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The Automotive Discussion Thread

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So for the first time I really got under the 944 I picked up cheap to poke around...This thing ain't gonna be doing any racing in its lifetime. Just a mess of parts rusting away, the warped floorpan, and a body that will take too much effort for its value.

Oh well, step 1: Remove drivetrain, step 2: find broken down car in no-rust-ever Texas.

Finding a broken down 944 shouldn't be too difficult.

I actually had a dream/nightmare last weekend that I went on a trip and traded my 330 for a supercharged 1983 944 just randomly. It broke down about 30 mins after I got it and it had a welded in seat that didn't give me any leg room at all. Just enough to barely clutch. What the hell was I thinking?


I'd argue it's great design - it's recognizing that nothing they put in there at sticker prices is going to be any good, so you might as well make it easy for someone to replace.

What they REALLY should have done is make the radio an option, so you can save $50 and spec out your own deck.

There's aesthetic value and then there's functional value. The FRS might have a functional interior but aesthetically it's somewhat homely. I tend to think the S2000 interior flows better and is less distracting to the eye and is a better aesthetic design. My opinion, of course, but when most of the free world agrees with it then you can just about call it fact.

The real miss for me about the FRS interior is not the cheap plastic parts. It's how they are laid out in that interior in such a way that brings down an otherwise decent looking car that has it's heart in the right place. In other words great idea, not the best execution.


FJ cruiser is just a Jeep wannabe.

I was actually thinking about buying an FJ cruiser.

I am moving closer to work and don't really need a gas saver as my daily driver anymore.

I need something that has a towing capacity of at least 5000 lbs (other car + trailer) and has decent off roading capabilities for the beach.

Other options I was considering would be a grand Cherokee or an Avalanche. The reason I was thinking about the FJ was because it does get the best mpg out of the three, its probably the most reliable and its the cheapest.


Thought i would post this in here as its as good a place as anywhere.

Had a massive smash in my 1 series Bimmer on Sunday. A huge hailstorm came down on the m4 near Bridgend (UK) within about 30 seconds the whole carriageway turned to ice marbles. The car lept off the road and up the bank into trees. I'm suffering broken ribs and the missus has whiplash. Car will be a writeoff with the amount of damage to its right side. (we slid into the tree side on)

I never want to see a hailstorm like that again. 8 cars went off.

Scene of the crime.



Thought i would post this in here as its as good a place as anywhere.

Had a massive smash in my 1 series Bimmer on Sunday. A huge hailstorm came down on the m4 near Bridgend (UK) within about 30 seconds the whole carriageway turned to ice marbles. The car lept off the road and up the bank into trees. I'm suffering broken ribs and the missus has whiplash. Car will be a writeoff with the amount of damage to its ride side. (we slid into the tree side on)

I never want to see a hailstorm like that again. 8 cars went off.

Scene of the crime.

glad everyone was okay


Car was £11.5k (bought in Nov) with 17k on the clock. At time of crash it was 20k on the clock. Online valuation puts it at about the same price as i bought it so the insurance company will have to cough up after they make a shit first offer (which i'm sure they will)

I'm actually debating moving away from bimmers. As its useless in the Snow, (rear wheel drive) and i may have had more luck keeping it on the road with a fwd car.

Maybe an Audi A3 but i don't like them as much as that's fwd. I do a lot of miles so i go for economical rather than pure speed. The 1 series was a 118d and was regularly doing 60mpg (uk gallons) on long runs.


I'd still recommend a RAV4 or a Honda CRV of similar year and mileage over this car. They are bound to be more reliable.

It look like I'm going to go with the RAV4. Year 2000 and 126k miles with 4WD. It's super clean and in great shape. It's will make for a great winter car I think. I just need to do the inspection with my mechanic in 2 days before the deal is finalized. I just put a deposit down, and if anything funny shows up on the inspection sheet, then I can bail and get my deposit back.


It look like I'm going to go with the RAV4. Year 2000 and 126k miles with 4WD. It's super clean and in great shape. It's will make for a great winter car I think. I just need to do the inspection with my mechanic in 2 days before the deal is finalized. I just put a deposit down, and if anything funny shows up on the inspection sheet, then I can bail and get my deposit back.
How much are you paying?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It look like I'm going to go with the RAV4. Year 2000 and 126k miles with 4WD. It's super clean and in great shape. It's will make for a great winter car I think. I just need to do the inspection with my mechanic in 2 days before the deal is finalized. I just put a deposit down, and if anything funny shows up on the inspection sheet, then I can bail and get my deposit back.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
It's also that weird single-unit looking dash-to-nav area that just stands out in the wrong way.


It look like I'm going to go with the RAV4. Year 2000 and 126k miles with 4WD. It's super clean and in great shape. It's will make for a great winter car I think. I just need to do the inspection with my mechanic in 2 days before the deal is finalized. I just put a deposit down, and if anything funny shows up on the inspection sheet, then I can bail and get my deposit back.

you are usually in safe hands with Toyota. my LC80 just ticked past 500k kms :)


$6500. They seriously low balled me on the trade in value for my car ($3500), so then the difference is $3000, which (honestly) will be cheaper than fixing the current problems with this car. This is the deal if the RAV4 inspection checks out of course.

That's half life for the RAV4.

I would not spend $6500 on a really old high mileage RAV4. I mean for a bit more like 10K you should at least be able to get a 05/06 with less than 100K.
I'll wait on the final production model before I pass judgement. I do like that the cluster is 100% digital.

It looks better with the screens on:


Also, anyone else watch Top Gear (the good one)? Huayra shat all over everything. I can't wait to see the P1 and Enzo Successor do their laps. Also my girlfriend wants a Peel P50 because "they're the cutest things with wheels ever".


I think the new S class?


You're joking right?

EDIT: Just checked Autospies and you are not, in fact, joking. Wow MB, that is truly atrocious. Digital dashes are awesome... but that's not how you do one. I'm still shaking my head that this is from, of all things, the S-Class.


what in the fuck mercedes? first the ugly e class facelift and now this shit. I hate digital displays. analogue dashboards ftw!


Thought i would post this in here as its as good a place as anywhere.

Had a massive smash in my 1 series Bimmer on Sunday. A huge hailstorm came down on the m4 near Bridgend (UK) within about 30 seconds the whole carriageway turned to ice marbles. The car lept off the road and up the bank into trees. I'm suffering broken ribs and the missus has whiplash. Car will be a writeoff with the amount of damage to its right side. (we slid into the tree side on)

I never want to see a hailstorm like that again. 8 cars went off.

Scene of the crime.

Glad it wasn't worse...

Well coincidently, I had my first "holy shit" moment last Friday driving that very same road to Wales. Outside lane, cruise control set, slow moving truck just ahead of me one lane to the left and a van tailgating it (literally about two car lengths in front of me to the left). Whilst giving no fucks, the van pulls out right in front of me, I try to hit the brakes and nothing happens (with the cruise on).

I have moments to react so I try to swerve left to go behind the van. I literally do a powerslide across 3 lanes into the hard shoulder and the car then kicks back to the right where I almost collect a middle aged women who was in shock after the incident. It was surreal as everything seemed to be in slow motion and even though I must of been inches from hitting another car at high speed, it seemed strangely controllable.

Pulled over to the hard shoulder to have a chat with the lady and the truck driver who saw the incident. Van driver drove off.

I garantee footage of this will be on police camera action or one of those other camera shows in about 5 years time. Look out for the grey 350z getting handled like a boss.

Edit- Regarding the brakes not working, I checked out the car whilst driving slowly away from the scene and all seemed to be ok. The only thing my friend and I could think of was in the initial panic, I missed the pedal/slipped off it!


what in the fuck mercedes? first the ugly e class facelift and now this shit. I hate digital displays. analogue dashboards ftw!

I'm okay with digital displays (the LF-A's is super cool), but it's hilarious that they even went so far as to include chrome bezels in their graphics for the tach/speedo dials.
Goddamn, that's beyond terribile. The current S Class interior is absolutely beautiful. This looks like something frm the 80s.


Conceptually they really aren't that different. The basic design elements are still there, The circular vents and clock are the most "radical" part of the design.

Black upholstery and brown wood always make interiors look like shit anyway, they just don't belong together IMO.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Am I crazy for really liking the look of the new A-Class?

I don't like the C or the E all that much but the new A is seriously sexy as hell. I couldn't believe how nice it looked in person. I haven't driven one yet (and I hear they aren't that exciting to drive), but I really really like the look.

I'm starting to wonder if I should change my approach to car buying in France. Seeing that the roads and parking spaces are tighter I'm wondering how practical a larger car really is. I was dead set on a 5 series, A6 or A5 Sportback...but I'm wondering if they are simply too large to handle easily in a typical European city. :\ Thoughts? Anyone else drive a reasonably sized car in a European urban environment?

I agree. Wood works best when it is darker than the material that surrounds it.
Absolutely. Lighter wood with black interior is fucking terrible looking. So many interiors are ruined by this nasty combination. Absolutely hate it.


Hail to the Chef
I'm starting to wonder if I should change my approach to car buying in France. Seeing that the roads and parking spaces are tighter I'm wondering how practical a larger car really is. I was dead set on a 5 series, A6 or A5 Sportback...but I'm wondering if they are simply too large to handle easily in a typical European city. :\ Thoughts? Anyone else drive a reasonably sized car in a European urban environment?

"Reasonably sized in an European urban environment" is something like a Smart, a VW Up!, a Toyota iQ, Peugeot 107, or something like that ;)

Parking spots and public garages are the main point, even a Golf-class car can feel "fat" in these surroundings.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
"Reasonably sized in an European urban environment" is something like a Smart, a VW Up!, a Toyota iQ, Peugeot 107, or something like that ;)

Parking spots and public garages are the main point, even a Golf-class car can feel "fat" in these surroundings.
It didn't seem THAT bad. Our most recent rental was Peugeot 5008, which was pretty large, and we did alright.

We're going to have two cars, though. One larger, nicer car and a second smaller hatch. We need four doors, though.


In case you guys watched the UK Top Gear episode last Sunday and did not get the joke about the Bentley and Mario Balotelli, here is his Bentley:

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