King of Limbs should've been an EP....just feels so slight, even though I love Bloom and Lotus Flower, and really like Codex. Give up the Ghost is forgettable. Separator is half really nice/other half middling. Magpie, Little by Little and Feral sound like B sides. First Radiohead album that's disappointed should've been called an EP.
Oh well, they cemented their legacy with In Rainbows. It gave them 4 knockout, stone cold classic albums, the first 3 of which you could make legit arguments for.
I'd order them this way -
1. Ok Computer
opening 6 songs are still the best stretch of any of their albums....Let Down is a personal favorite....then you've got Climbing up the Walls, No Surprises and Lucky, pretty amazing.
Electioneering is the only track that's lacking. Should've been Polyethylene in that spot.
2. Kid A
most groundbreaking, fresh, cohesive, atmospheric album they've done. Everything in its Right Place, How to Disappear Completely, Ideoteque, Morning Bell, stand out the most, but I love swimming in the album start to finish. Nice lean 10 tracks helps too.
3. In Rainbows
Most enjoyable listen consistently. The strings on this album are wonderous.
Reckoner is one of their 5 best songs, gorgeous. Love when Ed comes in singing on Weird Fishes, 2nd half of Bodysnatchers is amazing, Nude is beautiful, All I Need great, 15 step great opener, wonderful album start to finish. House of Cards is the least interesting track, and unfortunately the longest track on the album...but it's still a good tune.
4. The Bends
Still one of the great rock albums - remains great fun to listen to. Hard to beat Fake Plastic Trees, Nice Dream, Just, My Iron Lung, Street Spirit, etc.
5. Amnesiac
Some of their best songs (Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army, Dollars and Cents)
Weakest opener by a mile (Packt like sardines....) brings it down, as does the unnecessary Morning Bell redux. I know some like Pulk/Pull but I've never found it that compelling, besides some interesting bass. Hunting Bears is skippable. Worrywort, Fog, Amazing Sounds of Orgy would've been better choices. Also, while Like Spinning Plates is a Twin Peaks like excellent track....the live version kills it.
Amnesiac is a great album, despite it flaws....but it could've cracked Radiohead's holy trinity top 3 albums had they made some different choices.
6. Hail to the Thief
Still a really good listen, but by far their most bloated album. 14 tracks is just far too many. This thing should've been 10-11, 12 tops, and they would've had something. I still think it doesn't hit the highs of the albums above it (sans 2+2=5 and maybe Where I end and you begin, wolf at the door.)
I would've cut out Sit Down, Stand Up (love the first half of this song....never cared for the climax of electronic drums that go on forever), the Gloaming, and I Will (the alt. version of this song is better).
7. Pablo Honey
You and Lurgee are two of my favorite Radiohead songs. Creep is still Creep. Couple other tracks are enjoyable.
8. King of Limbs
Reasons stated above but this thing should've been an EP. Pablo Honey feels more essential to me than the King of Limbs.