Also agree with this as well.
I won't deny saying you can find beautiful women across the board from different ethnicities, but just in my lifetime, I've been more attracted to black/hispanic women more so than white/asian women.
At least the ones I've come across.
I think that the whys of attraction is interesting to talk about, but the phrasing of it as a "problem" kind of irked me. I probably took it the wrong way though.
Just to make sure I'm 100% clear, if someone said to me "I prefer dating men or women with dark brown skin tones over ones with lighter skin tones", that's not an issue IMO, because you've laid out a physical characteristic you prefer over another and it isn't attached to a social constructed label.
The "problem" occurs when people focus on the label/their idea of what the label represents and not the person. So take the person in the earlier example, but let's say this person said "I prefer dating black men or women because I prefer dark brown skin tones". And then this same person sees someone who is black, but of lighter skin tone than dark brown, and another person who is asian but of darker/brown skin tone. Is it still a genuine "preference" if this person then says "I prefer the black person over the asian one" despite the asian person having the physical preferences they like? Or, what if this person didn't know the woman with the darker/brown skin tones was asian, but then when they found out, this person became less attractive to them?