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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Nope, youre not. You like what you like and you're not a fuckface.
thanks......wh...... who called me a fuckface. :p
She's attractive, but some people just ain't down with the thickness
ohh. i'm down with the thickness.
Man, Arrow is killing me. Like I suspension of disbelief gets increasingly hard with this show.

This mofo just recognized Roy talking about "think I wouldn't recognize you just because you run around with your little mask and red suit?"

...but you never recognize that Ollie is Green Arrow...BRUH! Who is writing this!?

On the flipside Rila Fukushima doesn't look alien on Arrow like she did on The Wolverine.
chest hair knows, he just gives no fucks.

at least it's not as bad as it was in season 1 when all ollie wore was some grease paint.


JC is suing Cash Money Records for 12 dollars and 27 cents and the rights to his mixtape, which they don't have anymore because they literally set it on fire.
JC the nigga that did this


JC is going to wind up as Jandro 2.0 if this keeps up.
That's fucking gold though.

Thanks but I've decided if it was meant to be then it would happen. I'm not going to ask him out.

That is some backwards logic.


Ubisoft Marketing
Man, Arrow is killing me. Like I suspension of disbelief gets increasingly hard with this show.

This mofo just recognized Roy talking about "think I wouldn't recognize you just because you run around with your little mask and red suit?"

...but you never recognize that Ollie is Green Arrow...BRUH! Who is writing this!?

On the flipside Rila Fukushima doesn't look alien on Arrow like she did on The Wolverine.

Why you still watching that weak ass show is the question...

What's sad is she actually is part of the majority here. That's one of the biggest misconceptions about our race as a whole. Plus it also helps people like her try to morally justify her ancestors actions. They "saved" us from the savage continent of Africa. We should be grateful, etc, etc,.

You leave Skee-Lo out of this! At least he had big dreams.
JC meek milled Skee lo and turned them dreams into nightmares


JC is the dude who ended up with Oran 'Juice' Jones' girl.

Thanks but I've decided if it was meant to be then it would happen. I'm not going to ask him out.

breh. this is how it works. you walk up looking cute. you ask him if he's single, gauge his reaction. proceed from there. If he's all dickish and cold, forget it. If he's blushing and says yes, go for it. Just get a number. Takes 20 seconds. You have 20 seconds. Time it right so you got time and you're alone.




bitch I'm taking calls.
This is the best comment on the blog post the article is referring to:
I’ve followed this journey of yours. I’ve read the comments about Jennifer.
I’ve kept quiet…until now.
I am, as you and many others would say “African Born” I am black.
I saved and worked and struggled. As all do.
I came to America for College, I stayed because I found a job I am extremely happy with. I also found love.
Before I moved I researched. I researched the history, the varied cultures, and the state I was moving to; Massachusetts. I no longer live in Massachusetts.
I am angry. I am sad. I am also sickened.
I am angry that you didn’t research where you were going. You have endless resources to do even the most basic reading about the places you are visiting. By doing this, you show that you care about our cultures. That you care enough to know that Africa is a Continent. That you don’t refer to Africa as one place. Africa is a Continent with various countries with deep and vast histories. Peoples of all “colors” and ethnicities.
I am sad that you did not prepare in any way-except to pack your suitcase. I am sad that you didn’t care enough to learn, again, even the basics of the areas and people you will encounter.
I am sickened, so very sickened that you see “Africa” as a “place” that is only filled with “slums.”
I am sickened, angry and sad that you were, as you wrote “disappointed” in Nairobi. And why? Because it isn’t a slum. Because it isn’t your picture of poor.
How dare you? How dare you express “disappointment” that Narobi isn’t a slum? I am nearly speechless. You are actually upset that Nairobi isn’t filled with “shacks” and “rivers of sewage.” That Nairobi has clean running water, that it has resturants. And stores. And people that can work. People that are living in homes… That are relatively safe.
How dare you?
If you are really here to spread the mesage of God. Why can you not spread that message to the people of Nairobi?
I’ve read some of the “reasoning” and it can be summed up by “it’s too hard…because the people are too well off and might not listen…the people are too well off”
Again: How dare you?
If you are truly here to spread the word of God, who and what the people you encounter would not matter.
After reading this, I can say with no doubt that the only reason you are here is to see “the poor brown skinned people.” So you can return to your home, your friends, your church…and say that you “helped the poor.” So you can feel good. So you can feel proud. So people will give you praise for “helping” the “poor brown-skinned people.” So you can tell others how you “survived” the “slums.”
If your message is so important, if bringing Him into the lives of others is paramount… It should never matter who or what the people are. How and where they live. It should not matter at all.
So I am sick. Revolted. By you by the very fact that you are ‘disappointed’ Nairobi isn’t “what you expected”…a slum.
Will you express disappointment if the slums you visit are actually eliminated one day?
I’ve seen people say “poverty tourism” and this post proves that. The only reason you have come is so you can walk amongst the poor. So that you can brag that you “helped” them.
You are here to say that you hope one day that the people you visited, the poor, one day are no longer poor…but that’s obviously not true. Since you are so disappointed by Narobi.
You aren’t here for the poor. You aren’t here for Him. You are here for yourself, so you can brag and boast and get “points” for “helping” the “poor brown skinned people.”
You sicken me.
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