So I just found out that Bisnap got Bandage Girl and Super Meat Boy, one run after the other.
I just finished beating every boss with every character, plus boss rush (except for The Lost). I just need to complete all of the challenges for Platinum God, right?
Also COLLECT all of the items I'm afraid. Definitely do not start collecting until all are unlocked.
well im late
We are gettingmore transformations, can't wait for this expansion.8
Oh shit! Hope they're better than Lord of Flies but that sounds great.
I guess we should do a second OT for Afterbirth or?
Might be better to do that closer to release, but it's a good idea. I can't wait for all this stuff to be added, and I haven't even seen all that Rebirth has to offer, haha.
I don't think Lord of the Flies is bad, per se. I see it as a little bonus for happening to collect three fly items, not something you should be shaping your run towards.
It's just weird that it's actually quite a lot rarer than Guppy but way less significant. I guess flying is cool but at least in Rebirth I find flying really often without it.
Is it all that rare though? There are 12 fly items, and only 6 Guppy items, so you're much more likely to get Lord of the Flies than a Guppy transformation. I suppose they also come from a bigger pool of items though, whereas Guppy stuff is more likely to be in a Devil room so you might come across it sooner. I think I got Lord of the Flies in one of, if not my first playthroughs though, so that might have affected the way I think about it.
Did anyone else retroactively get a bunch of trophies on PS4 today? There's no update that I can find, but the trophy bug must have been fixed.
Did anyone else retroactively get a bunch of trophies on PS4 today? There's no update that I can find, but the trophy bug must have been fixed.
Afterbirth update 5, including some changes that may be made to The Lost and Ed's opinion of the character.
I still don't agree with his reasoning on The Lost especially since unlocks are tied to it, but some of the additions mentioned could make it slightly less of a nightmare. Though IMO just the Mantle would be the single best fix. Someone on Reddit suggested a spacebar use item that gives you the mantle effect for the room too, which could make it more deliberate I guess.
Just remove it completely. There is no redemption, burn it to the ground.
Has there been any update on when the next patch might hit? I want my goddamn platinum trophy.
The trophy bug is NOT fixed. I've been sitting here with real platinum god on my save file for like 2 months now and the 2 plat god trophies don't pop. I'm patiently waiting for this to be fixed.Yeah, I kinda understand what he means about wanting a super challenge for the super hardcore, but you can't lock content behind that and then expect completionists not to care about it. Even if his items are mostly boring (if good) other than Godhead. It would have to be equivalent to a self-imposed challenge with no real unlock to not bug people (even then I think it's a shitty challenge.)
Not sure what's left to patch? Trophy bugs seem to be fixed and occasionally seem to pop retroactively upon starting the game though I'm not exactly sure what's going on with that.
Even if his items are mostly boring (if good) other than Godhead.
The trophy bug is NOT fixed. I've been sitting here with real platinum god on my save file for like 2 months now and the 2 plat god trophies don't pop. I'm patiently waiting for this to be fixed.
Azazel is fuckin ridiculous
easy to get insane combos
actually kinda think he should be nerfed. already unlocked every char
If you manage to even come across it...
The trophy bug is NOT fixed. I've been sitting here with real platinum god on my save file for like 2 months now and the 2 plat god trophies don't pop. I'm patiently waiting for this to be fixed.
If you manage to even come across it...
Azazel is fuckin ridiculous
easy to get insane combos
actually kinda think he should be nerfed. already unlocked every char
I think its more cause you don't get angel precedent and its rare someone makes an angel run due to the amount of benefit you get from devil rooms (which not only give precedent but allow you to get damage items).
In Isaac, offense > defense, and angel rooms don't really give you that. I think if angel rooms gave you an item each time guaranteed and had a bigger pool, people might choose them more often.
Azazel is IMO the "easy" mode of the game. Instead of making an easy mode, they added this character. Given the fool card, he's basically given an extra item too from boss rush.
Angel rooms are just problematic all around. You can't really guarantee them, so you might be giving up your Devil Deal for absolutely nothing, let alone the fact that what's in them usually isn't as good as what's in the devil deal. It would be cool if there were some other way to influence which you get. I don't entirely mind Angel Rooms but they're not worth actively avoiding devil deals for no matter how you slice it.
Just making angel rooms better doesn't even really fix the problem, they're too bad AND too hard to get. They need a rethink at their core IMO. It should be a choice between two kinds of items that are different but not entirely worse, and I also wish Mega Satan weren't tied to them because he's a super awesome fight that's really hard to actually reliably get. And yeah you're right, even the best defensive items are usually a joke compared to the best offensive items. Isaac just plays better and usually safer with good offense over good defense (and that's good IMO).
Regarding Azazel's fool card, I wonder if that's intentional now that I think about it. This is usually how I burn my Fool card if I see something nice before I ditch it.
Since I'm on PC and didn't get a chance to exploit seed glitch I've been doing quick runs every now and then trying to get Godhead. Azazel, straight to the boss, all the way through Womb I, reset. Usually takes 15 mins or less per run.
I still don't have Plat God even though I must have logged 20 or so hours doing this, if not more. It's infuriating. I've seen so many rare items, I think I even got Sacred Heart twice.
Oh right I forgot about Steven. I guess I got super lucky, no problems getting him. There's actually quite a few nightmare items--secret room pool only items, Godhead, Steven, lvl 4 meat/bandage. I don't know about you all, but I had way more trouble finding secret-room only items than Angel Room items, other than using a seed for Godhead.
Though I still had not been able to legitimately complete Meat Boy/Bandage Girl either.