You can say お前もメシ食うかい? in the nicest voice you can make, it won't replace 鈴木部長もご飯を召し上がりますでしようか。
You can't use 「ます」と 「でしょうか」。 I'm pretty sure that's grammatically incorrect.
[鈴木部長もご飯を召し上がりますか] is okay though.
I made the same mistake many, many times and was corrected by native speakers.
So just be careful with that.
You can't use 「ます」と 「でしょうか」。 I'm pretty sure that's grammatically incorrect.
[鈴木部長もご飯を召し上がりますか] is okay though.
I made the same mistake many, many times and was corrected by native speakers.
So just be careful with that.
Thanks! I had known it was 二重敬語, but for some reason I thought it was often used 二重敬語. However, a quick google search has shown me otherwise. I use it a lot in emails too! >_<
Obviously, context is everything, but you should continue to do so.
Yeah, actually before I read your message I was writing an email and I couldn't not add a でしょう (it was 空いている時間を教えて頂けますでしょうか, and so added it anyways regardless of thinking it's "wrong". Just sounds so direct and almost like an order without it.
Funny the search results for ますでしょうか were basically "you shouldn't use it".
Although advice from Japanese people from Japanese sometimes is not using things specific people don't like. (I shouldn't end things with じゃん, etc.)
While there is a lot of debate on whether ますでしょうか and similar forms are strictly correct in grammatical terms, it doesn't really matter, because they're extremely common and people aren't going to stop using them soon.
A simple ますか can sound way too forward or direct sometimes, and adding a でしょうか to the end allows you to soften the expression and make it sound more polite, especially when you are making a request in a business situation.
Obviously, context is everything, but you should continue to do so.
Finally decided to make the step up from self-learning and pay for a private tutor for some one-to-one lessons over the next months. Tutors are slim pickings in my area but I've managed to find a native-Japanese tutor, and it's all looking positive that I can start in the next week or so. Without being able to talk to someone consistently in Japanese I know for sure my skill level (and motivation for learning) is only going to be able to reach a certain point. Hopefully this time next year I'll actually be in Japan, and will gain the benefits of that, but for now this is certainly a better way forward to learning than talking to myself all day.
You forgot to link the YouTube video =P
Yeah getting the readings through vocab has been way, way easier. I'm getting them in on relatively low brain power which is great, if a leech pops up on anki that's where I go in and try to memorize the onyomi/kunyomi properly.Do people go out of their way to memorize several of a kanji's readings? It sort of seems like a needless extra step when you could go right to memorizing vocab that include that kanji.
Do people go out of their way to memorize several of a kanji's readings? It sort of seems like a needless extra step when you could go right to memorizing vocab that include that kanji.
Well, it's probably good to know the other common readings though right? Like, if someone says some totally unknown vocabulary to you, but you recognise part of the word from another vocab, then you can make a good guess, based on context, at what that word might mean by narrowing down your options based on the readings you know.
I'm having some trouble with this youtube trailer. I think my speakers are finally giving out as I'm having a heck of time hearing some of the dialogue.
The line at :07 お引き受けします(おひきうけします)
The line at :16 the speed is getting me here いや、確かに私共は仕事の内容や大小に関わらず、注文を承っておりますけど・・・ (いや、たしかに わたくしどもは しごとのないようや だいしょうにかかわらず、ちゅうもんを うけたまわっておりますけど・・・)
The line at :32 - the part after あしたわ
sounds like おれは30年前、親父とは縁ば切った(おれは30ねんまえ、おやじとは えんばきった)
「ば」 in this case is pretty much Kyushu-ben for 「を」
The line at :33 - Iぱぱがみているの...そとだけ。 I'm having trouble with the part between みているの and そとだけ
The line at :57
この間の親子、一家心中しやがった(このあいだのおやこ、いっかしんじゅう しやがった)
not sure about the しやがった part since it cuts out
The line at 1:10 - it sounds like おれたちしんでもおなじだ but I'm not sure
だち is short for ともだち
The line at 1:21 to 1:24 - Not so much my speakers but I've having trouble with his accent.
ここには、争いごとなんてないんだ。あるのは、人の温かさだけだ。(ここには、あらそいごとなんて ないんだ。あるのは、ひとの あたたかさだけだ。)
So if anyone can help me with the Japanese that would be great. I don't need it translated or anything I just need to be help with what is being said.
Replies in bold within the quote!
So, one pronunciation I've always been confused about...
Like, do you pronounce them still individually, or does the イ blend with the syllable before it? Like take サイ, do you say it like "sigh", or is it "sa-ee". Sometimes when I listen to Japanese it seems like they do the former, but maybe they just say it fast enough it sounds like it blends.
Also, の巻...I noticed the title of each chapter in a manga ended this way, so does this basically just used to basically say "Chapter n"?
In addition to what Kilrogg said, it also kind of depends on the word.
For example, you would pronounced "サイ" (rhinoceros) as one blended sound more like "sigh," but a word like 差異 (difference) would be pronounced with a clear break between the sounds more like "sa-ee."
Same with something like 貝 (shell) being pronounced as "kai" versus 下位 (lower rank) being pronounced as "ka-ee."
What about desu, masu, gaku and other cut off sounds? Those don't necessarily follow the rule of equal measure.
What about "ikimasu" and so on though? Which i always hear as "kimasu" like with a silent い, though I do hear faint one in there at times. Also "suki" is another one which sounds shorter ("skeemass" almost).
I think it's just a classic case of "that's just the way they are, don't think too hard about it and eventually it will be natural".
Any idea how successful I'm going to be looking for Japanese people to talk to on Skype?
I hear the i in "kimasu". suki does fall into what I said earlier though. Also, what's the "mass" part? suki isn't going to be followed by masu, instead you use desu since suki is an adjective.
Any idea how successful I'm going to be looking for Japanese people to talk to on Skype?
Yeah, I get the equal stress part, but to be honest it's hard to do that for me...I have to sometimes *think* the word over in my head to avoid doing that.
But so it depends on the word, that makes sense. Like my name written in katakana is タイラー (Tyler), I imagine in this case I'd probably go with the more blended "tie" like how I pronounce it in English rather than the "ta-ee" probably. Right?
Also I just discovered the Rikaikun plug-in...pretty nifty and fun for picking up some Kanji. But do you think that might be a handicap for memorizing Kanji if I use it too much and become dependent on it?
What about desu, masu, gaku and other cut off sounds? Those don't necessarily follow the rule of equal measure.
Personally, I prefer to manually look up a kanji character if I'm curious about its meaning or reading.
my current favorite way to do this is via the google translate app on my phone, using the handwriting feature. that way it forces me to draw the kanji as i'm looking it up. helps it stick, even though i know i'm screwing up the stroke order pretty regularly
It's great that you have a clear deadline and motivation - makes studying so much easier!So, any other tips, advice, anything? Support, lol?
I only know of this one, but maybe there are better ones out there. Also, if you have an iPhone, install Chinese handwritten as a keyboard layout and you will be able to use handwritten kanji on your phone as wellIs there any standalone site that does this kind of character recognition? Like a dictionary or thesaurus or something?
This can happen in handwritten things or longform writing, like an essay or newspaper, but you're very unlikely to come across it in games or manga.So, first question: Some japanese stuff online or in comics goes top to bottom. But does the meaning of a word (just a word) ever get split between lines? So could a 'two kanji word' have one kanji on one line and the other on the next? Or a hiragana word that say contains 4 characters, could that get split up? Because I'm struggling to see where one word ends and another begins and I feel like that would help.
So I'm going to the rugby world cup this year (for the third time!), which is awesome, if not exactly japan related. I'm also playing Atelier Rorona Plus with the voices in Japanese, and it's fun to see what you pick up on, as I've always played with subs, despite having no idea what I'm listening too. I was thinking about all the games I've played in Japanese throughout my life, understanding almost nothing, and then right after while looking at rugby fixtures I noticed that the next world cup in 2019 - is in Japan. The two things stuck me like a thunderbolt and I said 'It's time to give this a whirl - you WILL be going in 2019' (I always go, plus my friends went to the soccer world cup there and loved it) 'so let's get this done.'
It gives me a full 4 years to get ready for an amazing holiday and trip-of-a-lifetime. During which, I can learn using textbooks and practise using games. The games will keep me motivated short-term, the trip longer term. Is that a valid reason for starting a language? A decent plan? I feel like it is.
So for the past three days I've been learning off the hiragana. Seems like a good way to start, and more importantly I'm having fun. I've got the first 30 down to where I can write them on demand. So, nearly there. And I'm trying to read some stuff too (not to understand, just to 'pronounce the hiragana.' Recognising them is harder, I feel like Davos from GoT. And I've noticed that a lot of 'fonts' show characters very, very differently, which is weird as hell. (Example, ki and sa, which seem to look completely different printed as they do drawn at first glance.)
So, first question: Some japanese stuff online or in comics goes top to bottom. But does the meaning of a word (just a word) ever get split between lines? So could a 'two kanji word' have one kanji on one line and the other on the next? Or a hiragana word that say contains 4 characters, could that get split up? Because I'm struggling to see where one word ends and another begins and I feel like that would help.
I stumbled onto a website that was awesome, only to find out it's the Tae Kim one and has been recommended multiple times. Genki also seems good. Those will be my two main resources for now. Both make it clear that Romaji is death. My plan is not to use it whatsoever, which is why I'm getting the hiragana down before I really start.
So, any other tips, advice, anything? Support, lol?
I am already doing this, that google translate scratchpad is such a great way to recognise and practice characters. I'm glad I found it almost immediately while looking things up. Is there any standalone site that does this kind of character recognition? Like a dictionary or thesaurus or something?
It's also massively frustrating to have to draw out a bunch of hiragana you know just to get the full meaning of a word you saw somewhere.
What about "ikimasu" and so on though? Which i always hear as "kimasu" like with a silent い, though I do hear faint one in there at times. Also "suki" is another one which sounds shorter ("skeedess" almost).
I think it's just a classic case of "that's just the way they are, don't think too hard about it and eventually it will be natural".
Yeah, I get the equal stress part, but to be honest it's hard to do that for me...I have to sometimes *think* the word over in my head to avoid doing that.
But so it depends on the word, that makes sense. Like my name written in katakana is タイラー (Tyler), I imagine in this case I'd probably go with the more blended "tie" like how I pronounce it in English rather than the "ta-ee" probably. Right?
there is intonation in Japanese, a common thing is the second syllable is more stressed than the first. Japanese people's mimic of an English person speaking Japanese usually includes a strong first syllable.
Regarding seperation of syllables, I find the general use being if the word is a single concept (as Zefah shows). Then there's also verbs vs nouns (行こう vs 以降. However, there's always the example of "hashi" (橋、箸、端
, and how they're all pronounced slightly differently, and they're all nouns and a single concept.
I'd say with any language it's best to not think about it, and focus more on mimicking native speakers when learning pronunciation. The more people you listen to, the more easy it is to find your voice.
Have any of you ever reached a point in which a part of your study routine doesn't feel useful anymore? I've been doing Remembering the Kanji reviews in Anki for years now but it's starting to feel like it's not doing much for me anymore. I'm familiar with the characters enough to the point where I don't have much difficulty in remembering them in vocabulary I learn, so writing a character after seeing an English word just doesn't seem to do much for me anymore. It's not a skill I really have to ever use.
Part of me feels a bit of guilt about cutting out part of my routine, as if it's from laziness or something. I guess I'll have to keep thinking about it -- it just really doesn't seem worth doing anymore (especially with the amount that I dread doing it).
Man, I'm really getting confused about verbs...
Found out that my resources are using inconsistent terminology...some use "U" and "Ru" verbs, while others use the apparently more correct "Godan" and "Ichidan" terms for them instead.
Beyond figuring that out I'm getting pretty overwhelmed looking at these massive conjugation charts.
On average, how many of the conjugations do you regularly use? I imagine a lot of the chart probably isn't used too much in everyday speech, correct?
I guess the i is a bit faster, but not fully devoiced. However, the "u" in "masu" is usually devoiced. Some people will pronounce it, but most of the time they will just say "mass".
The mere fact that you're thinking about it means you're aware (or trying to be aware) of it. It will click eventually, don't worry.
Let's not mix things up. You're talking about pitch accent, which is different from stress accent. Stress accent is what's found in English for instance, and results in this strong emphasis on or two syllables in every word. But it's best to think of the Japanese pitch accent as a 'height' accent, where one syllable is higher than the rest, but still as long as the others. So in your example, "hashi", there is no difference in pronunciation, in the sense that all the sounds are all formed exactly the same way with the same length, whether it's 橋、箸、or 端. What differs is the pitch. This is all hard to explain in writing sadly, but I can't stress enough the importance of differentiating betweend the English stress accent and the Japanese pitch accent.
The first time someone told me about pitch accent, I made tremendous progress. I used to have this horrible French accent (even though my pronunciation per se was good!), but once I became aware of pitch accent everything changed. And I suspect that change is even more radical for speakers of a stress-accent language like English.
(Now, if only there were rules for pitch accent that allowed you to guess every word's pitch accent...)
100% agreed. But it helps to put words onto concepts to help your ear notice things. Mimicking is the best form of practice, but it doesn't come as easily to everyone.