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The Automotive Discussion Thread

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It is not subtracted from the principal. Your interest is locked and you will have to pay it no matter what - you are financing the full amount including interest. You cannot defer on interest on almost any auto loan.

It's at a fixed interest. I just picked up a new car and pay $118 bi weekly though I've paid $2000 towards the principal already. It's 22% mine already lol. I hate interest and want to pay the full loan as fast as possible.

Check your local credit unions as they might have a better interest rate. My credit union was 4.99% compared to the dealers 6.50% or or banks at 5.99%.

BTW when making extra payments towards the principal contact your lender and specifically state that you want to make a payment towards the principal and not prepay the next x number of payments. Had a few friends say they paid off this or that but then it wasn't towards the principal so accumulated interest was the same.

Thanks guys. The only other large loan I have ever taken out was a reducing balance loan for a house (not in the US). Here's hoping I am offered something under 2.5%. I just checked my credit score, creditkarma approximates it at around 715. I guess getting a pre-approved loan from your bank and then talking to the dealer is the best way to go? Are dealers usually willing to accept two cheques, one personal and the rest from my bank?


Aggressively Stupid
2.5% is pretty low so I hope you get that or lower.

Lol you bastard. My score was 714 lol.

Having the money before making the purchase definitely works in your favour!


Do you guys change your own oil and filter or take it to a mechanic?

I think I just got jipped into paying $60+ for an oil and filter change for my 2013 accord.

5qt of 0W-20 oil is like $20 at Walmart. Tires plus just charged me $47 for that oil. Ugh.


Do you guys change your own oil and filter or take it to a mechanic?

I think I just got jipped into paying $60+ for an oil and filter change for my 2013 accord.

5qt of 0W-20 oil is like $20 at Walmart. Tires plus just charged me $47 for that oil. Ugh.
Well you're paying for the labor more than the oil.

No Love

Do you guys change your own oil and filter or take it to a mechanic?

I think I just got jipped into paying $60+ for an oil and filter change for my 2013 accord.

5qt of 0W-20 oil is like $20 at Walmart. Tires plus just charged me $47 for that oil. Ugh.

Dammmmn you got owned. :( I pay $35 and do my own oil changes... and thats with high end oil that can withstand E85 usage for 5k miles on my 500+ whp turbo car lol.

I suggest doing your own oil from now on. Its much cheaper, you can chwnge it faster than those guys do (they take forever) and less chance of fucking shit up. They could improperlt torque ue your oil drain bolt, put oil filter on in a shoddy fashion etc. Plus they use dogshit oil and filters.


Yep. Definitely got owned. :( ah well, live and learn. I'll definitely be doing my own oil changes from now on.

What other maintenance stuff is good to do yourself, instead of taking it to a car shop or dealer?


Thanks guys. The only other large loan I have ever taken out was a reducing balance loan for a house (not in the US). Here's hoping I am offered something under 2.5%. I just checked my credit score, creditkarma approximates it at around 715. I guess getting a pre-approved loan from your bank and then talking to the dealer is the best way to go? Are dealers usually willing to accept two cheques, one personal and the rest from my bank?

Consider a line of credit instead? It can be paid off at any time.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Not being able to pay off a loan based on your remaining principle is still a thing? Mindblowing.

I guess my local credit unions have done very well by me.


A few shots of my 2009 335d. Will link to them rather than put the image in just in case they're too big:






If you put the images inside a quote, it automatically shrinks them, like so:



I'll be dropping my car off Thursday morning to get the rest of the damage taken care of from my garage mishap. I was only able to remove all the paint transfer by using a white terry cloth towel and non-chloranated brake cleaner. Made sure to rinse and wash the areas throughly after using that nasty stuff. Took the paint right off after everything else failed. Most of the scuffs polished out and anything else will be repainted. The dent that extends above and below where the trim piece goes is probably 8 inches across.

Going to have him refinish my wheels, take care of a couple of minor dents and fix a couple of areas where paint is cracked as well. Next up will be new 25% tint. Whatever is on it right now seems to have very little heat reflectivity.

I continue to be impressed by the milage I can achieve when I try. Hit a new record of 34.3 mpg from my parents driveway 80 miles to my driveway last night. Stayed above the speed limit 95% of the time as well. Helps to keep me alert when I am tired.
Got my loan approved. $15000 over 36 months @3.09%. I guess I won't be offered anything lower with a 700 credit score and only 4.5 years of credit history.

Will be test driving the BRZ and the Impreza WRX today. Then the Accord Coupe, Civic Coupe, Mustang, Camaro, Mazda 3, Mazda 6, Focus ST and Genesis Coupe. I did drive in some of those that my friends own but will have to try the MY13s.
Got my loan approved. $15000 over 36 months @3.09%. I guess I won't be offered anything lower with a 700 credit score and only 4.5 years of credit history.

Will be test driving the BRZ and the Impreza WRX today. Then the Accord Coupe, Civic Coupe, Mustang, Camaro, Mazda 3, Mazda 6, Focus ST and Genesis Coupe. I did drive in some of those that my friends own but will have to try the MY13s.

its best to find friends with those to play around with.

can't think of any dealers that would let you drive sporty cars on like the highway or anywhere that you can punch it.

No Love

Got my loan approved. $15000 over 36 months @3.09%. I guess I won't be offered anything lower with a 700 credit score and only 4.5 years of credit history.

Will be test driving the BRZ and the Impreza WRX today. Then the Accord Coupe, Civic Coupe, Mustang, Camaro, Mazda 3, Mazda 6, Focus ST and Genesis Coupe. I did drive in some of those that my friends own but will have to try the MY13s.

Mustang 5.0 and Focus ST stomp all the rest. Both are amazingly fun to drive, especially the ST. ST is probably the best FWD car I've ever driven, puts a lot of RWD cars to shame in handling.
its best to find friends with those to play around with.

can't think of any dealers that would let you drive sporty cars on like the highway or anywhere that you can punch it.

Power is not really a huge consideration, to be frank. I am mainly looking for somthing that is fun to drive. Most of my driving is within the city.

Mustang 5.0 and Focus ST stomp all the rest. Both are amazingly fun to drive, especially the ST. ST is probably the best FWD car I've ever driven, puts a lot of RWD cars to shame in handling.

The 2012 ST was quite decent (I drove a friend's for a bit). The Focus ST is the reason I expanded from my initial requirements of a coupe. The Mustang, I don't know. The design is not really for me but I am testing it just to cover all my options.


Do dealers have a down payment preference as far as cash versus trade-in?

Here's the situation I'm in: Thanks to throwing lots of extra money at principle payments, my Altima's trade in value is basically worth what I currently owe on it. (It remains to be seen what an actual dealer will give me, but I'm being extremely conservative with my estimates, since I know KBB and others don't represent real world prices.)

I'm now prepping to finance a newer (CPO or used) car. Over the next 4 months, I'm going to be able to either:

- sock away $3k in cash for a down payment
- throw it all at said Altima to reduce the principle even further

So, what would a dealer rather I walk in with: A car that basically trades in for a little over what the loan is and $3k cash, or no cash down and a car that trades in for a good chunk more than what's left on the loan? A little of both, perhaps?
Do dealers have a down payment preference as far as cash versus trade-in?

Here's the situation I'm in: Thanks to throwing lots of extra money at principle payments, my Altima's trade in value is basically worth what I currently owe on it. (It remains to be seen what an actual dealer will give me, but I'm being extremely conservative with my estimates, since I know KBB and others don't represent real world prices.)

I'm now prepping to finance a newer (CPO or used) car. Over the next 4 months, I'm going to be able to either:

- sock away $3k in cash for a down payment
- throw it all at said Altima to reduce the principle even further

So, what would a dealer rather I walk in with: A car that basically trades in for a little over what the loan is and $3k cash, or no cash down and a car that trades in for a good chunk more than what's left on the loan? A little of both, perhaps?

Cash, always cash.
mustang v8 sounds like torture to drive in city speeds.

is there such thing as a 'fun' city car? If it's mostly city, i'd think a small fiat or smart car would be preferable because of parking.

No Love

mustang v8 sounds like torture to drive in city speeds.

is there such thing as a 'fun' city car? If it's mostly city, i'd think a small fiat or smart car would be preferable because of parking.

How would a Mustang be torture in the slightest? It has gobs of low end torque. Totally awesome to drive in city streets.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
mustang v8 sounds like torture to drive in city speeds.
If you're talking about the road feel... even in Houston, it's fine, and we have shitty roads downtown. You can fuck up rims on curbs and deep potholes, and steep entries/exits at entries into plazas can scrape the front spoiler, but the suspension isn't really as rough as you'd think, not even with the GT500. If you had a special Roush or Shelby (not the one from the Ford factory) package that really tuned the suspension, ok, you might have an issue.

YMMV as to whether or not you'd want to drive a manual in the city, though. Some folks don't like that and I understand why, but while the clutch pedal is a little bit deep, the shifter isn't bad. I like the Camaro's/Vette's throw a little more, but it's certainly not that shit from Chrysler.


Update on my Fiesta ST. The car is fantastic. Today though I'm pissed after chipping an alloy trying the spare wheel.

Here is the back story:

Car was already built when I bought the car and as it only came with a tyre repair kit I asked the dealer to supply a spare wheel.

When I collected the car I noticed it was a full size 14" X 5.5" and asked if it would fit over the front brakes and was assured it would. I wasn't convinced and did some research and found out it wouldn't fit.

Today I went to the dealer parts department to ask them if they would swap the wheel for the correct 15" mini space saver wheel to be told that their computer states that the 14" is the correct wheel for the ST.

I tried explaining why their computer is wrong, but they wouldn't listen and in the end I just said I'd try it at home and get back to them.

The wheel brace slipped as I was tightening a nut which took a decent chunk of paint off :( The only consolation is the paint job on the wheels is pretty poor IMO anyway.

No Love

Update on my Fiesta ST. The car is fantastic. Today though I'm pissed after chipping an alloy trying the spare wheel.

Here is the back story:

Car was already built when I bought the car and as it only came with a tyre repair kit I asked the dealer to supply a spare wheel.

When I collected the car I noticed it was a full size 14" X 5.5" and asked if it would fit over the front brakes and was assured it would. I wasn't convinced and did some research and found out it wouldn't fit.

Today I went to the dealer parts department to ask them if they would swap the wheel for the correct 15" mini space saver wheel to be told that their computer states that the 14" is the correct wheel for the ST.

I tried explaining why their computer is wrong, but they wouldn't listen and in the end I just said I'd try it at home and get back to them.

The wheel brace slipped as I was tightening a nut which took a decent chunk of paint off :( The only consolation is the paint job on the wheels is pretty poor IMO anyway.

Sucks, but stock rims are usually not worth much anyways. And it's not that expensive to refinish them.


Sucks, but stock rims are usually not worth much anyways. And it's not that expensive to refinish them.

Usually, you're right. For some reason, WRX and STi wheels seem to be somewhat in demand, but only for certain factory styles. I guess this is more of a desire to ape JDM or factory styles though.

Otherwise, Rotas. :p

Put a deposit down on this bad boy today:


Congrats! That's the Clio, no?
really curious why accord coupes are so popular (around here anyways) while nissan just announced they are stopping altima coupes (and they still sell that weird frog looking car and that ugly and probably super unsafe convertible murando).

My dad's old accord coupe was pretty fun though. shame it got totalled because a tire blew up and it went rolling like a michael bay movie (fortunately mom and bro are ok, seatbelts kids!).


Edit: ^^^^^^^^^^^ The Prelude died? :'(
Original NSX will never happen again.
Shit will be loaded down with all kinds of stupid electronic gizmos that take away from the driving feel.

The NSX was the first sports car with electric power steering :p

Really want to try one. Just to hear that engine growl through the rev range.
Well, went ahead and placed the deposit. Dark Grey BRZ Limited MT. Car should be here in the first week of September. Bit of a jump from my 98 XZ2.


Audi A8 super high-tech headlight teased, whole car coming Aug 21


We have to wait one more week before we get to see the 2015 Audi A8 and S8, but it doesn't look like Audi is going to stay quiet until then. After releasing a pair of teaser videos over the last week, it has now released a first detailed picture of the new A8 revealing the trick Matrix LED headlight.

Between the high-beam and low-beam lights, the headlights contain 43 LEDs (not including those for the DRL/turn signal), but the innovative part of Matrix LED system is that a camera can control the high-beam lights – by either dimming them or shutting them off – when other vehicles are detected on the road to prevent the lights from distracting other drivers. Of course the big question remaining is if Audi can get these new headlights to pass the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and its Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The taillights also get a cool design with 24 LEDs that use a sequential turn signal

Gratz. How much did you get it for pretax?

How did ya get to deciding on brz vs others?

About 26.5k including shipping (had to order it from a dealer out of state). Everyone locally quoted about 29k excluding tax.

I just test drove everything in my price range. The Focus ST, Camaro and BRZ/FR-S were the ones I liked the most but I had some problems with the Camaro and the ST. The Camaro I had some trouble reversing into a parking spot and also when I looked over my shoulder when changing lanes. For the Focus ST, the features inside were nice and I liked the clutch behaviour but something felt off about the accelerator. I preferred the way the BRZ's shift lever worked as well. Also, it usually takes me some time to get used to a manual car's 1st-to-2nd gear shift. Don't know what it is about the BRZ, but that felt pretty great almost immediately. Memory seats would have been nice on the BRZ (I liked the power seats in the ST) but that's something I can live with.
About 26.5k including shipping (had to order it from a dealer out of state). Everyone locally quoted about 29k excluding tax.

I just test drove everything in my price range. The Focus ST, Camaro and BRZ/FR-S were the ones I liked the most but I had some problems with the Camaro and the ST. The Camaro I had some trouble reversing into a parking spot and also when I looked over my shoulder when changing lanes. For the Focus ST, the features inside were nice and I liked the clutch behaviour but something felt off about the accelerator. I preferred the way the BRZ's shift lever worked as well. Also, it usually takes me some time to get used to a manual car's 1st-to-2nd gear shift. Don't know what it is about the BRZ, but that felt pretty great almost immediately. Memory seats would have been nice on the BRZ (I liked the power seats in the ST) but that's something I can live with.

Neat. Was looking for a similar trim but they are all 29k here too. Hmmmm.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The steering wheel is a bit much.

And they went back to the 4-gauge cluster? Nice.
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