Looking back on my driving when I had my first 944, I am not surprised it caught fire on me. I beat that poor little thing up.
1 week to the day after I got my license I did a 180 in a convoy from the high school to the football field for practice on a turn where oversteer was very popular and ended up in a poor ladies front lawn with the rear right of the car hopped over a 8 inch curb and a nice big rut in her yard. Of course she was standing out on the porch when it happened.
Several times a month we would go to a friends house where he had 50 or so acres and race around on a homemade orange cone race track on some very short and tight grass.
I lived very close to the city lake and there was a pretty nasty gravel and dirt road that ran around it that I would use to hone my rally skills. Ruts everywhere, bumpy as hell, yanking the hand brake on every turn. My friends loved it (4 of us in a 944 hooning...)! Almost ended up in the water on more than a couple of occasions.
Another friend had a GMC High Sierra with the 7.4L and we would take turns seeing who could do the longest burnout or the most donuts in a minute. One of those times was during lunch break at the city park in a parking lot. I was at the wheel and spinning around like mad when someone yelled "cop!". I didnt even have a learners permit at the time so I quickly switched seats with my buddy who had the truck. Can't believe I got away with that.
There was also the summer where we couldnt kill a friends 89 Ford Escort. We had access to a tractor so failing to jump it across a creek and getting stuck in the creek was no problem!
Ahh youth.