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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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OG Loc

Feeling so f-ing frustrated. I like this guy who runs the 7-11 near my job, i see him about every morning. He looks like a mix of Indian and Chinese and he has a super sexy smile. Part of me wants to ask him out however i probably know im not his type, so it would be super super awkward to go back to that 7-11 if he turned me down. sigh would be so much easier being straight.

Shoot your shot, man. SHOOT YOUR SHOT. Your ass wouldn't be here if your pops didn't shoot his. You deserve to be happy and shit so go get that happiness nigga.

So what if he turns you down? The world won't end. You won't be forced to eat white people's unseasoned chicken. Sure, it'll hurt a bit, all rejection does, but you'll survive. You'll know for sure how dude feels AND you'll get some practice at approaching.

The worst that can happen is you'll probably just have to go somewhere else to get your 'rillos and Arizona drinks.


Ubisoft Marketing
Feeling so f-ing frustrated. I like this guy who runs the 7-11 near my job, i see him about every morning. He looks like a mix of Indian and Chinese and he has a super sexy smile. Part of me wants to ask him out however i probably know im not his type, so it would be super super awkward to go back to that 7-11 if he turned me down. sigh would be so much easier being straight.

Just ask him. As i found out at the start of the year, you never know how people could surprise you. I took a chance with a cute chick, and am in a much happier place right now.

Worst that happens, he says no, and you both be adults about it. Maybe it becomes something you both have a laugh over.

You won't know till you try.
Feeling so f-ing frustrated. I like this guy who runs the 7-11 near my job, i see him about every morning. He looks like a mix of Indian and Chinese and he has a super sexy smile. Part of me wants to ask him out however i probably know im not his type, so it would be super super awkward to go back to that 7-11 if he turned me down. sigh would be so much easier being straight.

shoot thine shot


Will drop pants for Sony.
I don't know if you knew this, but straight people get turned down too.

Yeah I know

To be fair, being straight probably means more options

Yeah it's the truth. I swear being gay is the worst thing that happened to me.

Side note found out my friend's wife is pregnant again. Despite being happy for him I very much resent him for having a life I want. I'm after a guy who would definitely reject me all the while my friend is building a family.
slayven's the type of dude that makes everyone uncomfortable when they start talking about what they'd do to some chick they find attractive

"man that girl is fine"
"i'd kill to get with someone like her"
"yeah i know right"
"i'd bob for apples in a vat of barkley's pineapple cum just to get a whiff of her squat rack"

To be fair, being straight probably means more options



Yeah I know

Yeah it's the truth. I swear being gay is the worst thing that happened to me.

Side note found out my friend's wife is pregnant again. Despite being happy for him I very much resent him for having a life I want. I'm after a guy who would definitely reject me all the while my friend is building a family.

Didn't you JUST go out on a date a few weeks ago?

For all your whining you seem to get more play than a lot of guys who have way more confidence than you claim to have.

Like, stop. This self hate ain't cute, sis.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Shoot your shot, man. SHOOT YOUR SHOT. Your ass wouldn't be here if your pops didn't shoot his. You deserve to be happy and shit so go get that happiness nigga.

So what if he turns you down? The world won't end. You won't be forced to eat white people's unseasoned chicken. Sure, it'll hurt a bit, all rejection does, but you'll survive. You'll know for sure how dude feels AND you'll get some practice at approaching.

The worst that can happen is you'll probably just have to go somewhere else to get your 'rillos and Arizona drinks.

Just ask him. As i found out at the start of the year, you never know how people could surprise you. I took a chance with a cute chick, and am in a much happier place right now.

Worst that happens, he says no, and you both be adults about it. Maybe it becomes something you both have a laugh over.

You won't know till you try.

shoot thine shot

Thanks but I've decided if it was meant to be then it would happen. I'm not going to ask him out.


people are being fucking mean in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit thread. :(

i think she's pretty. guess i'm wrong.

She's alright.

I wonder how long that thread will last now that the fat fetishes are crawling out of the woodwork.


Given how passive neojubei is in this thread he probably does take it lying down.

Like anything, you gotta grind for yours, man. We believe in you.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks but I've decided if it was meant to be then it would happen. I'm not going to ask him out.

I hope you end up taking the shot. I don't wanna push you any more, but I hope you do. It's worth taking.
Man, Arrow is killing me. Like I suspension of disbelief gets increasingly hard with this show.

This mofo just recognized Roy talking about "think I wouldn't recognize you just because you run around with your little mask and red suit?"

...but you never recognize that Ollie is Green Arrow...BRUH! Who is writing this!?

On the flipside Rila Fukushima doesn't look alien on Arrow like she did on The Wolverine.
Damn yall, JC is dead. Just let him be


Man, Arrow is killing me. Like I suspension of disbelief gets increasingly hard with this show.

This mofo just recognized Roy talking about "think I wouldn't recognize you just because you run around with your little mask and red suit?"

...but you never recognize that Ollie is Green Arrow...BRUH! Who is writing this!?

On the flipside Rila Fukushima doesn't look alien on Arrow like she did on The Wolverine.

Is it wrong that I thought she was Devon Aoki until you posted her name?
Missed a full day of this at work. JC replies went in.

While I'm on one, why in thee blue fuck did this blonde haired blue eyed woman filled full of angel feathers decide to do yoga at the weight rack? Here my black ass is trying to work out as this chick does all the wild poses. She went downward facing dog right in front of me yo, 'the fuck?!!

I looked at staff like I know you see this shit.

Been there. I see the gym as a safe-zone but when this shit happens...oof. Peripheral usage needs work.

Going to an allinclusive next week in DR, dude I was gonna go with tore his patellar and sold his ticket to some rando so I'm effectively solo. Should be reasonably nutty
Adequate Man delivers again: How To Not Get Shot To Death By A Police Officer

1. Don't Be Black

They say this works! The best way to not get shot to death by a police officer during a stop is to not get stopped at all, and a proven way to avoid getting stopped both on the road and on foot is to not be black. While you're at it, don't be brown, either.*

3. Don't Run

Running is good. Running comes with a multitude of health and social benefits. You generally get places faster than if you walk, and sometimes thanif you drive. If you run enough, you'll be stronger, and have more energy and stamina. You'll be physically more attractive to people you are trying to physically attract. Who knows? You may even live longer.

The thing is, for all its benefits, you need space to run to reap them, and so many people are forced to or else choose to run outside. This is a mistake, particularly if you choose to ignore the first rule of this handy guide.

Free hack: Since starting college, I've kept a pretty strict policy of only running indoors on a treadmill, or while engaged in a group activity like soccer or basketball. If you must run, do so in groups, in athletic gear, and preferably with people who follow the first rule of this guide. (Dress pants work, too, if accompanied by a matching blazer and/or shirt and tie.) If you're late, you're late, but at least no one will think you're running from something. Remember: Bullets move fast, but hypertension is a slow burn.

6. Be Polite

Now for the bad news. Even if you follow some or all of the steps to not being stopped by a police officer, a police officer still might stop you. A police officer might ask you where you are coming from, or where you are going, or what business has led you to this particular place at this particular time of day or night. At this point, being stopped by a police officer may be humiliating, or enraging, or worse, boring, and you may consider the police officer undeserving of your kindness or even respect. Regardless, though, this police officer has stopped you but has not yet shot you to death, and the objective now is to dissuade the police officer from doing so.

Say "sir" or "ma'am" or "officer" or "officers." Only speak when spoken to, and don't raise your voice. Basically, talk to a police officer as you would a friend's senile grandparent, if there was a chance said grandparent would shoot you to death. If you can muster some friendliness, be friendly. But more importantly, be submissive. Be short and sweet so that, maybe, you can get out of there.

8. Go With The Flow

There is the possibility that you follow some or all of the above rules, and the police officer still finds the motivation to physically engage or detain you. This will be terrifying. You will want to fight back, or run away. Do not do this. Police officers are highly trained fighters who often wear body armor and possess multiple weapons on their persons. More likely than not, these are all advantages that you don't have. The police officer, however, will assume that you are a highly trained fighter with body armor and multiple weapons on your person, and will treat you as such. If you try to bulk up, you may be shot to death. If you try to fight back, you may be shot to death. If you try to run away, you may be shot to death.

It's funny because it's true.


Her name is Alice Smith:


I've only discovered her this week, but she's actually been around for years (I'm ashamed. :( )

Anyway, this song has become one of my all-time favorite: Dream

The whole song is amazing (listen to it), but the last 1:30 is particularly divine.


She's only released 2 albums in the last decade, and apparently she's working on a new one now. I'm definitely checking for it. This woman is crazy talented.


It's funny because it's true.
I'm a middle aged white guy who wears golf shirts and khakis, and I still always remember that the person pulling me over has a firearm on their hip and societal approval to use it on me and make up a good story later. That may be because I've had more than my fair share of run-ins with the police, but it's good advice for everyone.

I got pulled over for speeding the other day by this adorable young lady police, but I kept my hands on the wheel until she asked for ID and I warned her before I opened my glove compartment to get my registration, and I called her officer and said yes ma'am and no ma'am.

Several of my experiences with the police involve mental health issues, and cops like crazy people just slightly more thanthey do black people, so I have a healthy fear of the police and would never call them on a loved one.


The hardest part of watching Empire is straining to suspend my disbelief enough that I can buy anyone, anywhere thinking Hakeem has talent.


Man, Arrow is killing me. Like I suspension of disbelief gets increasingly hard with this show.

This mofo just recognized Roy talking about "think I wouldn't recognize you just because you run around with your little mask and red suit?"

...but you never recognize that Ollie is Green Arrow...BRUH! Who is writing this!?
He explicitly told Laurel he didn't want to know who the Arrow was. He's on that Jim Gordon "I don't know who you are cuz I can't see anything without my glasses ;)" stuff.

On the flipside Rila Fukushima doesn't look alien on Arrow like she did on The Wolverine.
I was watching the show tonight and thought "I remembered her looking weirder".
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