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The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| Pixel Heart Mother


Two guppy items in the Basement and then nothing... sigh :(

Almost killed Satan too, I had Smart Fly which is insanely powerful but with only one heart Satan is haaard, I got to third phase but couldn't manage it... after I died though in a second Smart Fly ate through 1/3 of Satan's hp damn.

Edit: Eden lol. My previous run was terrible and now A Pony and Robo-baby 2.0. Hmmm....

Does anybody else feel like sometimes you get one heart of damage instead of the usual half when it shouldn't be like this? I know that from
the womb onwards
every single damage is of one heart but sometimes in some of the first levels it seems like when I get hurt I lose a whole heart... I don't know for sure, it may be possible that's just me not tracking my hearts well enough.

I'm playing on hard by the way.

Yeah this happened to me several times. No idea.


Does anybody else feel like sometimes you get one heart of damage instead of the usual half when it shouldn't be like this? I know that from
the womb onwards
every single damage is of one heart but sometimes in some of the first levels it seems like when I get hurt I lose a whole heart... I don't know for sure, it may be possible that's just me not tracking my hearts well enough.

I'm playing on hard by the way.

Are the enemies different colored? Certain enemies get palette swaps with different attacks, speed, health or damage. If an enemy isn't normal colored, kill it fast and/or stay away from it until clearing the rest of the room, assume it's highly dangerous. I think Creep (the flashing blood/puke) is often a full heart of damage too.


Does anybody else feel like sometimes you get one heart of damage instead of the usual half when it shouldn't be like this? I know that from
the womb onwards
every single damage is of one heart but sometimes in some of the first levels it seems like when I get hurt I lose a whole heart... I don't know for sure, it may be possible that's just me not tracking my hearts well enough.

I'm playing on hard by the way.

I haven't played hard mode so im not entirely sure what the difference is but i know colored enemies deal 1 heart of damage

One more question; Without using guides is there a way to get information about an item? Should I be able to deduce what it's doing?
Not particularly. Some are very obvious. Some not so much and others not at all. Some items you won't even know it does anything until something else happens (like taking damage for example)

Played it, beat it on my third playthrough. I thought it was fun, but I was wondering how people kept playing the game for 80+ hours. Then I realized I just unlocked new final bosses, new regular bosses, new levels with new enemies and patterns, etc. Now I get it. A brilliant way to increase difficulty on a 'random' game like this.
The rabbit hole goes very deep in this game :)


Played it, beat it on my third playthrough. I thought it was fun, but I was wondering how people kept playing the game for 80+ hours. Then I realized I just unlocked new final bosses, new regular bosses, new levels with new enemies and patterns, etc. Now I get it. A brilliant way to increase difficulty on a 'random' game like this.

The game's really a masterpiece in increasing difficulty. Every single "final boss" really feels like a final boss and then...there's another one. And then there's a powered up version of them, too. And then...everything is terrible.


Thought about giving it a spin yesterday, just to see what the fuss was all about (never had played this before). Next time I looked at the clock I had been playing for almost 2 hours, died a lot of times but managed to reach the end, or at least, one of them! Amazing game. PS+ redeemed for the month.


Getting a lot of slowdowns in Vita version. This is not the kind of game I would expect that (the same happened with Spelunky so maybe I shouldn't be surprised).
I noticed the pool is fairly small and the room is MUCH more common now (in normal mode). I'm okay with that, I love lots of those items. But I'll never get Magdalene at this rate, always consuming my hearts.

I'm in the same boat! I keep using
devil deals
and I'm unable to unlock Maggie as a result!


Played it, beat it on my third playthrough. I thought it was fun, but I was wondering how people kept playing the game for 80+ hours. Then I realized I just unlocked new final bosses, new regular bosses, new levels with new enemies and patterns, etc. Now I get it. A brilliant way to increase difficulty on a 'random' game like this.

That would be because you haven't really "beaten it" yet. The second playthrough after completion involves new sections following beating Mom. Likewise there is still so much variety and content involved as you keep playing
I think that veterans and people that have watched a lot of let's plays don't realize what are and aren't spoilers.
the womb, satan, the chest, The cathedral,
almost every item are major spoilers. Also, unique rooms and transformations.


The Book of Belial is still my token of success in this game, managed to finish a
mon's heart
run with barely any health drops thanks to that baby and also went to the
boss rush

Does anybody know what the unlock is for beating all 7 sins (or if there is one)? I'm almost positive I've done it, but there was no trophy unlock for me.

Unlocked that last run, it's
the book of sins
like in the original as far as i remember.

Getting a lot of slowdowns in Vita version. This is not the kind of game I would expect that (the same happened with Spelunky so maybe I shouldn't be surprised).

There's an item that needs to be avoided at all cost on vita,
don't really remember the name but it leaves a trail of white goo constantly, the whole run will be ruined.
Otherwise there's some stuff i don't really get, i fought in the
boss rush room
and once it worked really bad, and i mean really bad, the run i just finished right now was flawless, maybe a few tiny drops here and there but i honestly didn't noticed it at all.

I think they should remove the guts of the dead mobs and tone down the trail effect or something, i just feel it saughters the framerate for no reasons.


I think that veterans and people that have watched a lot of let's plays don't realize what are and aren't spoilers.
the womb, satan, the chest, The cathedral,
almost every item are major spoilers. Also, unique rooms and transformations.

Calling those major spoilers is a bit much, it's not like knowing about an area irrevocably diminishes the experience. If things like that are spoilers in a thread about a remake, then the person needs to take it up on themselves rather than having the thread being 50% spoiler tagged less someone happen to find out that there is an item which causes you to piss on the floor.
Calling those major spoilers is a bit much, it's not like knowing about an area irrevocably diminishes the experience. If things like that are spoilers in a thread about a remake, then the person needs to take it up on themselves rather than having the thread being 50% spoiler tagged less someone happen to find out that there is an item which causes you to piss on the floor.

The point if this game is discovery. The game is structured in a manner that
the new floors that unlock are supposed to be surprises. The game gives you a credits sequence and then, when you play again, you are supposed to surprised the game didn't end where it did last time.
If your logic holds true, then we really don't need spoilers for anything. Nothing will really diminish the game that much if you know about it if you think
the womb or satan
aren't a major enough spoiler to warrant a tag.

You are ignoring the fact that rebirth is the best opportunity for someone new to the series to experience the game. The fact that this is a remake doesn't diminish that. It's free game on PS+; we'll have more new players than ever! People wonder into OTs all the time to get an idea of what a game is and the first thing a lot of people are seeing are major spoilers. It's unfortunate.

EDIT: The rules of the OT say I'm wrong. Though I disagree with OP on the rules, everyone seems to be following them on tagging new information only.


Some of the trophies don't work on PS4 :( unlocked 3 characters on one run and nothing.
Hopefully they'll automatically pop after a patch because I don't want to do everything again...


I'm glad you mentioned maggots (though not the same maggots I'm thinking of). An example...

Here is BoI flash:

Here is BoI Rebirth:

As for the new ambient effects, I find them about as variable in quality as the others. The flies and maggots caught my attention once or twice, and now they're white noise. The masses of bones and guts that fly out of everything are not amusing. The effect doesn't look good in the first place and ends up as visual white noise.

As I said, though, there is a wider variation in quality in the new art assets. For instance, the new God room looks wonderful. Some of the boss sprites are great. Some of the environmental sprites are great. Then other sprites look plain bad, like the new poop monsters or the new long legged spiders. I honestly sit there fighting the new poops and spiders and thinking "these sprites look terrible," and it pulls me out of the game a little.

Meanwhile, the flash version is uniformly good, clean, and delivers its aesthetic more consistently and effectively.

At the end of the day, I'm still playing the game more than I should, and enjoying it, but the art and music are disappointing to me, personally. I'm not speaking for anyone else, just myself.

If I had to use one word to describe some of the elements in Rebirth, I would say inconsistent.

Some of the art assets are just not up to the quality level you would expect. Maggots are the huge standout here, probably one of their first assets.

In the original it was
The Book of Sins
, I'm assuming it's the same here?

Yep. I unlocked That yesterday in the same manner of the original.


I think spoilers only make sense for new content (as stated in OP)--the original game has been dissected to death and discovery has always been a social aspect of the game. I won't deliberately post final bosses and stuff just to spoil stuff, but IMO people should be able to discuss old news like
devil rooms and moms' heart
and such freely when relevant to the content...otherwise basically every post is a spoiler and it's impossible to know what items or even enemies could be spoilers since the game's so random. Spoiler tagging too much will just cause people to start clicking everything and they might accidentally spoil new content thinking someone's talking about old crap.


If I had to use one word to describe some of the elements in Rebirth, I would say inconsistent.

Some of the art assets are just not up to the quality level you would expect. Maggots are the huge standout here, probably one of their first assets.

"Inconsistent" is a good word.


I have to get better at this game. I got 99 bombs, the Detonator AND had dads foot with speed and some damage upgrades. Only got to 3rd floor :(


I feel like I don't understand what anything does half the time I'm playing ; what are these ???? pills, why is there a giant womans leg stomping around randomly? why did a machine in the arcade kill me?

other than that and the lack of oomph from your bullets, it's enjoyable, I guess.

Maybe I'm a bit burnt out from rougelike's and randomly generated stuff like this


I have to get better at this game. I got 99 bombs, the Detonator AND had dads foot with speed and some damage upgrades. Only got to 3rd floor :(

The great thing is that as time goes on you'll get further with setups that are from from OP and you'll be amazed

There will also be times where you'll have an amzing setup and get one or 2 items that essentially change or nerf your set up and you'll probably die and you'll be devastated.

It's all ebb and flow haha

I 100% the original BOI and i was very well aware of what synergized well and what was worth picking up and what not but now with Rebirth I heavily question picking things up or popping random pills when i have a good run going in fear that it'll just turn everything on it's head and fuck everything up. I love it lol
I think spoilers only make sense for new content (as stated in OP)--the original game has been dissected to death and discovery has always been a social aspect of the game. I won't deliberately post final bosses and stuff just to spoil stuff, but IMO people should be able to discuss old news like
devil rooms and moms' heart
and such freely when relevant to the content...otherwise basically every post is a spoiler and it's impossible to know what items or even enemies could be spoilers since the game's so random. Spoiler tagging too much will just cause people to start clicking everything and they might accidentally spoil new content thinking someone's talking about old crap.

The problem is that people new to the game do not know what is or isn't an old item. I just saw someone reference
dad's foot
which would be a major spoiler to anyone that played the original and has an idea of
character within Isaac.

My complaint isn't my enjoyment being spoiled; it's that it seems somewhat counter to the purpose of the game and intent of the designer to allow so much to get spoiled.


I agree that it's slightly inconsistent but overall I'm very happy with the look of the game. Also I love the small detail on the ground or in the death animations. I'm a happy camper :)
I feel like I don't understand what anything does half the time I'm playing ; what are these ???? pills, why is there a giant womans leg stomping around randomly? why did a machine in the arcade kill me?

other than that and the lack of oomph from your bullets, it's enjoyable, I guess.

Maybe I'm a bit burnt out from rougelike's and randomly generated stuff like this

That's a big part of the game; trying to figure out what anything does. The discovery element should be a big form of engagement. If you don't enjoy it, you can wiki things. Be careful, though, because if the discovery part of the game starts click with you, you can't unring that bell.

Dying shouldn't be seen as a loss; instead, see it as an opportunity to learn (I know that sounds stupid). You die from a machine in the arcade? Now you know that machine can do that and you'll avoid killing yourself next time. Take a ???? pill and it does something bad? Now you know taking pills are a gamble.

Taking risks and seeing what happens is something this game does really well, as did spelunky. Also like spelunky, there are a lot of very well hidden secrets that people are racing to find.


I feel like I don't understand what anything does half the time I'm playing
For better or for worse, it's pretty much designed that way like a lot of roguelikes i suppose. The whole trial by error approach and what not

what are these ???? pills
They're pills that you haven't taken/discovered yet. The key thing here is that the color/effect of the pills are consistent throughout the entire run. So for example, you'll pick up a light blue pill for the first time and it's gonna say ???. But if you use it and it's a health up lets say, any light blue pills you find on that run will be health ups and it'll say so when you pick it up since you've already identified it.

why is there a giant womans leg stomping around randomly?
It's your mom. She kind of wants to kill you :*(

why did a machine in the arcade kill me?
Sounds like you might have used the blood bank too much. The blood bank allows you to take damage in exchange for money. It takes half a heart each time you hit it and you'll get money in return. If you do it with your last half heart, you'll die

other than that and the lack of oomph from your bullets, it's enjoyable, I guess.

Maybe I'm a bit burnt out from rougelike's and randomly generated stuff like this

You don't do much damage at the start but the whole idea is to find items and upgrades that give you more damage, faster shot speed, etc


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I deleted this after five minutes. I was playing a game as a fetus, shooting baby tears at piles of shit. It wasn't fun and it mystifies me that people would play this. I'm clearly missing something.
I deleted this after five minutes. I was playing a game as a fetus, shooting baby tears at piles of shit. It wasn't fun and it mystifies me that people would play this. I'm clearly missing something.

The game is a lot more complex and deep (mechanically, not emotionally) than you are willing to give it credit for. Keep playing and see if you can beat the boss. Then try to beat the boss again. Each time you play, the game will be very, very different.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I deleted this after five minutes. I was playing a game as a fetus, shooting baby tears at piles of shit. It wasn't fun and it mystifies me that people would play this. I'm clearly missing something.
Appreciation for rogue-likes and a sense of humor most likely. Thanks for sharing, and good riddance.


I don't like moms new voice. It doesn't sound as sadistic and menancing as the original .

There's clearly some decisions regarding sound and music that make me scratch my head a bit.

I don't remember what level it was but the music sounded like i was playing hotline miami
I deleted this after five minutes. I was playing a game as a fetus, shooting baby tears at piles of shit. It wasn't fun and it mystifies me that people would play this. I'm clearly missing something.

Yeh the imagery is pretty wild.

Its pretty sadistic but its almost just over the top enough to not take completely seriously and get offended by.
I don't like moms new voice. It doesn't sound as sadistic and menancing as the original .

There's clearly some decisions regarding sound and music that make me scratch my head a bit.

I don't remember what level it was but the music sounded like i was playing hotline miami

I love the new music; it's one of my favorite changes they've made. I didn't like the original music and would play with the music off or the sound muted, so I'm really happy with that change.

I liked the old Mom's voice better as well, but it's probably just my the extreme reverence I have for the original. I'm going to be playing this game so much, I'm sure I'll forget all about the old voice.


any suggestions?

v2.00 ps4 firmware would crash on rest mode, fine.

updated to v2.01.

isaac would hang on the initial loading screen now, weird. otherwise played perfect.

backed up my save then deleted it.

yay isaac boots now.

hit sync and got my save back, no problem, played all day yday.

woke up to play today, same endless loading, try the same trick, sync gives an error on both vita and ps4. restoring save from the cloud goes back to endless loading.

should i start a new save? idk what to do, i really wanna play isaac, but if the error just happens again.

i already tried deleting the whole game, redownloading. maybe the update changed saves slightly?? i don't know

cross-save is so jank btw, theres no way to see which version you have uploaded(?) so i'm just playing on ps4.


I deleted this after five minutes. I was playing a game as a fetus, shooting baby tears at piles of shit. It wasn't fun and it mystifies me that people would play this. I'm clearly missing something.

At least you spent a good amount of time developing an informed opinion.
It's an Edmund McMillen game. Zero chance of it not having blood, guts, wide creepy smiles and probably shit piss or barf, or in this case all 3.

Art style is definitely a matter of taste, but for what it is I think they really nailed it, has even more personality than the original.

I was thinking yesterday about how especially in the pixel art style with the nice cutscenes that Binding of Isaac really takes McMillen's art to another level.

His art is very iconic, to like epic design status.


I deleted this after five minutes. I was playing a game as a fetus, shooting baby tears at piles of shit. It wasn't fun and it mystifies me that people would play this. I'm clearly missing something.

You're missing out on the best rouge-like/ one of the best indie games made. Your loss.
I actually kinda like the MS Paint endings. There's a surprising amount of them, a lot of variety and it doesn't look so bad in motion. It's just neat seeing a new item in Rebirth unlock, Isaac use it in the cutscene and then trying to figure out what the fuck it does just from that.

I also completely fucked one of my best runs ever by picking up something I had never seen before which turned out to be
Cursed Charge Shot
while I had
Soy Milk
. Like, as soon as I saw the synergy I just...took a break.
any suggestions?

v2.00 ps4 firmware would crash on rest mode, fine.

updated to v2.01.

isaac would hang on the initial loading screen now, weird. otherwise played perfect.

backed up my save then deleted it.

yay isaac boots now.

hit sync and got my save back, no problem, played all day yday.

woke up to play today, same endless loading, try the same trick, sync gives an error on both vita and ps4. restoring save from the cloud goes back to endless loading.

should i start a new save? idk what to do, i really wanna play isaac, but if the error just happens again.

i already tried deleting the whole game, redownloading. maybe the update changed saves slightly?? i don't know

cross-save is so jank btw, theres no way to see which version you have uploaded(?) so i'm just playing on ps4.

I'm having the same problem. Tried to load my cross save, failed. Now the game won't load. Was working great yesterday!


If I had to use one word to describe some of the elements in Rebirth, I would say inconsistent.

Yep, agree. Mainly in terms of visuals and sound though, as the gameplay and content is uniformly better than the original. But even then you still have stuff like no description or even a name in the item collection, and a kind of unbalanced and over-sized starting pool of items. I'm also not sure how I feel about the huge XL rooms, someone a while back said they break up the pacing and I'm inclined to agree. Then again I think you can just bomb your way out if you don't want to do them so maybe I just need to acclimate better. The scrolling effect is balls though.

It almost feels like 2 steps forward and a small 1/2 step backwards. A little disappointing, but at the same time I don't think anyone is going to go back to the original much after playing this. The gameplay and and new content improvements are just too good.

What excites me is how good this is at release despite issues. The original BoI had so many fucking problems when it first released, and because of flash architecture it was hard for Ed and Florian to update the game. I'm really hoping Nicalis steps their game up and really pushes out good fixes and updates for it.


The new assets are a little bit jarring (so many pixels!) but being able to use two-stick mode with a dualshock 4 completely makes up for any graphical weirdness.

Got to Mom yesterday after only a few games, but got stomped.

Is it a bug that in the first room it doesn't actually tell you what buttons give you your item and bomb buttons? That's actually pretty important.
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