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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Totally. Being obese comes with a lazy, unhealthy stigma that no one wants to associate with, no matter how untrue those thoughts are. Obese people have a hard time finding work and get teased/stared at like circus freaks. Ain't right.

This weekend, I have been spending waaaay too much money getting ready for the annual Super Bowl party at my house. The family comes over. Aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. come to the house to watch the Super Bowl. I buy all the meat, make the BBQ, decorate, etc. It's a pretty cool event that I love putting on for my fam, but it is a lot of work and money. Friday will be prepping meat, Saturday smoking brisket, Sunday morning getting the ribs going. Today is the house cleaning day. Thank goodness tax refund season is just around the corner.

You buy all the shit? You better tell somebody to bring some drinks, hotdogs, or something!


keep your strippers out of my American football
You buy all the shit? You better tell somebody to bring some drinks, hotdogs, or something!

I buy and cook the meat, some sodas and bottled water. Everyone else brings the sides. I buy themed plates, napkins, trinkets for the kids, table cloths, etc. That is the shit that adds up. But it's a good time for everyone and the family only gets together like that 4 times a year, so it's cool. My mom will sometimes slip me some cash to help out. It's important to show some of the younger people in the fam that you can have a good time without getting drunk/high and family is important. Too many of them have gone in the wrong direction, so this is kind of an intervention as well.
That Sarkeesian kickstarter thread on gaming-side is amazing. So many bitter posters who didn't contribute a dime that are getting heated over someone getting so much money to put towards fighting for equal representation in gaming.


That Sarkeesian kickstarter thread on gaming-side is amazing. So many bitter posters who didn't contribute a dime that are getting heated over someone getting so much money to put towards fighting for equal representation in gaming.
At least in this case we can say that it's not only about feminism and is because a bunch of people on this site are simply jealous of anyone who makes more money than them.
Anita ain't shit though. You are right I'm glad that they criticizing her. There are ways to do the right thing and ways to do it the wrong way. Glad we on the same page.


At least in this case we can say that it's not only about feminism and is because a bunch of people on this site are simply jealous of anyone who makes more money than them.

The double whammy. She didn't make a lot of money off the Kickstarter though. 70k salary across three years split up by multiple people ain't shit. Definitely not enough to deal what she goes through.

lol at the people that question her resolve. Niggas calling in bomb threats to places where she's going to speak and some people blame her for cancelling. What kind of world...I remember a week or so ago I was arguing that GGers are fuckboys but I would stop short of calling their antics terrorism. I had completely forgotten about the bomb threat.


Totally. Being obese comes with a lazy, unhealthy stigma that no one wants to associate with, no matter how untrue those thoughts are. Obese people have a hard time finding work and get teased/stared at like circus freaks. Ain't right.

I won't argue obese people have it rough in society, but this falls under Natural's Law misuse. We should not be comparing physical problems to skin color and sexuality since...now brace yourself...these aren't physical problems! Grouping them together gives the impression that being a different skin color or sexuality than white/heterosexual is a negative thing like how being in shape is better than being too thin/too over weight, and we know that's not true.


The thing many posters in that fat shaming thread fail to recognize is that obesity is an extremely complex issue. They are placing the onus completely on the individual without realizing that it's a societal issue. Socioeconomics, politics, capitalism and environment all factors into the obesity epidemic. If we all acknowledged that we would be less prone to fat shaming people on an individual basis. Not to mention that fat shaming people can create depression and eating disorders.


As an ectomorph, who for the record is not slammable, I scoff at fat people problems. Decrease your caloric intake and walk around the block twice a day. Meanwhile, I'm out her chugging 3,000+ calories again searching for dem gains. My strength is on point and I can and will hem someone up for the right occasion for *peaceful brand edit* Motherfuckers crying about it's so hard to be obsese. 'Scust at those tears.

I'm so fucked up it's not even funny. Got off work at 1:30 and couldn't make to church because I overslept.

What's a good full game that's not GTA or Infamous that's long and worth my bread on PSN?

Am I the only one salivating at using chromecast to stream the Superbowl?

Are there any states where it's legal to carry swords? If people can carry concealed guns then let me rock a katana just in case a vigilante wants to try me.

Deliver Deliver Deliver


Anita ain't shit though. You are right I'm glad that they criticizing her. There are ways to do the right thing and ways to do it the wrong way. Glad we on the same page.

The only criticism Anita deserves at this point is that she's taking her sweet ass time getting these videos out. However, you can counter that criticism with 2 points:

1) She never proposed a timeline.
2) She hasn't given anyone any indication to believe she's not going to release all the promised videos. It's just taking a long time.

Other than that...nah, I can't side with this "Anita ain't shit" train. I think she's doing good work, and that doesn't change because some socially maladjusted gamer somewhere in YouTube Land took issue with one of the examples in her videos.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Thanks for the replies in regards to my question about the relation between us and fighting games.

What's a good full game that's not GTA or Infamous that's long and worth my bread on PSN?

Are there any states where it's legal to carry swords? If people can carry concealed guns then let me rock a katana just in case a vigilante wants to try me.

1) SMT Nocturne

2) Doubt it


i don't see whats wrong. the greeks came and took over the line of pharoahs and the europeans worship that era like its their birthday.

Post from Facebook. I hope it's a shop. Supposed to be a text book. I'll let you guess what is wrong.[/QUOTE]

it is wrong, that 3rd kid is too dark to have the money for all those clothes unless he stole them or الأسود الجديد /new atra
Are there any states where it's legal to carry swords? If people can carry concealed guns then let me rock a katana just in case a vigilante wants to try me.

Utah supposedly has open carry of swords, but the cops killed a brother cosplaying as some anime guy with a sword not too long ago.
ayyyye are they actually gonna fuck in sonic cosplay outfits? in a gazebo? whoa.

we need a vice documentary. my dudes spindashing, spinluck, viewtiful jc etc. gotta eat.
Totally. Being obese comes with a lazy, unhealthy stigma that no one wants to associate with, no matter how untrue those thoughts are. Obese people have a hard time finding work and get teased/stared at like circus freaks. Ain't right.

Yea I disagree.

As for being seen as lazy...welcome to how America views blacks. We have some great seating. Let me take your resume while we're at it.
First I see GAF actually arguing what is/isn't canon in Sonic Boom, then this shit.

*sigh* Back to video games for me.
We are not going to skip over how you know about this

Same reason why anyone on GAF who posts in Sonic threads (but not in SonicGAF) knows this shit: they actively look for it.
why the fuck do i keep watching Durarara!! and this 2nd season that just started is..i dunno only can see 2 eps b/c i'm not paying for Crunchyroll (who now has manga apparently)
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