It is not subtracted from the principal. Your interest is locked and you will have to pay it no matter what - you are financing the full amount including interest. You cannot defer on interest on almost any auto loan.
It's at a fixed interest. I just picked up a new car and pay $118 bi weekly though I've paid $2000 towards the principal already. It's 22% mine already lol. I hate interest and want to pay the full loan as fast as possible.
Check your local credit unions as they might have a better interest rate. My credit union was 4.99% compared to the dealers 6.50% or or banks at 5.99%.
BTW when making extra payments towards the principal contact your lender and specifically state that you want to make a payment towards the principal and not prepay the next x number of payments. Had a few friends say they paid off this or that but then it wasn't towards the principal so accumulated interest was the same.
Thanks guys. The only other large loan I have ever taken out was a reducing balance loan for a house (not in the US). Here's hoping I am offered something under 2.5%. I just checked my credit score, creditkarma approximates it at around 715. I guess getting a pre-approved loan from your bank and then talking to the dealer is the best way to go? Are dealers usually willing to accept two cheques, one personal and the rest from my bank?