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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


King of Gaslighting
I hope she sues them for wrongful termination.

At-will employment means just that. . .

This only turns around if the sane people, who are clearly still the majority, make a bigger stink on Twitter and elsewhere when this bullshit happens. Time to stop the madness.

Hooboy. "Triggered" indeed.

Not everyone grows up like that. Kids and teens are still putting out shit they will regret in 7+ years. We were aware by then, but that doesn't mean she was. If she was, then she would have been less stupid with how she went about things.

Again, I'm saying there's more than 2 possible outcomes to this, and they all aim for outcomes that make everyone happy. One that comes to mind is having a meeting with the employee and seeing if some resolution can be made. Do we know if she was willing to apologise or explain? Was she given any opportunity at all to do so?

I don't know exactly how things were set up, but I'm guessing she was doing her work tweets from an/the LRG account. If she wasn't, that's as much on them as it is her.

Let's be honest here. Even if she was smart enough to not advertise on her personal account that she was the CM for LRG, we've all seen internet detectives track down people's work and email their bosses. All she did was make it easier.

Was there an attempt by the offended party to engage and discuss before he or she decided to play judge, jury, and executioner? I've seen no reason to think so.

Again, LRG we're obviously within their rights to do so, but it should have been the last resort on a list of attempts to resolve a suspected problem. Not a currently active one, not a confirmed one, but a suspected one.

Edit: to clarify, I'm not by any means assuming she wasn't what the gathered evidence suggests. But to me it seems like a very quick turnaround that threw her under the bus at the first sign of a problem instead of trying to move forward.

A slogan that started off vague and has been overused to the point that it lost any meaning or poignancy it was intended it to have, which is a shame because I know what they were going for with it

Yeah. Still not buying it. Forget I said anything about age. Focus on the fact that she is a social media representative for a company in the PRESENT and has social media experience from her streaming days: she knows how all this works. And she still went out there, on her public, personal account that is attached to her professional life, and decided to - in this climate - step into the minefield that is "Hogwarts Legacy."

. . .and not for nothing, but this has nothing to do with her ACTUALLY being a transphobe (I don't believe she is; or at least her digital profile doesn't say she is in any meaningful way) and instead being not at all good with social media. Which again, is her job.

The real lesson here is this: if you want to say what you want relatively consequence free on the internet, don't get a job where you can terminated for any cause. This isn't France and we're not nobility.

Honey Bunny

In this case, the employer. They’ve said that they did the investigation.
Libs of TikTok is pretty bad, wouldn’t you agree?
No, they're a great account.

I sent LRG a tweet telling them they've lost my business. I got two games from them before but no more.

I suggest everyone else does the same if they feel the same, apparently making a show of your greivances on twitter is how you get things to change.
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Gold Member
I hope she sues them for wrongful termination.
Unfortunately she wouldn't win unless she could prove that she was in a protected class and her firing was in violation of that protected status. But LRG is in North Carolina and they can fire people for stuff like this if they want to.

The glass half full here is that she can find a job that's not at a company like this.

Too bad MOBA network isn't a US company because that's who I would get an ambulance chaser to go after. Resetera should be sued for supporting harassment and defamation. But as they are a Swedish company there's probably no affordable way for her to do that.


Sign Language Mental Illness GIF by Sign with Robert

Also apparently Giphy has blocked the word "Retard" and "Trigglypuff". Fucking hell.

Look at the negative space. What they block probably has some truth.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Following an account is not an endorsement of that account’s content. This is extreme purity testing that everyone will fail under some circumstances unless they self-censor and misrepresent their views.

The video game industry has to be among the most spineless industries in the modern world. No one stands up for anyone else and even the most absurd attacks from a tiny minority of Twitter activists will tank your career. Stop handing toxic people so much power.


All fair points, but all I see is that an awful lot of woman are uncomfortable with trans woman using their spaces, and that there appears to be zero interest from the other side in accepting this, and discussing it sensibly to arrive at a settlement that is beneficial for all.

The absolute unwillingness to compromise here is the issue. And that unwillingness seems to be mixed up in more than a small amount of misogyny.
But that's clearly because they're "transphobic, privileged, and hateful".

The "oppressed" minority wins, and bonus points if they're complete hypocrites while doing so.


The question here is, since when did someone's ideals and thoughts are taken into account on a laboral basis?

Many people have already lost their jobs to this..

This is madness, the thing is that this is not an isolated case, the Internet was made as a space in which you could pour some opinions and shit in your free time, not as a court where you are being judged by a public flock of snobs for some shit that you expressed 15 years ago when you were a teen.. and the same people that judge someone might have even worse thoughts or principles..

Nonsense, I hate that side of the Internet nowadays and I try to avoid it at all costs, it's nauseating.


Fuck the twitter blue hairs and everyone surrounding them.
Fuck LRG for bowing down to pressure from these utter fucking lunatics.
No one should lose a job over something so fucking trivial. If I ran a company I'd hire Kara now just on principal.
Will be pre-ordering Hogwarts Legacy now.


"we leftists are the most inclusive fuck alt right nazis we need inclusion 💕🌈🏳️‍🌈👨‍👨‍👧"

"i think its fantastic, can I fit in there?"

"no you fucking neo nazi I hope you die for not being inclusive enough and fit into my hive mind"

I have nothing against people who can behave like normal people, but I can't stand the extremists.

'If you dare to not think like I do you are wrong, otherwise, face the consequences'

Vomit Barf GIF


King of Gaslighting
How is Libs of TikTok bad when all they do is amplify what people are presently declaring over social media?

So you're just going to ignore the instances of LOTT - whether knowingly, or unknowingly - editorializing content that turns out to be flat out wrong (dangerously so).

There are NUMEROUS accounts that amplify postings from "the left" and they do it without making false claims. That account USED to do that, but they lost me as soon as they decided overt advocacy (including targeting private citizens just making statements she disagrees with) was better than unspoken but implied mockery.

What I find funny, is the LOTT is doing EXACTLY what folks are outraged the "blue hairs" did here to Lynne and LRG: going through the internet to find and amplify content that goes against "their truth", content that was posted only ever with the expectation that a limited and/or curated audience would see it - but now that this shit is going in the other direction, well all hell must of course break loose.
Warped freaks. Though the real criminals are the people that listen to these pshychos. Ignore them and they will eventually get bored and fuck off. It's that simple.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: TLZ
I've been on a social media cleanse for a few months now, and hearing these types still causing a stir feels... nostalgic? In a messed up way?

Just ignore these idiots. Problem solved.

Edit: whatever happens to this woman isn't in our control. What is, however, is giving these degenerates any form of attention. Start there.
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The left hate 'Libs of Tiktok' because the one thing they can't stand is being ridiculed.
Libs of TikTok doesn't even ridicule them per se. It's literally just reposting the content those lunatics voluntarily share publicly on TikTok, often with no commentary.
Essentially signal boosting the crazy for normal people to witness for themselves, which makes the vitriol even more amusing.


All fair points, but all I see is that an awful lot of woman are uncomfortable with trans woman using their spaces, and that there appears to be zero interest from the other side in accepting this, and discussing it sensibly to arrive at a settlement that is beneficial for all.

I appreciate the response and understand your point, but I must ask: Who is this “other side”? I mean this respectfully, but a lot of anti-trans discourse is about inventing some sort of “global trans movement”, often ideated by people who have never spoken to a single trans person in their entire lives.

Go to actual trans spaces - look at the bathroooms. What do you see? M, F and an “all welcome” option. Or individual cabins open to all regardless of gender identification.

Trans women don’t want to use the male restroom because it gets them hurt or, worse, killed. In fact, most trans people tend to prefer individual “all genders” cabins. They just want to go about their business in peace.

Trans people are more likely to be victims of violence, to be homeless, to be under or unemployed - they are probably the most precarious demo in the United States. They have much bigger fish to fry.
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This is debatable, except this was explicity written in the contract, and even with this I have some doubt. This would mean fire people or even hire people because of their belief, which is 100% illegal in EU, and I think in US in some terms.
It's not like the woman has written something controversial in the LGR account, and it's not even related to her work, this is her private area.
I think it’s the same like freedom of speech in Europe:

1. You can say everything you want
2. You need to be ready for consequences

Same with the situation here:
1. She can have any views she wants
2. However these views reflect badly on the company she works at
3. She is not fired for her views, she is fired because of the damage these views caused the company

I’m sure we can have a labour law layer from the EU explain to us how it would go in Europe.


I've been on a social media cleanse for a few months now, and hearing these types still causing a stir feels... nostalgic? In a messed up way?

Just ignore these idiots. Problem solved.

Edit: whatever happens to this woman isn't in our control. What is, however, is giving these degenerates any form of attention. Start there.
No one should use social media, they track everything you do and have teams of psychologists and AI to keep you addicted and on their site. Nothing you see on there is untainted and is all used to manipulate your mind. It's a huge factor of why we have so many people living in bubbles these days.

Do you want a world where every piece of information you receive is tainted by deception? Use social media!
No one should use social media, they track everything you do and have teams of psychologists and AI to keep you addicted and on their site. Nothing you see on there is untainted and is all used to manipulate your mind. It's a huge factor of why we have so many people living in bubbles these days.

Do you want a world where every piece of information you receive is tainted by deception? Use social media!
And that, my friend, is why I refuse to be like a moth to the flame. We as individuals are outgunned, and the only course of action is to not play the game.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I think it’s the same like freedom of speech in Europe:

1. You can say everything you want
2. You need to be ready for consequences

Same with the situation here:
1. She can have any views she wants
2. However these views reflect badly on the company she works at
3. She is not fired for her views, she is fired because of the damage these views caused the company

I’m sure we can have a labour law layer from the EU explain to us how it would go in Europe.
I like how being destroyed/mobbed/intimidated/swatted/persecuted by neighbours or other randos because of what you say still counts as freedom of speech because you technically were able to open your mouth… seems like lack of empathy/experience… and these people usually ask others to check the privilege at the door ;).
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
JK Rowling is treated like the personification of Satan for saying pretty much the same thing you are saying here and your post would be considered tansphobia in places like Era and by the majority of the Twitter lynch mob you are defending
Rowling has, over time, drifted into pretty nakedly transphobic discourse about keeping women "safe" from perverts "invading" their spaces and rhetoric about conversion therapy and mental illness and what not. I think you're characterizing her too generously. Once she decided this was her hill to die on, she went all in.

That said, it's true I don't really tow any company line and I don't really care about adhering to the purity tests of far left or trans right spaces on the internet which are absolutely the most toxic communities I have ever encountered. I stay far the fuck away from Resetera or left corners of Twitter because nothing is EVER good enough for them.

If right spaces on the internet are a circle jerk, then left spaces are a giant Mexican standoff where everyone has a gun pointed at each other's head.
Following an account is not an endorsement of that account’s content.
I'm not sure this "who knows what she thinks" defense is the right way to approach this. It doesn't really hold water and it misses the more important point in her defense.

A pattern of following users focused on a specific issue combined with at least one explicit endorsement of that worldview tells a story. If she followed Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes and made one post about "International Jewry controlling the media" you wouldn't need much further convincing she is an anti-Semite, would you?

The problem here is that she's a nobody, a probably low paid salary employee and she isn't being accused of anything related to her job. She isn't a pundit or an influencer or a celebrity, she's a regular woman doing her job. Creating internet mobs to cancel random taxpayers for what they do off the clock is just insanity. That's the more important takeaway rather than feigning "reasonable doubt" about her views.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Rowling has, over time, drifted into pretty nakedly transphobic discourse about keeping women "safe" from perverts "invading" their spaces and rhetoric about conversion therapy and mental illness and what not. I think you're characterizing her too generously. Once she decided this was her hill to die on, she went all in.

That said, it's true I don't really tow any company line and I don't really care about adhering to the purity tests of far left or trans right spaces on the internet which are absolutely the most toxic communities I have ever encountered. I stay far the fuck away from Resetera or left corners of Twitter because nothing is EVER good enough for them.

If right spaces on the internet are a circle jerk, then left spaces are a giant Mexican standoff where everyone has a gun pointed at each other's head.

I'm not sure this "who knows what she thinks" defense is the right way to approach this. It doesn't really hold water and it misses the more important point in her defense.

A pattern of following users focused on a specific issue combined with at least one explicit endorsement of that worldview tells a story. If she followed Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes and made one post about "International Jewry controlling the media" you wouldn't need much further convincing she is an anti-Semite, would you?

The problem here is that she's a nobody, a probably low paid salary employee and she isn't being accused of anything related to her job. She isn't a pundit or an influencer or a celebrity, she's a regular woman doing her job. Creating internet mobs to cancel random taxpayers for what they do off the clock is just insanity. That's the more important takeaway rather than feigning "reasonable doubt" about her views.
Poor argument. She’s not following literal Nazis so far as I’m aware. The vast majority of people aren’t extremist radicals, and have some views you’ll agree with and some you’ll disagree with. Following does not equal endorsement.


Following an account is not an endorsement of that account’s content. This is extreme purity testing that everyone will fail under some circumstances unless they self-censor and misrepresent their views.

The video game industry has to be among the most spineless industries in the modern world. No one stands up for anyone else and even the most absurd attacks from a tiny minority of Twitter activists will tank your career. Stop handing toxic people so much power.
Let's start a dev studio!

I'm kind of joking, but kind of not haha. I have no talents other than a business degree and exercise science degree, so I'd be useless, but I'd love to see a great dev studio with some fucking balls form out of Gaf with the intent of actually looking out for each other and not bending over backwards for every easily offended weirdo out there. We've got some smart, talented people here; I wish you guys would start a studio with a major focus on real creative writing rather than writing purely meant to tick inclusivity boxes, great level and game design, and interesting art and character design as principle pillars of the studio. We used to have plenty of studios like this in the industry, particularly in the 90's, but it really feels like the industry could use an injection of common sense and talent these days. I would ceaselessly support this studio, as I'm sure many, many others would as well. Those of us who don't just live our lives online know that these screaming weirdos are actually the vast minority, not majority, and it's not even close, they're just very loud online and make quite a large scene about everything. People are ready for this dumb shit to swing back around to the other side, we just need a fearless studio to lead the charge.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
This might be one thing that Fry was saying in a years ago Munk debate, the current strategy while well intended does not work and just polarises/makes polarised camps bigger.
Yeah, this is why the left stays losing even when they're right on a lot of things. They don't do outreach, they don't do populist rhetoric, they retreat into inaccessible academic debate and bicker endlessly amongst themselves, often throwing each other under the bus to reinforce their own ideological purity and righteousness.

The right instead behaves like.a loose coalition united around a common enemy (i.e. "people rejected by the left), and every time the left kicks someone off the island they send one more refugee into the arms of the right.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Let's start a dev studio!

I'm kind of joking, but kind of not haha. I have no talents other than a business degree and exercise science degree, so I'd be useless, but I'd love to see a great dev studio with some fucking balls form out of Gaf with the intent of actually looking out for each other and not bending over backwards for every easily offended weirdo out there. We've got some smart, talented people here; I wish you guys would start a studio with a major focus on real creative writing rather than writing purely meant to tick inclusivity boxes, great level and game design, and interesting art and character design as principle pillars of the studio. We used to have plenty of studios like this in the industry, particularly in the 90's, but it really feels like the industry could use an injection of common sense and talent these days. I would ceaselessly support this studio, as I'm sure many, many others would as well. Those of us who don't just live our lives online know that these screaming weirdos are actually the vast minority, not majority, and it's not even close, they're just very loud online and make quite a large scene about everything. People are ready for this dumb shit to swing back around to the other side, we just need a fearless studio to lead the charge.
Appreciate the gesture. Wouldn’t be interested in forming a studio for ideological reasons though. The only reason good enough to grind in game dev for years is out of the desire to make great games.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Poor argument. She’s not following literal Nazis so far as I’m aware.
But she is following literal transphobes, people whose content is overwhelmingly focused specifically on anti-LGBT rhetoric.

I'm making an argument from analogy. Matt Walsh is to trans people what Richard Spencer is to Jews.

The vast majority of people aren’t extremist radicals, and have some views you’ll agree with and some you’ll disagree with. Following does not equal endorsement.
Extremity isn't really the point, it's the fact that 90% of what these people talk about is how LGBT are coming for your children. They're people hyperfocused on this issue in the same way Richard Spencer is hyperfocused on race and white identity shit.


King of Gaslighting
Let's start a dev studio!

I'm kind of joking, but kind of not haha. I have no talents other than a business degree and exercise science degree, so I'd be useless, but I'd love to see a great dev studio with some fucking balls form out of Gaf with the intent of actually looking out for each other and not bending over backwards for every easily offended weirdo out there. We've got some smart, talented people here; I wish you guys would start a studio with a major focus on real creative writing rather than writing purely meant to tick inclusivity boxes, great level and game design, and interesting art and character design as principle pillars of the studio. We used to have plenty of studios like this in the industry, particularly in the 90's, but it really feels like the industry could use an injection of common sense and talent these days. I would ceaselessly support this studio, as I'm sure many, many others would as well. Those of us who don't just live our lives online know that these screaming weirdos are actually the vast minority, not majority, and it's not even close, they're just very loud online and make quite a large scene about everything. People are ready for this dumb shit to swing back around to the other side, we just need a fearless studio to lead the charge.

Why would your studio be any different than the numerous studios out there, big and small, who are bound by the whims of popular opinion? You think LRG doesn't wish that the rules allowed them to just shrug off this instance after speaking with their employee and tightening up their social media policies?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Why would your studio be any different than the numerous studios out there, big and small, who are bound by the whims of popular opinion? You think LRG doesn't wish that the rules allowed them to just shrug off this instance after speaking with their employee and tightening up their social media policies?
If it is not the studio it can be the cloud provider that gets mobbed, their ISP, PayPal, whatever merchant account / payment provider they use to get payments through, their investors, etc…


Appreciate the gesture. Wouldn’t be interested in forming a studio for ideological reasons though. The only reason good enough to grind in game dev for years is out of the desire to make great games.
Yeah I get that, that needs to be a pillar, but I think almost every studio has that. I'd say it's probably a given most of the time right? I think the difference, and the thing that can eventually start a downward trend for the studio is when they decide to accept that they need to start kowtowing to bullies and outside influences who make demands of them. Then after a while what started as, "we believe in making great games" inevitably transitions to "we believe in making games that satisfy as many parties and demographics as possible without offending others", and that's what I'd like to see a dev studio not devolve into.


Following an account is not an endorsement of that account’s content. This is extreme purity testing that everyone will fail under some circumstances unless they self-censor and misrepresent their views.

The video game industry has to be among the most spineless industries in the modern world. No one stands up for anyone else and even the most absurd attacks from a tiny minority of Twitter activists will tank your career. Stop handing toxic people so much power.

The most disturbing thing people don’t think about or pretend too is most companies they support would do the exact same thing they did.

Western pubs/studios all adhere by the same rules/ideology.

You either stop supporting them all together or keep bitching about it here while at the same time giving them your money, which in reality is the only language they truly understand.

If people want real change that is. Untill then this will go on and people will continue to get hurt.
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At-will employment means just that. . .

You absolutely can sue for wrongful termination in an at-will state, it happens all the time. It would probably lose in court, but the point of it is to threaten a situation that will cost the other party $100k in legal fees to even get to that point so they settle for 30k to make you go away.
So she has not posted anything harmful or insulted anyone via Social Media in 7 years. And that tweet is "allegedly" offensive and reason enough to fire her? That's not cool. But let's be honest, LRG is scared of the far left developers in the industry. They need to save face to keep getting those contracts. Unfortunately they had to fire her as most indie developers they work with are far-left mentally ill, autistic, or trans. That is pretty much the Indie Scene nowadays. Doesn't help that Jeremy Parish is working for them and he went far left during the Trump Years too.


Neighbours from Hell
At-will employment means just that. . .

Hooboy. "Triggered" indeed.

Yeah. Still not buying it. Forget I said anything about age. Focus on the fact that she is a social media representative for a company in the PRESENT and has social media experience from her streaming days: she knows how all this works. And she still went out there, on her public, personal account that is attached to her professional life, and decided to - in this climate - step into the minefield that is "Hogwarts Legacy."

. . .and not for nothing, but this has nothing to do with her ACTUALLY being a transphobe (I don't believe she is; or at least her digital profile doesn't say she is in any meaningful way) and instead being not at all good with social media. Which again, is her job.

The real lesson here is this: if you want to say what you want relatively consequence free on the internet, don't get a job where you can terminated for any cause. This isn't France and we're not nobility.
Your point is taken, but listen to what you're saying. You used the line "stepping into the minefield that is Hogwarts Legacy."

The fact that somebody, who works for a video game company, should be afraid to discuss a video game tells you all you need to know about the level of toxicity discourse has reached. And you're essentially insinuating that wherever the discourse leads, even if it's somewhere completely insane, illogical, and frankly, flat out wrong(as is the case with the JK Rowling narrative) that people should just cower in fear and not speak about said issues. If we follow this precedent down this path, then no one is going to be able to speak about anything. Who's to say tomorrow some band of psychos online won't say that Square Enix is racist for their portrayal of Barrett(if it hasn't happened already) and then anyone who buys the new FFVII Remake games is a racist by association and everyone must boycott these games? And then people should not longer speak about FFVII Remake either.

LRG can hire or fire whomever they want, the question is, is it right to essentially demand that people keep their mouths shut about certain games/topics, no matter how insane or unfounded narratives surrounding them are? And is that kind of culture healthy for any company?
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