|OT13| The Civil War was a labor dispute
Just posting this from the Asian thread because it took place in China. It's not the first time I experienced what I believed to be some kind of racism but it's the first time some thing like this ever depressed me slightly.
I am living in Beijing for a while and I'm only in my 2nd week. I was riding the subway today and I nodded and smiled to a woman across from me. I'm the type of guy that if we meet eyes, I acknowledge you, smile and nod. Man, woman, young or old. That's just what I do. She smiled back and said hello in English. I asked if she spoke English and simple conversation started.
She asked if I had wechat, it's their allowed social media, it's all the rage in Beijing! It's like miiverse but with AMAZING video chat. When I pull out my phone the guy sitting next me started saying something. By the looks of her face and her friend next to her I can tell it's no good. I just figured the guy was saying be careful of foreigners or something so I just smiled and tried to roll with it.
He keeps talking and talking and talking, then he begins to get just a little louder. I start looking around the train and everyone's faces are in shock. People are leaning over and looking at me with these... expressions, I don't know! I didn't even try to understand what he was saying but the way people were looking at me I just started to shrink inside. On the outside I was cool and just smiled, though I could feel the discomfort setting in.
Both ladies were trying to say something to get him to just stop and the embarrassment on their faces was clear. I felt so bad for them. My stop couldn't come soon enough. I looked over at one girl down the train just staring at me with the biggest eyes ever. I couldn't bare to look at anyone else.
I got up, I said "sorry" in mandarin and I got out of there. The two ladies got off the train as well and just waited for the next one to pass. They couldn't stay on that same car with the man. I don't know what he said but their faces man! I thought one of the ladies was going to cry. To make light of the situation I just smiled, laughed and told them it was ok and that things like that happen from time to time. They kept apologizing to me saying that "Chinese people aren't like that, they are very friendly" etc etc. I asked about what he said and they would not dare to repeat anything.
When I said good bye to the ladies I could feel my lips quiver trying to force a smile. I hope they couldn't see through my facade. I was worried that If they thought I felt bad they might have felt even worse.
Just in case you are wondering I am half black and half white. I identify myself as mostly black(what ever that means) as I only knew that side of my family and I'm very light skinned. I've dealt with all kinds of jacked up stuff before but this today was different. For what ever reason the whole situation just made me feel really bad and I don't even know why. I can only guess not being able to defend myself is a reason. Not to mention my imagination is running wild about what the man could have said! It's probably not as bad as I am assuming but the people's faces! I don't want anyone to ever look at me like that again.
Just last week a taxi wouldn't take me because he straight up said he was afraid of me. I thought it was the funniest thing ever and didn't think twice about it beyond wanting to tell a funny story to friends. This however, this was different.
If I can post a pic, maybe you can tell me if I look threatening, hahaha!
Still love Beijing though!
Kid is just a fan of Bish and is imitating his hero...Not even 12 year olds are safe from the consequences of looking at a white woman the wrong way.
That's crazy
If you break down "Regulators" Warren G is kind of a bitch. But Nate Dogg is the ultimate friend, save your life AND get you laid.
If you break down "Regulators" Warren G is kind of a bitch. But Nate Dogg is the ultimate friend, save your life AND get you laid.
I'm not exactly sure what it is about having guns pulled on you by multiple people so they can rob you makes him a bitch but the track definitely makes Nate Dogg out to be a modern day Doc Holiday for sure.
Bomani is hilarious..not sure how ESPN keeps him. He makes folks angry as hell.
lol..Warren G's folk for rolling alone. That is why I always ride with Jandra, nigga is always ready with the steel
I swear Bomani's gotta suffer from some sort of bipolar disorder.
One minute he's dropping real talk, the next he's being the corniest black man he can be
Nah..he's certainly no Smith..not even fucking close. Dude says "What about black on black crime" sarcastically, while Smith means it, and wants everyone to vote republican.I heard Stephen A Smith bit him on a full moon.
Nah..he's certainly no Smith..not even fucking close. Dude says "What about black on black crime" sarcastically, while Smith means it, and wants everyone to vote republican.
Warren G's fault for rolling alone. That is why I always ride with Jandra, nigga is always ready with the steel
1) lmao at that pic
2) How the fuck was Warren G supposed to know that the dudes playing dice were not only strapped up, but wouldn't even let him say "what's up" before busting them out?
well don't walk up on a bunch of dudes you don't know, in your new car, smelling like money, wanting to get in on their dice game. He was just being way too friendly.
Just posting this from the Asian thread because it took place in China. It's not the first time I experienced what I believed to be some kind of racism but it's the first time some thing like this ever depressed me slightly.
I am living in Beijing for a while and I'm only in my 2nd week. I was riding the subway today and I nodded and smiled to a woman across from me. I'm the type of guy that if we meet eyes, I acknowledge you, smile and nod. Man, woman, young or old. That's just what I do. She smiled back and said hello in English. I asked if she spoke English and simple conversation started.
She asked if I had wechat, it's their allowed social media, it's all the rage in Beijing! It's like miiverse but with AMAZING video chat. When I pull out my phone the guy sitting next me started saying something. By the looks of her face and her friend next to her I can tell it's no good. I just figured the guy was saying be careful of foreigners or something so I just smiled and tried to roll with it.
He keeps talking and talking and talking, then he begins to get just a little louder. I start looking around the train and everyone's faces are in shock. People are leaning over and looking at me with these... expressions, I don't know! I didn't even try to understand what he was saying but the way people were looking at me I just started to shrink inside. On the outside I was cool and just smiled, though I could feel the discomfort setting in.
Both ladies were trying to say something to get him to just stop and the embarrassment on their faces was clear. I felt so bad for them. My stop couldn't come soon enough. I looked over at one girl down the train just staring at me with the biggest eyes ever. I couldn't bare to look at anyone else.
I got up, I said "sorry" in mandarin and I got out of there. The two ladies got off the train as well and just waited for the next one to pass. They couldn't stay on that same car with the man. I don't know what he said but their faces man! I thought one of the ladies was going to cry. To make light of the situation I just smiled, laughed and told them it was ok and that things like that happen from time to time. They kept apologizing to me saying that "Chinese people aren't like that, they are very friendly" etc etc. I asked about what he said and they would not dare to repeat anything.
When I said good bye to the ladies I could feel my lips quiver trying to force a smile. I hope they couldn't see through my facade. I was worried that If they thought I felt bad they might have felt even worse.
Just in case you are wondering I am half black and half white. I identify myself as mostly black(what ever that means) as I only knew that side of my family and I'm very light skinned. I've dealt with all kinds of jacked up stuff before but this today was different. For what ever reason the whole situation just made me feel really bad and I don't even know why. I can only guess not being able to defend myself is a reason. Not to mention my imagination is running wild about what the man could have said! It's probably not as bad as I am assuming but the people's faces! I don't want anyone to ever look at me like that again.
Just last week a taxi wouldn't take me because he straight up said he was afraid of me. I thought it was the funniest thing ever and didn't think twice about it beyond wanting to tell a funny story to friends. This however, this was different.
If I can post a pic, maybe you can tell me if I look threatening, hahaha!
Still love Beijing though!
Warren G's fault for rolling alone. That is why I always ride with Jandra, nigga is always ready with the steel
Trying to get this guy to kick his stupid student in the dick or atleast beat him up in alley at night wearing a mask but it ain't working. Need help.
You're joking right. ?Trying to get this guy to kick his stupid student in the dick or atleast beat him up in alley at night wearing a mask but it ain't working. Need help.
What anime is thisTrying to get this guy to kick his stupid student in the dick or atleast beat him up in alley at night wearing a mask but it ain't working. Need help.
Students bullying teachers.Teachers can't do shit without risking careers.Kids need the fear of god put into them in the form of a beatdown or the teachers atleast manning up.You're joking right. ?
Why would you do that, are you cool giving us more context. ?
What anime is this
Trying to get this guy to kick his stupid student in the dick or atleast beat him up in alley at night wearing a mask but it ain't working. Need help.
Trying to get this guy to kick his stupid student in the dick or atleast beat him up in alley at night wearing a mask but it ain't working. Need help.
Trying to get this guy to kick his stupid student in the dick or atleast beat him up in alley at night wearing a mask but it ain't working. Need help.
I love me some of that girl.slip Slay a $20 and he'll tell you how his parents beat him back in the 1920's with a bag of tangerines and not show bruises
This week in of course they believe this
It's pretty bland if memory serves. Lots of stars in it, if that's your thing.anyone seen the film Black and White 1999? worth a watch?
It got a little crazy.Now this is the real nigga shit I signed up for
slip Slay a $20 and he'll tell you how his parents beat him back in the 1920's with a bag of tangerines and not show bruises
This week in of course they believe this
lol..You stupid.wearing that watermelon flesh looking dress to calm black people.Subliminal hypnosis lol
lol..You stupid.
Elon James White makes it really hard to want to listen to TWiB. He's too psychotic and shouts too much.
well don't walk up on a bunch of dudes you don't know, in your new car, smelling like money, wanting to get in on their dice game. He was just being way too friendly.
Brave Star was my shit back in the day, but you can't go back. Watched an episode a year or so ago and it was just awful! They were lookin for some guy at a space jazz concert or something, and the horse just got up on 2 legs and started walking. The connotation that this mother fucker could walk as a bipedal being but was forced to go on all fours for this space cowboy was to much for me at 2 am.
Anyway question time.
I was getting gas last night and when the attendant gave me my change he said "day one" to me. Now is that some type of variant on have a good day that I've never heard, or was this some illuminati/race war/born again thing?
LMAO good luck with your search!I just got a GAF ad that says "Find the Civil War enthusiast of your dreams!"
any of y'all watch this show The Good White, is it actually good or people just say it is