Did my first mechanical DIY job on my 330 over the weekend and feeling pretty damn proud of myself... Cooling system overhaul including (complete cooling system drain, replacing thermostat, water pump, upper and lower radiator hoses, expansion tank and coolant temp sensor). My thermostat was throwing codes but hadn't been showing any physical signs of failure until last Thursday when my car would not blow hot air out of the vents or get up to normal operating temp. I got 2 more months out of it.
This was my first major project to complete on my own and probably draining the coolant from the block was the biggest bitch. It took crazy gloveless hand and body contortions and about 10 different combinations of ratchets and extensions until I finally found something that worked for me to break the damn bolt free. 2, 10 inch extensions combined with a swivel head and socket and there was so much play when it did break free I thought that my socket had just slipped off the bolt yet again. I am happy to say that despite the horror stories of being showered with coolant draining the block I was able to funnel most of it through a tube and into a big Sterilite container I borrowed from my sweaters for the weekend. Only down to my forearm is a pretty big win in my book.
A heat gun (my roommates') assisted greatly with stubborn plastic connectors and saved my ass with the radiator hoses and connections. I would have failed without it because they seemed like they were glued together. Another interesting method I got from a DIY online was removing the expansion tank by using a floor jack and a extension plus socket to pop it off. Pretty cool stuff.
Found that my idler and hydraulic tensioner pulleys were bad so I replaced those as well.
I also found an oil leak that has showed up in the past couple of weeks. Looks like it is the oil filter housing gasket so I am ordering a gasket and the crush washers to do that job in the next couple of weeks.
Saving a ton of money DIYing is so freaking satisfying. My total cost including shipping for a new cooling system minus radiator and the pulleys was 430.

With those spent pulleys out of the engine bay she sounds better too.