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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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This TMNT marathon just showed the episode with fucking Usagi Miyamoto and I am all types of hype

Can't believe how many people slept on 2003 TMNT. Prior to the Fast Forward season, it did everything right IMO.

Check out the russell terrier zord by the dude


I see you Slayven. Slipping in all your favorite communities/discussions into this thread to make your life easier.


Like I said, the suit itself is fine. I'm even cool with the sports bra outfit, which actually makes more sense than the Zero Suit.

It wasn't even that bad until Smash. But like... people ran with that shit. Ran so far away. They saw it and lost their goddamn minds.


And Metroid may have always had that on the fringes, but Samus was never all about that. And I feel like in the fans eyes, now she is.

'Cept other m shows that N dont think much of her either.


Both franchises bite each other all the time.

But you won't throw hands

I'm not about to fight a crazy guy like you.

Chances are you'll pull out some sort of morpher and start calling for dragonzords and shit. Then you'll probably run around me going "KYE YAAAAA"

So yeah, I'd be walking away from that.


People aint ever going to shut up about Dark Souls.


I mean, I get you like it, but no Zelda doesn't fucking need to play like it. No it's not a Metrodvania. No Pokemon should learn from it. No nintendo doesn't need to make a DS style game. No it shouldn't be on the list on MonHun style games. I'm not making any of that up. I've seen people make all those arguments on GAF.

Also, I've learn that contractions are my enemy when drunk. Like can't is the hardest thing like ever. I keep saying the opposite of what I want.


Can't believe how many people slept on 2003 TMNT. Prior to the Fast Forward season, it did everything right IMO.

I see you Slayven. Slipping in all your favorite communities/discussions into this thread to make your life easier.
Agent Bishop was that nigga. He was beating everybody.


I mean, I get you like it, but no Zelda doesn't fucking need to play like it. No it's not a Metrodvania. No Pokemon should learn from it. No nintendo doesn't need to make a DS style game. No it shouldn't be on the list on MonHun style games. I'm not making any of that up. I've seen people make all those arguments on GAF.

Also, I've learn that contractions are my enemy when drunk. Like can't is the hardest thing like ever. I keep saying the opposite of what I want.

I remember when I got so fed up about it, then that spoiler guy on gaming side spazzed out about me calling out Dark Souls fanatics.

Man, the thread where the guy wished that Zelda: Oracle of seasons a GAMEBOY game mind you, was more like Dark Souls.

At that point I threw my hands up in the air and just started visually blocking dark souls threads. I like the game too (I just started playing it a while back as a break from Doom) but not every single game needs to be like it.

It's OK to NOT be Dark Souls.


Gatdamn 47

Im drunk but not so drunk to not point this terrible math
Played the Dark Souls demo and found the controls janky. And noped out of it.

Same, except it was The Witcher (both of them) and I bought them.

Never fall for GAF hype. Especially when people are recommending things without knowing your personal tastes.


Roy, make like bad safe sex and pull out! You don't wanna deal with that cheating thread!


Played the Dark Souls demo and found the controls janky. And noped out of it.

they take some getting used to, but the controls work well for the way that game plays

I played the first game, die six times in the first hour. Noped out of the shit. The moment-to-moment gameplay wasn't riveting enough to justify continuing for me.

You're kind of supposed to die a lot. That's why there are actual game mechanics built around death instead of just "welp I guess you have to do this over". Six times in the first hour isn't that bad honestly.
You're kind of supposed to die a lot. That's why there are actual game mechanics built around death instead of just "welp I guess you have to do this over". Six times in the first hour isn't that bad honestly.

Which is cool and fine, but I'm not so starved for entertainment that I really need to go through that without any other hook.

It's a game for a specific kind of person who wants to spend their time in a specific way. Like folks that play Super Meat Boy or I Wanna Be the Guy.

BETTER PLAN: play something fun.



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
guys i swear

my roommate and former bro4lyfe is just inexcusably fucked up beyond redemption. i'm not pissed that he's turned into an ambitionless scumbag, that he ruined this girl's life, that he's a grown ass child, that he's an alcoholic

i'm pissed that he can't even be straight up about it lol

this guy was my entire support structure through rehab, military bullshit, family bullshit, etc. i'm like damn... this dude went from "now that you're out here, you can let me know when i'm fucking up" -> "am i really that fucked up?" ->"i can't deal with this ;_;"

i'm laughing but holy fuck i got catfished


Junior Member
I was literally reading that thread and came across that post;

NSFW and Mentally Scarring image from that thread

Like...why...would you do this?

And his post is just the cherry on top;


Sometimes I'm pretty much convinced BCT is full of regular people who happen to play video games and are sometimes shocked when they encounter the depths of the crazy shit nerds are willing to do. People on GAF are mystified by these reactions because the assumption is that a video game forum is supposed to be mainly populated by nerds who get up to crazy shit.

Like I said, the suit itself is fine. I'm even cool with the sports bra outfit, which actually makes more sense than the Zero Suit.

It wasn't even that bad until Smash. But like... people ran with that shit. Ran so far away. They saw it and lost their goddamn minds.


And Metroid may have always had that on the fringes, but Samus was never all about that. And I feel like in the fans eyes, now she is.

This is ultimately how I feel. Samus didn't become a heavily sexualized character UNTIL the Zero suit. Yeah you had her unlockable bikini art at the end of Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid Fusion, but from what I've seen virtually no fan art or sexualization of the character came out of that. Samus was still seen as an almost Boba Fett-like figure -- a mysterious badass embodied by the cool Power Suit. Ever since Zero Suit gave people a highly publicized "pin-up" model to aim for, I feel like the perception of the character changed completely. I'm not even sure that's Nintendo's fault, at least not up until the Other M stripper heels.
This is ultimately how I feel. Samus didn't become a heavily sexualized character UNTIL the Zero suit. Yeah you had her unlockable bikini art at the end of Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid Fusion, but from what I've seen virtually no fan art or sexualization of the character came out of that. Samus was still seen as an almost Boba Fett-like figure -- a mysterious badass embodied by the cool Power Suit. Ever since Zero Suit gave people a highly publicized "pin-up" model to aim for, I feel like the perception of the character changed completely. I'm not even sure that's Nintendo's fault, at least not up until the Other M stripper heels.

I'm not sure I'd really blame Nintendo so much horny fans. When you think about it, they're not really parading ZSS. For one, in all her games with both of them you still primarily play as suited up Samus for the vast majority, suited Samus is still how she's presented in most instances, and there is only a suited Samus amiibo. If you latch onto ZSS she'll seemed overexposed, but in reality, Samus in her suit is still what defined Samus as far as Nintendo is concerned
Anyone here have to deal with roomates from hell?
Ive had to deal with an insane, sloppy drunk with a physical handicap (his handicap was the reason he was drunk most of the time), a horrible roomate in university (dude would be up at 4 in the morning watching cartoons, high off shrooms), a drug addict who would steal my painkillers to get high, and an unemployed bum, whose months behind on rent, leaves dirty dishes everywhere, drinks my booze and eats my shit. Hes getting the boot though, I cant take his crap anymore.

DY_nasty said:
guys i swear

my roommate and former bro4lyfe is just inexcusably fucked up beyond redemption. i'm not pissed that he's turned into an ambitionless scumbag, that he ruined this girl's life, that he's a grown ass child, that he's an alcoholic

i'm pissed that he can't even be straight up about it lol

this guy was my entire support structure through rehab, military bullshit, family bullshit, etc. i'm like damn... this dude went from "now that you're out here, you can let me know when i'm fucking up" -> "am i really that fucked up?" ->"i can't deal with this ;_;"

i'm laughing but holy fuck i got catfished
Damn, thats almost like the dude shacking up at my place right now. He talks a great game about his plans for the future, but the reality is hes been unemployed for months, his girlfriend (who he knocked up) financially supports him, even pays some of the rent he owes my other roomate and I. Dude is a 26 year old manchild. I never looked up to dude at any point though, so the state of his affiars isnt wounding my soul or anything, it's just a major annoyance.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Anyone here have to deal with roomates from hell?
Ive had to deal with an insane, sloppy drunk with a physical handicap (his handicap was the reason he was drunk most of the time), a horrible roomate in university (dude would be up at 4 in the morning watching cartoons, high off shrooms), a drug addict who would steal my painkillers to get high, and an unemployed bum, whose months behind on rent, leaves dirty dishes everywhere, drinks my booze and eats my shit. Hes getting the boot though, I cant take his crap anymore.

Damn, thats almost like the dude shacking up at my place right now. He talks a great game about his plans for the future, but the reality is hes been unemployed for months, his girlfriend financially supports him, even pays some of the rent he owes my other roomate and I. Dude is a 26 year old manchild.
I've never had trouble with roommates before now. The only reason I'm being all gingerly about this one is because he was my best friend through the toughest period of my life. Otherwise I'd have him back at his mom's house - his mom thanking me for my patience and shit...

Any other time... man, I'll happily eat on nothing but bread and water if it means I won't be dealing with trifling bullshit. I'm confrontational as hell - no way in fuck I'm going to be the most uncomfortable person in a situation where no one can leave. I'mnotstuckinherewithyouyou'restuckinherewithme.gif

Just not an area where I've learned to give ground. There are times for compromise and education and understanding... then there's times where you just have to be the asshole because it may as well be you.


Roommates are terrible. I lived with two girls (Which was disgusting, btw. Girls are icky as shit.) One threw a fit all the time because she was super spoiled and didn't know how to live without her parents. The other ended up being straight up crazy and stole about $3000 worth of my stuff while I was in Italy because I didn't want to bang her/take her with me. Then she kept trying to cause problems between me and the other roommate, so the other one moved out. Then I was stuck with this girl who stole my shit for another week before she bailed and made sure to cancel the heat and cable before she went without telling me.

Never again will I have roommates. Never mind the big shit like that, it's the little shit that is more annoying. Like who ate whose food, who didn't do the dishes, who left their clothes in the dryer, who didn't clean up the kitchen, who left lights on, who had shithead friends over without asking or telling anyone.


BETTER PLAN: play something fun.

Git gud at the good game. I'm sorry you are sorry you are so casual

You know I'm kidding right

Dark souls is fun, you just gotta git gud. Thats not even a condescending statement, that game's fun level increases exponentially if you git gud at that game.
this guy was my entire support structure through rehab, military bullshit, family bullshit, etc. i'm like damn... this dude went from "now that you're out here, you can let me know when i'm fucking up" -> "am i really that fucked up?" ->"i can't deal with this ;_;"

what exactly happened to him to change him into this. seems like such a drastic change.

this is kinda interesting after seeing top five last night

i feel he's always talking about his girls in interviews, hope the split goes alright for the family

Sou Da

Git gud at the good game. I'm sorry you are sorry you are so casual

You know I'm kidding right

Dark souls is fun, you just gotta git gud. Thats not even a condescending statement, that game's fun level increases exponentially if you git gud at that game.

What do I have to do to make a Sonic game fun?
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