Since I'm in here, I'll ask this question which I've never discussed with black people before:
Do you feel there's an argument to be made that rap/basketball/football are racist against black people? Specifically, that their hugely disproportionate representation in the black community encourages more kids to go in to those fields?
Let me put this simply: my best friend is Indian. The most common view of Indians is that they are either 1) Doctors or 2) Convenience store clerks, and sure enough, my friend (and his Indian wife) are doctors. I don't think this is a coincidence: I think culture influences our choices and behaviors.
The difference is that being a doctor is a much, much better field to get in to than music or sports are. For every one black musician who makes it huge, or one black athlete who makes 20M/year for a sports team, there are thousands who never make it and contribute to the black poverty problem.
Is this a totally unreasonable viewpoint? Should we be actively downplaying the importance of these fields so as to steer black youth away from them?
No, you shouldn't try to steer them away. Just offer alternatives.
There is racism in sports and the music industry. Most of the execs and owners are rich white men, and Donald Sterling isn't an anomaly. (just check out how the Cavs owner acted when Lebron left)
Those industries are very, "entertain me, black people". Black bodies doing the work, putting themselves out there, while other guys make more money off their work and fans treat them more like commodities and icons than people.
And yes, the disproportionate amount has led to many in not just poorer communities, but even middle class communities that try to push their kids into sports. Less so music in middle class communities. A lot of forced window shopping via different media and real life can do that.
But in the end, when they get old enough, it's up to the individual.
As a group? Provide safer, more secure alternatives, then let them decide. Try to be convincing though.