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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Young Magus

Junior Member
Hey bish how many amigas would I have to give you to be able to use something like this during BHM


this is a funny idea for an avatar


  • Episode #20: It Was Suge Knight All Along
DY, Moris, Angelus and Slayven talk Bill Cosby, Azelia Banks, Iggy Azalea, Suge Knight's newest murder, TV shows, police and DY's time in Hawaii..

Click To Stream. Right Click To Save

Thanks for the podcast. Will download when I have the time.


Survivor's Remorse is so far ahead of The Game it's not even fair.

Just seen the third ep and I'm still laughing in spite of myself.
I finished reading AvX the other day and I enjoyed it. Namor getting the Phoenix literally beat out of him by Thor was a major highlight. I'm still thinking about it for some reason.

There were some interesting ideas in there but overall it was garbage. Also, Jason Aaron should be kept far away from the X-Men.


I finished reading AvX the other day and I enjoyed it. Namor getting the Phoenix literally beat out of him by Thor was a major highlight. I'm still thinking about it for some reason.

Spiderman talked no jutsued the phoenix out of Dumbass and Asshole.
Arrrgh, all the stupid shit that happened in that series is coming back to me. Phoenix Five heal the sick, feed the hungry and generally do good shit - "No! They're going to go evil!" Avengers keep attacking, beating up children. "We're totally the good guys... See! They're fighting back, they must be evil!"

Aaron is garbage.


Captain America did seem to be behaving irrationally at first, especially considering this was after Civil War, but he was called out on it in the story repeatedly, so I wasn't bothered by it that much, and he wasn't wrong that the Phoenix would eventually corrupt them - there was a precedent for that.
Captain America did seem to be behaving irrationally at first, especially considering this was after Civil War, but he was called out on it in the story repeatedly, so I wasn't bothered by it that much, and he wasn't wrong that the Phoenix would eventually corrupt them - there was a precedent for that.

There's also a precedent for it being totally benign (Rachel Grey/Actual Jean Grey). In fact, the last time they interacted with it, it was totally fine (New X-Men).

EDIT: I actually forgot about the Warsong/Endsong books but they also reinforce my point. When you attack the Phoenix do not be surprised if it wrecks your shit.


I've gone through similar stuff being mixed, but I was never really made to feel like an outcast. I've heard that as an infant people used to give my father a hard time because I was a white baby. And then later my skin darkened a bit and now people get confused because I have a generic white-sounding name but I look kinda Latino.

There's also a precedent for it being totally benign (Rachel Grey/Actual Jean Grey). In fact, the last time they interacted with it, it was totally fine (New X-Men).

EDIT: I actually forgot about the Warsong/Endsong books but they also reinforce my point. When you attack the Phoenix do not be surprised if it wrecks your shit.

Cap's behavior is really outlined by the fact that the Avengers hadn't really taken an interest in mutant affairs before then, which was also pointed out in the story multiple times. This story is basically about the growing pains of trying to better integrate the two factions of heroes and Cap took the most character damage.

I thought making Hope the reincarnated Iron Fist was pretty neat. They also gave Wanda a big opportunity to redeem herself. There was more good about it than bad for me.


I've gone through similar stuff being mixed, but I was never really made to feel like an outcast. I've heard that as an infant people used to give my father a hard time because I was a white baby. And then later my skin darkened a bit and now people get confused because I have a generic white-sounding name but I look kinda Latino.

I always assumed you sprung fourth fully formed when humanity's hate reached a situation point.

Like JC appeared the first time someone said "Man, fuck that nigga".
I've gone through similar stuff being mixed, but I was never really made to feel like an outcast. I've heard that as an infant people used to give my father a hard time because I was a white baby. And then later my skin darkened a bit and now people get confused because I have a generic white-sounding name but I look kinda Latino.

Cap's behavior is really outlined by the fact that the Avengers hadn't really taken an interest in mutant affairs before then, which was also pointed out in the story multiple times. This story is basically about the growing pains of trying to better integrate the two factions of heroes and Cap took the most character damage.

I thought making Hope the reincarnated Iron Fist was pretty neat. They also gave Wanda a big opportunity to redeem herself. There was more good about it than bad for me.

Fair enough. Got to disagree about the bolded though, Wanda literally did nothing to redeem her actions and was forgiven at the drop of a hat. Contrast how they treat Wanda with how they treat Cyclops and it's amazing how often they tell her "it wasn't your fault" and him "you're a total monster who is 110% to blame for everything that has happened". Like Civil War, I think there's a good idea in there but the execution is way off. In fact, the two stories are really similar. (It is amusing to watch Cap basically become Civil War Iron Man though).


Fair enough. Got to disagree about the bolded though, Wanda literally did nothing to redeem her actions and was forgiven at the drop of a hat. Contrast how they treat Wanda with how they treat Cyclops and it's amazing how often they tell her "it wasn't your fault" and him "you're a total monster who is 110% to blame for everything that has happened". Like Civil War, I think there's a good idea in there but the execution is way off. In fact, the two stories are really similar. (It is amusing to watch Cap basically become Civil War Iron Man though).

She co-casted a spell with Hope to restore the mutant population and expel the Phoenix. I thought that was pretty big.

One thing I did have a small problem with was how Cyclops and the other Phoenixes completely forgot to do what he kept insisting Hope was supposed to do. I'm OK with chalking that up as evidence that the Phoenix was a corrupting influence from jump because they went straight into "lets show the world what mutant leadership looks like" mode instead of trying to find a way to let it do what it came to do - restore the mutants.

Best part was Cap whopping Gambit's monkey ass. Stomped a mud hole in him and walked it dry.

I enjoyed that. I enjoyed Spider-Man disciplining Hope in K'un Lun and then taking that ass-whooping from Magik and Colossus just to drive his point home about great power and responsibility. I did not enjoy Black Panther and Storm fighting and breaking up. I really liked the idea of them as a couple. I was annoyed that She-Hulk did nothing except appear in the background a few times.
She co-casted a spell with Hope to restore the mutant population and expel the Phoenix. I thought that was pretty big.

One thing I did have a small problem with was how Cyclops and the other Phoenixes completely forgot to do what he kept insisting Hope was supposed to do. I'm OK with chalking that up as evidence that the Phoenix was a corrupting influence from jump because they went straight into "lets show the world what mutant leadership looks like" mode instead of trying to find a way to let it do what it came to do - restore the mutants.

I enjoyed that. I enjoyed Spider-Man disciplining Hope in K'un Lun and then taking that ass-whooping from Magik and Colossus just to drive his point home about great power and responsibility. I did not enjoy Black Panther and Storm fighting and breaking up. I really liked the idea of them as a couple.

Yeah, I called bullshit on that one. Especially as it makes her just as big of a potential problem as the Phoenix and nobody even thought of attacking her. Hell, thinking about it, it just annoys me further. Total deus ex machina to have her involved at all. If anything, it should have been Cable who helped Hope do that. Inserting the Scarlet Witch and even Spider-Man into her training detracts from all the real training she got from Cable and Cyclops.

Them not trying to bring back mutants was (in my opinion (though I think there's some word of god on this)) because in their fractured state they weren't able to. That said, it could also have been that they were trying to improve the world first but again, that's just an opinion.

Spider-Man was great in the series, the only Avenger who came out clean from the whole affair. BP and Storm was never a couple I cared about but that break-up was stupid as fuck.

Best part was Cap whopping Gambit's monkey ass. Stomped a mud hole in him and walked it dry.

That was beyond stupid, but then, all hero vs hero fights are stupid.

Spiderman taught Hope more in 5 minutes than Cable did in 16 years and lords knows how many timezones.

That was also dumb, the Spider-Man and the X-Men book reminds me of that scene actually.


Yeah, I called bullshit on that one. Especially as it makes her just as big of a potential problem as the Phoenix and nobody even thought of attacking her. Hell, thinking about it, it just annoys me further. Total deus ex machina to have her involved at all. If anything, it should have been Cable who helped Hope do that. Inserting the Scarlet Witch and even Spider-Man into her training detracts from all the real training she got from Cable and Cyclops.

Them not trying to bring back mutants was (in my opinion (though I think there's some word of god on this)) because in their fractured state they weren't able to. That said, it could also have been that they were trying to improve the world first but again, that's just an opinion.

Spider-Man was great in the series, the only Avenger who came out clean from the whole affair. BP and Storm was never a couple I cared about but that break-up was stupid as fuck.

I thought the whole Yin/Yang thing was backed up by the juxtaposition of Spidey and Wanda's training at the end versus Cable and Cyclops' training in the beginning. Cable and Cyke were more about the physical while Wanda and Spidey were more about the philosophical. They were complementary. That's why I thought the Iron Fist connection was so clever. She needed the best of both to do the big thing.
I thought the whole Yin/Yang thing backed up by the juxtaposition of Spidey and Wanda's training at the end versus Cable and Cyclops' training in the beginning. Cable and Cyke were more about the physical while Wanda and Spidey were more about the philosophical. They were complementary. That's why I thought the Iron Fist connection was so clever. She needed the best of both to do the big thing.

I could see that, if it was anyone but Wanda and if it wasn't presented in a way that made it seem like this is what she needed, not that. Also, Cyclops ignoring the spiritual when dealing with the Phoenix? I'm not buying that for a second. The only person more experienced with the Phoenix was part of his inner circle.

I'm thinking back on this and I can't actually understand why Wanda got involved with the Avengers on this one. Doesn't she enter the story to save them when their kidnap attempt goes wrong?


It starts with Wanda foiling an assassination of an AIM scientist by MODOK. Carol and Jessica show up to help, then invite her back to the mansion. That's how she enters the story.

And I wouldn't say Cyclops was ignoring the spiritual necessarily, just that he was way more focused on teaching her how to take an ass kicking and yelling at her.
What training did Cyke give to Hope? Dude 'training' was basically yelling at her everyday screaming about "You're the savior! You need to be ready!!" When she said she didn't want to do it, he basically said "too bad, you have to! Grow up!"

Cyclops did more harm than good in helping Hope. Cable shouldn't have 'died'. The person best equipped to help Hope was Rachel and she was just a sideline story for some damn reason.


Junior Member
When your client starts talking about immigrants and how South Florida has changed since the Cubans took over?

I looked at my wrist with no watch on it, like, 'Woo, look at the time.'


This is relevant to that Rashida Jones post from earlier, I'm probably late.

Thanks for posting this. This part of the interview from Rashida really stood out for me:

“A year ago a taxi driver said to me, "That Jennifer Lopez is a beautiful woman. Thank God she left that disgusting black man, Puffy.” I said, “I’m black.” He tried to smooth it over. If you’re obviously black, white people watch their tongues, but with me they think they can say anything. When people don’t know “what” you are, you get your heart broken daily.”

Being "obviously black", the closest experiences I've had with this have been online. I couldn't imagine dealing with that in real life, especially from people you've let your guard down around.
It starts with Wanda foiling an assassination of an AIM scientist by MODOK. Carol and Jessica show up to help, then invite her back to the mansion. That's how she enters the story.

And I wouldn't say Cyclops was ignoring the spiritual necessarily, just that he was way more focused on teaching her how to take an ass kicking and yelling at her.

Ah yeah, forgot about that. Though still, she only declares a side at the kidnapping.

What training did Cyke give to Hope? Dude 'training' was basically yelling at her everyday screaming about "You're the savior! You need to be ready!!" When she said she didn't want to do it, he basically said "too bad, you have to! Grow up!"

Cyclops did more harm than good in helping Hope. Cable shouldn't have 'died'. The person best equipped to help Hope was Rachel and she was just a sideline story for some damn reason.

Yeah, that only happened in AvX as far as I recall. I think the X-Office hates Rachel, she gets sidelined in everything for Psylocke even though she's far more useful/powerful. I don't buy the Cyclops did more harm than good because outside of one scene in AvX, their only interactions are either Cyclops protecting her or trusting her to run a team solo. It's only after Sinister alerts them to the Phoenix that he amps up the training.

EDIT: Forgot that Hope was on the extinction team as well where he treated her like any other X-Man.

Sou Da

Every Marvel event about Heroes fighting Heroes is fucking stupid with a good moment here and there.

Secret Wars looks like it may break the cycle a bit by having the conflict itself being a lot more interesting than usual and having a lot of villains in the mix.


Speaking of living while mixed, it's always funny to me to see the reactions when I'm out with my Japanese grandma. People have no idea why this big ethnically ambiguous-looking dude is hanging out with a 4'11 Japanese woman. The confusion is priceless.
I come bearing gifts, fam!





Also, special bonus pic for anyone that wants to take it:


17 should give us just enough for most of BCT's frequenters to have something to use. If there's anything else you guys want av'd for BHM, just let me know.
Speaking of living while mixed, it's always funny to me to see the reactions when I'm out with my Japanese grandma. People have no idea why this big ethnically ambiguous-looking dude is hanging out with a 4'11 Japanese woman. The confusion is priceless.

tell me about it..... lol


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Im gonna stick with my black panther avatar. He is the pinnacle of black excellence after all.
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