.

Based on my experience in what i've seen, a company the size of LRG would settle. At-will employment is not an open and shut case for this kind of thing.
If she has any proof that the person who pushed for her to get fired was doing it vindictively and they already had prior beef, she'd win a wrongful termination case even in at at-will state.
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So, if you google Limited Run Games, there are only two recent hits - resetera and NeoGAF. I find that funny.
Seems that nobody else cares about this.

Her husband tagged a few people in this tweet:

TheQuartering will probably make a video about this. They’ve made one about HP game recently.
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Well i just googled for like 2 minutes because you didn't include a screencap or something (honestly had no idea what the fuck you were talking about haha) because i'm bored, so is this it?


Is this the only thing that started it all? Or is there more?

And is this the only reason why this individual was fired from that company?
She initially posted a Tweet saying she was excited about Hogwarts Legacy. This made selective people pissy, so then they started digging in her profile. They found this Tweet, and other "problematic" accounts she follows. They raised hell, and got her fired. That's it.


King of Gaslighting

Honestly not sure what the point of this conversation is at this point. There's nothing here that would challenge an at-will dismissal and there's nothing that suggest LRG isn't aware of this fact; unless of course you can point to how this dismissal is "illegal."

As far as I know all she said was she was looking forward to playing the game and the other comment was from 2016? Likely before she was even hired.

I'm not a big fan of the term "TERF" but your statement really has no basis in truth. She has pretty reasonable feelings on certain issues and has never once said anything hateful toward the trans community. It's an invented narrative made to demonize her and it's completely untrue.

Okay then.


What's goin on, im lost

happy youtube GIF by Guava Juice

Limited Run Games (LRG) is a publisher for bad video games.

A girl named Kara Lynne worked as the community manager for LRG.

She said she was excited for the Harry Potter game.

The psychopaths at Resetera lost it when they heard Harry Potter and went after her...full detective mode.

They went into her old tweets from 6+ years ago and found out she doesn't agree with their full views and has annoying people blocked.

The Purple haired crybabies continue throwing a fit and threatening LRG unless they fire Kara Lynne.

She got fired and they're still not satisfied and continue shit talking online to everyone who doesn't 100% agree with their views.


Gold Member
I think it's even sadder when you take into account the actually vile people on twitter and this is who the mob goes after.

Like seriously, this girl oblivious to some incel who took offense, and then went through years of tweets, then went through her followed list? These are the people on twitter who really deserve hate?

These people are absolutely no different to what they accused all the kiwifarmers of. That girl now, what about her mental health? Life pressures, insurance. These people are the manchildren they project about. Someone shows enthusiasm for a game which is 'ERASING MUH LIFE' so you spend your personal time trying to find something innocuous to blow up. Bearing in mind all the actual shitheads on twitter. And then they sit there blurting out gaming culture is toxic.


Neighbours from Hell
Honestly not sure what the point of this conversation is at this point. There's nothing here that would challenge an at-will dismissal and there's nothing that suggest LRG isn't aware of this fact; unless of course you can point to how this dismissal is "illegal."

Okay then.
First statement was about the LRG community manager. Second was about JK Rowling.
She initially posted a Tweet saying she was excited about Hogwarts Legacy. This made selective people pissy, so then they started digging in her profile. They found this Tweet, and other "problematic" accounts she follows. They raised hell, and got her fired. That's it.

Thanks, now i get it.

Weird ass country never ceases to amaze me as time goes on.

As for my opinion on the matter, well it depends on the circumstances. If the girl was properly doing her job, was an agreable person to be around with and was an asset for the company, then that was a stupidly incompetent move. Whoever was responsible for firing the girl is an unreasonable, short-sighted dick that didn't value said girl's position in that company.

If she wasn't properly doing her job, an agreable person to be around with and not an asset for the company, then i get it.


The sad thing is these are the same people who go on about protecting and supporting women but this woman gets torn apart for looking forward to a game and they are okay with it. I bet these same people want us to cry for Amber Heard after she was held accountable for her lies.


I appreciate the response and understand your point, but I must ask: Who is this “other side”? I mean this respectfully, but a lot of anti-trans discourse is about inventing some sort of “global trans movement”, often ideated by people who have never spoken to a single trans person in their entire lives.

Go to actual trans spaces - look at the bathroooms. What do you see? M, F and an “all welcome” option. Or individual cabins open to all regardless of gender identification.

Trans women don’t want to use the male restroom because it gets them hurt or, worse, killed. In fact, most trans people tend to prefer individual “all genders” cabins. They just want to go about their business in peace.

Trans people are more likely to be victims of violence, to be homeless, to be under or unemployed - they are probably the most precarious demo in the United States. They have much bigger fish to fry.

The other side being the trans people who scream transphobe any time a woman expresses doubts about trans women using their spaces, or being involved in women only activities. They will also actively seek to get a person fired from their job for a tweet.

These people are doing the trans movement far more harm than any asshole who posts an even vaguely anti trans tweet.
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Dr. Claus

The sad thing is these are the same people who go on about protecting and supporting women but this woman gets torn apart for looking forward to a game and they are okay with it. I bet these same people want us to cry for Amber Heard after she was held accountable for her lies.

The reality is, they never cared about women, or transwomen, or transmen, or any minority group. They only care about making themselves feel good. As long as it feeds their own ego, they will do whatever they can and don't give a damn about the results.


Every minute you spend wasting time arguing with a crazy person is a minute you could've spent doing something productive or that makes you happy. There are people who are naive and believe they can change the minds and get through to people. You can't. I think there are some people who aren't crazy and are just ill-informed, and I've had dialogue with those types where I legitimately changed their minds on certain issues through reason and facts. But with crazy ideologues, don't waste your time.

Spot on. Ideologues of any stripe aren’t worth getting into an argument.

Never wrestle a pig, you’ll lose, get dirty, and the pig loves it.
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. .and lets stop with the "JK Rowling is just stating her opinion. . ." bit. When she was discussing trans rights from a position - as a former victim of domestic abuse - of not eroding what it means to be a "woman," that was fine (if still a hot button topic). She has gone FULL TERF however, including dancing with the uglier arguments.

I’ve yet to see anyone provide examples of Rowling engaged in hate speech about trans people. She makes an awful lot of comments about how trans rights affect women’s rights, though.
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From now on, in every thread about an LRG release we should have a "friendly reminder" in the OP that these people fired an employee because she was following "problematic" accounts on Twitter.


Well i just googled for like 2 minutes because you didn't include a screencap or something (honestly had no idea what the fuck you were talking about haha) because i'm bored, so is this it?


Is this the only thing that started it all? Or is there more?

And is this the only reason why this individual was fired from that company?

The irony is that the most famous and publicized real world manifestation of her blasphemous tweet (the Wi Spa in LA), actually did turn out to be a 100% heterosexual man who enjoyed getting half chubs in women's locker rooms. A "self identified" nonbinary who does not feminize himself in any capacity and exclusively has sex with women, whom he does not identify himself to as anything other than a man.
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Neighbours from Hell
They're mad that she follows Blaire White? Blaire White is trans, just has different opinions from the hive mind. Absolutely ridiculous but not surprising what is happening here.
White doesn't agree with the activist agendas, so they project on to her that she's "transphobic" even though she is trans herself. If you pay attention, you notice almost all of the animosity in this sphere comes based purely on projecting onto others.

In reality though, I think that crowd dislikes Blaire White because Blaire genuinely looks and sounds like a woman and I think they're jealous of her popularity and her appearance and the anger that comes from that is used to attack her.

On a side note: this story has made its way to the other side of the spectrum now, so it's only a matter of time before the accounts involved in this story go private for about a week, and then a statement is released that "We received death threats from alt right trolls and had to go into hiding."
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Limited Run Games (LRG) is a publisher for bad video games.

This is the best description of LRG i've seen.

I stopped buying from them years ago when they started charging $60 for indie shit that you could get on the eShop for $10. Then there would months, sometimes over a year of radio silence before you finally got the game. On top of that, Euro chums always had to pay astronomical import costs.

Happy to never give them a penny again.
White doesn't agree with the activist agendas, so they project on to her that she's "transphobic" even though she is trans herself. If you pay attention, you notice almost all of the animosity in this sphere comes based purely on projecting onto others.

In reality though, I think that crowd dislikes Blaire White because Blaire genuinely looks and sounds like a woman and I think they're jealous of her popularity and her appearance and the anger that comes from that is used to attack her.

On a side note: this story has made its way to the other side of the spectrum now, so it's only a matter of time before the accounts involved in this story go private for about a week, and then a statement is released that "We received death threats from alt right trolls and had to go into hiding."
They're mad with jealously because Alex Jones is so obviously tapping that.


I think it's fucked up to go digging for dirt of salary workers to get them fired over their political beliefs, but this isn't about Harry Potter and you're downplaying what they found. She is clearly a transphobe.

Now if she's not letting that influence her work, and she's not using LRG as a platform to amplify that viewpoint then there's no reason to involve her employer. She's not the head of the company, she probably makes like $60K a year. But let's at least be honest, she doesn't like trans people.
What do you mean by transphobe? Not sure what she said, but I don’t believe the ideology people are pushing and think we’re doing a terrible thing to children where 80% grow out of it if not given off label drugs that do irreparable harm or plenty of affirmation to go down that route.

Pushback is indeed warranted and needed for the sake of children if nothing else
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But she is following literal transphobes, people whose content is overwhelmingly focused specifically on anti-LGBT rhetoric.

I'm making an argument from analogy. Matt Walsh is to trans people what Richard Spencer is to Jews.

Extremity isn't really the point, it's the fact that 90% of what these people talk about is how LGBT are coming for your children. They're people hyperfocused on this issue in the same way Richard Spencer is hyperfocused on race and white identity shit.

Are we on Reeeeee?
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